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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

Now why did u have to remove that threat you made to me. I was enjoying reading it my friend. I will still answer it even though u had removed it. I said what I said and I meant what I said. You so called liberal bunch are very amusing. You say what u have to say, but if some one else says something that you dont like then they are labeled every thing along with the threats like the one u had made to me. And have u ever been to Saudi, or Kuwait, or Emirates. Yes they at times do treat u like Chit, I have had experienced it my self. But guess what the worst treatments that I had gotten were not at a Saudi ariport, or a Kuwaiti one, or an Emirati one. But an American Ariport, and Karachi Ariport. The american ariport guy did what he had to because Iam a Muslim, and the Karachi one treated me like **** cause I am a Punjabi.

Now on your free and fair trial in our own country, seriously seriously seriously.

I do no think asking someone to " debate with civility unless he wants to be painted pink " counts as some sort of threat ...
What definition of " threat " do you have ? :azn: ... I just thought it wasn't needed and deleted the post ... Something wrong ?
This has nothing to do with being liberal or religious again ... I do not know why people making wild theories about this accident ... Yes , and many of my family members and friends live there so I can tell you what it is like which you accept yourself ...
What difference did it make ? If you agree to something , why try to paint an alternate picture to make the other person look bad ? :undecided: ... Ok so you accept the American guy's treatment " what he had to do , he did " ... We expect something along similar lines from Arabs just because we have " brotherly relations with their country " ... Clears it ? I am not sure about the Karachi one though ... You could have filed a complaint with their supervisor ... You were in your own country for God's sake !
Same here. I was named hidden Jew, Israeli, Armenian, Greek, Indian, Bharmin, Hindu and whatnot. People needs to recognise the importance of independent thought. It is not right to label anybody away from the (mainstream) thought as something perceived derogatory.

you are not exactly slow to name other people as militants, extremists and whatnot.....

but i think its important people spend time listening to each other a bit more before they start name calling etc, its a great sign of insecurity imo and very common on pdf, i dont say this to insult but just an observation.
Where does this Sunni and Shia thing comes into this thread ? For God's sake , that has nothing to do with this matter !

This is some thing which you, and some moderators failed to see.

Through the 9 pages of this thread, see who are the top posters.
and ask them who they are.

Now, do a search on all threads with keyword Saudi, and see who the top posters are ....

I will give you a hint it is a gang of 7 ( you know who ).

now, do a search on each one these user's name, and see what their general reply, and mood is.

you will get a very good idea, no one is innocent here.

nuff said !
I do no think asking someone to " debate with civility unless he wants to be painted pink " counts as some sort of threat ...
What definition of " threat " do you have ? :azn: ... I just thought it wasn't needed and deleted the post ... Something wrong ?
This has nothing to do with being liberal or religious again ... I do not know why people making wild theories about this accident ... Yes , and many of my family members and friends live there so I can tell you what it is like which you accept yourself ...
What difference did it make ? If you agree to something , why try to paint an alternate picture to make the other person look bad ? :undecided: ... Ok so you accept the American guy's treatment " what he had to do , he did " ... We expect something along similar lines from Arabs just because we have " brotherly relations with their country " ... Clears it ? I am not sure about the Karachi one though ... You could have filed a complaint with their supervisor ... You were in your own country for God's sake !

Woh woh woh, did I really step on something here. U asked to debate with civility unless I need a pink tag next to me name. So that to me is a threat. I was not disrespectful to him, pointed out a fact. I said what I had to say, like he did and u did. On the rest of it, I accept that there is **** every where and I didnt defend one over another, just told u where I had faced the worst of stuff. And abt filing a complain in the Karachi incident, you are seriously that naive.
This is some thing which you, and some moderators failed to see.

Through the 9 pages of this thread, see who are the top posters.
and ask them who they are.

Now, do a search on all threads with keyword Saudi, and see who the top posters are ....

I will give you a hint it is a gang of 7 ( you know who ).

now, do a search on each one these user's name, and see what their general reply, and mood is.

you will get a very good idea, no one is innocent here.

nuff said !

Let me tell you , what I see here ...

Pakistanis not agreeing with the Saudi guy's stance just because what happens with them / their relatives / friends in KSA ... Now , isn't it more simple ? What are our countrymen treated like in Arab countries is no secret ! Compare the discrimination shown to them with the respect given to Arabs here !

What if i replace the " Saudi guy " with a Yank here ? Will you see a change in comments ? :no:

I told you , this has nothing to do with sectarianism ... Your lot is quick to jump to a conclusion about someone being Shia/Sunni or Liberal/ Religious ... Must I ask you why ? :azn:
Let me tell you , what I see here ...

Pakistanis not agreeing with the Saudi guy's stance just because what happens with them / their relatives / friends in KSA ... Now , isn't it more simple ?

What if i replace the " Saudi guy " with a Yank here ? Will you see a change in comments ? :no:

I told you , this has nothing to do with sectarianism or being liberal/religious ... Your lot is quick to jump to a conclusion about someone being Shia/Sunni or Liberal/ Religious ... Must I ask you why ? :azn:

These were the same people that bashed me yesterday on a different thread calling me a terrorist and muderer for being wahabi.

