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Saudi nuclear weapons 'on order' from Pakistan

Ofcourse! You can't just go there and steal......you need to first gain their trust by working for them 'sincerely' for enough time.....that's what A.Q Khan did....

Stories created by you and your media..
Does Pakistan have nuclear weapons ready to ship to Saudi Arabia?
A new BBC report says they are packed and ready to go
Follow Julian Borger by emailBETA

Tagged for export to Saudi? A military truck transporting the Shaheen II missile during a military parade in Islamabad. Photograph: Aziz Haidari/Reuters
It has long been rumoured, and often reported, that in return for bankrolling the Pakistani nuclear weapons project, Saudi Arabia has a claim on some of those weapons in time of need. It has never been proved though, nor has it ever been clear how such a deal would work.

BBC Newsnight had a stab at those questions last night, in a report saying that Saudi Arabia could obtain nukes "at will" from Pakistan. Here are the key paragraphs:

Earlier this year, a senior Nato decision maker told me that he had seen intelligence reporting that nuclear weapons made in Pakistan on behalf of Saudi Arabia are now sitting ready for delivery.

Last month Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence, told a conference in Sweden that if Iran got the bomb, "the Saudis will not wait one month. They already paid for the bomb, they will go to Pakistan and bring what they need to bring."

The "Nato decision-maker" bit looks interesting but is somewhat undermined a bit later in the TV version by the revelation that the intelligence is thought to have originated in Israel.

The trouble is lots of intelligence reports originate in Israel and some are probably true, but the timing of this one, while talks on the Iranian nuclear programme are underway, is fairly convenient. The narrative of the nuclear cascade triggered by the Iranian programme is familiar. It is cited as the reason Iranian progress must be halted at all costs. It also serves as a deterrent to Iran.

Mark Fitzpatrick, who has followed this story through the years as a non-proliferation expert at the state department and now at the International Institute for Strategic Studies had this to say:

It is not a new story, of course, but Urban came up with some new data points: a Saudi belief that it could obtain nuclear weapons from Pakistan at any time, and reported intelligence that Pakistan has prepared nuclear weapons for delivery to Saudi Arabia. The first part is probably true: The Saudis helped to finance Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme and believe that they were given a promise that the weapons would be used to defend the Saudi kingdom if need be. The second part is probably false: I doubt that Pakistan is ready to send nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia. Pakistan's reputation suffered greatly the last time they assisted other countries with nuclear weapons technology (i.e., the sales by A.Q. Khan, with some governmental support or at least acquiescence, to North Korea, Iran and Libya). Pakistan knows that transferring nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia would also incur huge diplomatic and reputational costs. Also, Saudi Arabia has no need today for nuclear weapons. It can wait to see if Iran's program will be stopped through diplomatic means. That said, Saudi Arabia's foreign policy is undergoing some significant shifts, as evidenced by the decision not to accept the UN Security Council seat, so the situation has become more unpredictable. It is conceivable that Saudi Arabia planted some of the evidence for this story as a means of putting pressure on the United States to be firm in dealing with Iran.

David Albright, the head of the Institute for Science and International Security, broadly agrees. This was his comment:

Would Pakistan give them [nuclear weapons]? There would be real punishments for that and they would want to avoid those. For Saudi Arabia to take possession it would mean withdrawing from the NPT [nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty]. Any US military sales would have to stop. That could not be ignored. Only in a very dire situation in which Iran has a nuclear weapon and is being confrontational, could you imagine something like this.

This sounds about right to me. If the Saudis are constantly calibrating the costs and benefits of shipping in Pakistani nukes, I imagine they are still a long way from calling in their chit, and the Pakistanis likewise. But it serves both countries, as well as Israel, to have the story front and centre while US and Iran sit down in Geneva.

So, the above is the counter-point to the article that started this stupid thread. It clearly mentions that the origin of the article was from Israeli intelligence.

For all the idiots making much of this: Hore Choopo.

Here is the link:
Does Pakistan have nuclear weapons ready to ship to Saudi Arabia? | World news | theguardian.com
Pakistan SHOULD supply nukes to ALL muslim countries especially those surrounding Israel. Secretly or openly. By hooks or by crooks we must surround Israel....

Israel is the "parrot" that contains the soul of the beast of Dajjal (zionist-US-&-Co.). If ever Dajjal threatened Pakistan, we might not have military power to confront Dajjal, but we can threaten to make israel extinct. That would keep Dajjal at bay. Just like strangling the neck of parrot would kill the Jinn in Alif-Laila tales.

Dude, no one eyed physical person is ever gonna show up whom you are waiting for. You'll keep waiting till the end of time & still there won't be any such left-eyed physical person. Prophecies of Dajjal were symbolic & zionists who are pretty much in-charge of US constitute that Dajjal, whom bibles prophecises as the beast of 666.

Prophecies include a donkey with 60 feet between two of it's ears...!!! You think you'll ever see a donkey with it's ears 60 feet apart??? Never. It was metaphorical reference to fighter-jets that zionist-US used to attack Muslim countries.

Dajjal's voice would reach every person on earth.... metaphorical reference to zionist-controlled-MSM (main stream media). Dajjal means great deceiver. It deceives thru MSM. They tell you lies and you believe those lies as truth. Dajjal told you 911 was done by muslims, & u believed that lie. Dajjal told u osama was killed in Abbatabad, & u believed that lie. So on.

