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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport




Life was made hell was my friend who lived in Saudia for 5 years. Anyway'sleave it

Seriously be more vocal about it. Now you can sue anyone for just about anything. Teach them a lesson Saudi human rights organization have some pretty good lawyers and most likely they will take care of the costs themselves.
Seriously be more vocal about it. Now you can sue anyone for just about anything. Teach them a lesson Saudi human rights organization have some pretty good lawyers and most likely they will take care of the costs themselves.

Well now I am not in Saudia and well settled, so let it be!

I don't have anything against the Saudi people, am going for an Umrah this month as well, but sometimes the high-handedness of the officials makes me mad.

Seriously be more vocal about it. Now you can sue anyone for just about anything. Teach them a lesson Saudi human rights organization have some pretty good lawyers and most likely they will take care of the costs themselves.

Well now I am not in Saudia and well settled, so let it be!

I don't have anything against the Saudi people, am going for an Umrah this month as well, but sometimes the high-handedness of the officials makes me mad.
Well now I am not in Saudia and well settled, so let it be!

I don't have anything against the Saudi people, am going for an Umrah this month as well, but sometimes the high-handedness of the officials makes me mad.

Well now I am not in Saudia and well settled, so let it be!

I don't have anything against the Saudi people, am going for an Umrah this month as well, but sometimes the high-handedness of the officials makes me mad.

I live there let me know when you are coming will you??
The two most arrogant people on the face of this earth are Americans and Saudis... that's my personal experience based POV. He got his arrogance shewed up his as$... he should feel lucky that he was at ISB airport, I wonder what would've happened to him and his son if it was Peshawar Airport.

...and there are thousands diplomats/officials travel using ISB airport, and one wonders why only a Saudi was handpicked?
Seriously be more vocal about it. Now you can sue anyone for just about anything. Teach them a lesson Saudi human rights organization have some pretty good lawyers and most likely they will take care of the costs themselves.
Be vocal..?wtf are you talking about dude..?They will be deported or even prosecuted if they tried to sue saudis insulting/abusing them.
Oh you just shattered the validity of your theory across the wall mate. Sorry not buying your argument anymore.

Two for two - Maso, -- First you bust that poor Zarvan and now Swimmer, tsk, tsk - interesting the quality of persons you attract.
Its failure of Security Guard 1st for receiving the slap, 2nd beating the hell out of the offender.

Send him back to good training school if Pakistan has any. Such a street justice on international borders is not desirable. A non cooperating visitor can be over powered by summoning more help or detained. He wasn't going to fly with his hands but was going to aboard a plane; which is in Pakistan aviation authority's control.
We are mixing issues here. I've not been to Saudi, but I've heard from lots of people that Indians Pakistanis get racist treatment often. At the same time I've heard things have improved over the past 5 years. But thats a separate issue. In any case most saudis i know acknowledge the issue and if they find in their national interest they will fix it.

The issue here at the Islamabad airport has NO connection to the treatment of pakistanis in saudi. Its a simple thing, whoever is at fault should be punished and we must strengthen the rule of law in our countries as its in OUR interest.
WHAT THE HELL? ASF got mad ? these idiots are on air port for secure passengers or gang wars with our friends ? :angry: how many friends pakistan has now remains we can count on fingers and we are making mess with them too . i hope all of that group areested soon and send this matter to court also kick them from ASF .
I know right? :lol: However how are you any different seeing how both of you sit on The opposite sides of the same scale.

I suppose you have not been instructed that you know people by the quality of the friends they keep -- that's how we are different, it's clear to all, but ego prevents some from see through

Its failure of Security Guard 1st for receiving the slap, 2nd beating the hell out of the offender.

Send him back to good training school if Pakistan has any. Such a street justice on international borders is not desirable. A non cooperating visitor can be over powered by summoning more help or detained. He wasn't going to fly with his hands but was going to aboard a plane; which is in Pakistan aviation authority's control.

What part about the arab slapping the officer did you not get?? Does the officer not have the right to defend himself?
I suppose you have not been instructed that you know people by the quality of the friends they keep -- that's how we are different, it's clear to all, but ego prevents some from see through

What part about the arab slapping the officer did you not get?? Does the officer not have the right to defend himself?

Look who's talking. Do I even need to point your friends out?? And please if you know the slightest thing about me you would know that I tend not to keep "friends".
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