What did the mods do after I pm'd two different mods?

Am I intolerant because I will not accept intolerance in Pakistan from any one.

Back to topic we must support our security services unless there is firm evidence that the response was disproportionate.
Woh woh woh, did I really step on something here. U asked to debate with civility unless I need a pink tag next to me name. So that to me is a threat. I was not disrespectful to him, pointed out a fact. I said what I had to say, like he did and u did. On the rest of it, I accept that there is **** every where and I didnt defend one over another, just told u where I had faced the worst of stuff. And abt filing a complain in the Karachi incident, you are seriously that naive.

Everyone has a right to say , what he wants to say maintaining a certain level of civility ... It is that simple !

Unfortunately , the tone and words used in your post weren't civil ... Saying that someone is " pathetic " , doesn't care just because its not his *** on fire " isn't remotely respectful ... You seem to have a twisted meaning of " threats and respect " !

I replied warning you about the consequences and then deleted my post thinking it wasn't needed ... I do not see what is the big deal here !

No , I am not naive ... You were in your country and that too in the biggest city of it , cm'on !
Its a simple case of an overprotective father..
The kid followed his older cousin through the checkpost.. he was sent back roughly by an ASF official.. daddy dear did not like it..
This led to that.. and what you see is what you get.
Thankfully(for now) this incident is being played down and handled through backchannels..
Because knowing the Saudis.. they could have overreacted and simply deported 10000 Pakistanis as reprisal.
Am I intolerant because I will not accept intolerance in Pakistan from any one.

Back to topic we must support our security services unless there is firm evidence that the response was disproportionate.

I agree with you, that we should stand behind our guy, but how do u know he is right or wrong. To me it dont work like that, to me they both got it wrong, but the security officials, as Amigos had mentioned as well, are trained to handle this in a better fashion. But they didnt. They could have done one million other things to fix this then going wwe on the guys.
Its a simple case of an overprotective father..
The kid followed his older cousin through the checkpost.. he was sent back roughly by an ASF official.. daddy dear did not like it..
This led to that.. and what you see is what you get.
Thankfully(for now) this incident is being played down and handled through backchannels..
Because knowing the Saudis.. they could have overreacted and simply deported 10000 Pakistanis as reprisal.

Can you do something about all this Wahabi bashing?

You guys don't allow any sect bashing, why bashing wahabi okay?

I pm'd you and agno both yesterday.
Everyone has a right to say , what he wants to say maintaining a certain level of civility ... It is that simple !

Unfortunately , the tone and words used in your post weren't civil ... Saying that someone is " pathetic " , doesn't care just because its not his *** on fire " isn't remotely respectful ... You seem to have a twisted meaning of " threats and respect " !

I replied warning you about the consequences and then deleted my post thinking it wasn't needed ... I do not see what is the big deal here !

No , I am not naive ... You were in your country and that too in the biggest city of it , cm'on !

I said it was pathetic because he cares not abt thousands of Pakistanis living in the ME but wants this thing to be blown out of proportion, so that the relations between Pakistan and Saudi can suffer. Tell me how will that play out for every one, how will that play out for us, our country. How many times does his beloved west comes and help us. HEck they cant even say that we are sorry for we have killed 25 of your guys. And yet you wan me to sugar cote me words for his feeling to not get hurt. No to me that was is and will always be a pathetic way of thinking.

Now on being in the biggest city of my own country, let me put it like this. This incident got the press cause he was a Saudi. Imagine if that had happened to a Pakistani. Enough said.
I think we need to show a bit of tolerance - one incident of this nature doesn't mean we should have a fest over sects etc - its more about cultural and upbringing in my opinion. Respect and be respected.
Not a very good incident for the relations with Saudis.

One should not beat up father and kids no matter what. Law should have taken its own course, but it seems many in pakistan want to take law in their hands. :tdown:

How can one beat some foreign officials that's insane.
I said it was pathetic because he cares not abt thousands of Pakistanis living in the ME but wants this thing to be blown out of proportion, so that the relations between Pakistan and Saudi can suffer. Tell me how will that play out for every one, how will that play out for us, our country. How many times does his beloved west comes and help us. HEck they cant even say that we are sorry for we have killed 25 of your guys. And yet you wan me to sugar cote me words for his feeling to not get hurt. No to me that was is and will always be a pathetic way of thinking.

Now on being in the biggest city of my own country, let me put it like this. This incident got the press cause he was a Saudi. Imagine if that had happened to a Pakistani. Enough said.

No , he cares because that is what happens with Pakistanis in ME on a regular basis in their day to day lives ! What is this accident going to change for them ? Trust me , things aren't blown out of proportions on the will of a person ... Seriously , relations between countries suffer due to small accidents ? Even if you didn't agree with his stance , there was no reason to be disrespectful to him and call him " pathetic " or whatever ... This is what being " tolerant to someone's opinions " means even if his opinion doesn't matches with your's or is completely different to your point of view ... Something everyone must learn !

We all agree the ASF's response wasn't professional but the other guy wasn't right either ... Isn't it rational now ?
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