Dajjal's last expedition was to be Syria, as per predictions,,,, So there we have Dajjal active in Syria RIGHT NOW.... Dajjal (zionist-US-&-co.) just killed thousands of innocent babies/children in a chemical incidence. That's how EVIL they are. They told you it was Syrian government, & u believed that lie too.

Those who'll have faith in Dajjal will be happy,,, see our politicians/some military generals/certain media traitors... They are happy and rich. See general public, they are in misery because they are opposed to zionist-US. But Prophet told that those who are in Paradise of Dajjal would end in God's hell, and those in hell created by Dajjal will be in God's paradise...
Zionist American Christian (Black Jamaicans plus other Blacks, Whites, Spanish) are more Dangerous and Worse then Jews in Israil as they are the one who are killing, Bombing, Raping, pillaging Muslims, Arabs left and Right
They are our Real enemy not Jews in Israil as so many Jews in Israil do not even want to live in Zion State of Israil, Muslims real enemy are Zionist from America especially! If We give a real threat to this entities then we really bring PEACE to Middle East and pave the way to Imam Mahdi, InshAllah and Ameen
Does Pakistan have nuclear weapons ready to ship to Saudi Arabia?
A new BBC report says they are packed and ready to go
Follow Julian Borger by emailBETA

Tagged for export to Saudi? A military truck transporting the Shaheen II missile during a military parade in Islamabad. Photograph: Aziz Haidari/Reuters
It has long been rumoured, and often reported, that in return for bankrolling the Pakistani nuclear weapons project, Saudi Arabia has a claim on some of those weapons in time of need. It has never been proved though, nor has it ever been clear how such a deal would work.

BBC Newsnight had a stab at those questions last night, in a report saying that Saudi Arabia could obtain nukes "at will" from Pakistan. Here are the key paragraphs:

Earlier this year, a senior Nato decision maker told me that he had seen intelligence reporting that nuclear weapons made in Pakistan on behalf of Saudi Arabia are now sitting ready for delivery.

Last month Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence, told a conference in Sweden that if Iran got the bomb, "the Saudis will not wait one month. They already paid for the bomb, they will go to Pakistan and bring what they need to bring."

The "Nato decision-maker" bit looks interesting but is somewhat undermined a bit later in the TV version by the revelation that the intelligence is thought to have originated in Israel.

The trouble is lots of intelligence reports originate in Israel and some are probably true, but the timing of this one, while talks on the Iranian nuclear programme are underway, is fairly convenient. The narrative of the nuclear cascade triggered by the Iranian programme is familiar. It is cited as the reason Iranian progress must be halted at all costs. It also serves as a deterrent to Iran.

Mark Fitzpatrick, who has followed this story through the years as a non-proliferation expert at the state department and now at the International Institute for Strategic Studies had this to say:

It is not a new story, of course, but Urban came up with some new data points: a Saudi belief that it could obtain nuclear weapons from Pakistan at any time, and reported intelligence that Pakistan has prepared nuclear weapons for delivery to Saudi Arabia. The first part is probably true: The Saudis helped to finance Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme and believe that they were given a promise that the weapons would be used to defend the Saudi kingdom if need be. The second part is probably false: I doubt that Pakistan is ready to send nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia. Pakistan's reputation suffered greatly the last time they assisted other countries with nuclear weapons technology (i.e., the sales by A.Q. Khan, with some governmental support or at least acquiescence, to North Korea, Iran and Libya). Pakistan knows that transferring nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia would also incur huge diplomatic and reputational costs. Also, Saudi Arabia has no need today for nuclear weapons. It can wait to see if Iran's program will be stopped through diplomatic means. That said, Saudi Arabia's foreign policy is undergoing some significant shifts, as evidenced by the decision not to accept the UN Security Council seat, so the situation has become more unpredictable. It is conceivable that Saudi Arabia planted some of the evidence for this story as a means of putting pressure on the United States to be firm in dealing with Iran.

David Albright, the head of the Institute for Science and International Security, broadly agrees. This was his comment:

Would Pakistan give them [nuclear weapons]? There would be real punishments for that and they would want to avoid those. For Saudi Arabia to take possession it would mean withdrawing from the NPT [nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty]. Any US military sales would have to stop. That could not be ignored. Only in a very dire situation in which Iran has a nuclear weapon and is being confrontational, could you imagine something like this.

This sounds about right to me. If the Saudis are constantly calibrating the costs and benefits of shipping in Pakistani nukes, I imagine they are still a long way from calling in their chit, and the Pakistanis likewise. But it serves both countries, as well as Israel, to have the story front and centre while US and Iran sit down in Geneva.

So, the above is the counter-point to the article that started this stupid thread. It clearly mentions that the origin of the article was from Israeli intelligence.

For all the idiots making much of this: Hore Choopo.

Here is the link:
Does Pakistan have nuclear weapons ready to ship to Saudi Arabia? | World news | theguardian.com
They were unable to track Pakistani nukes, now they are creating this propaganda again and again. 
Why the f should we share our nuclear technology with anyone?
It's a false news. West propaganda
Actually, these Muslim countries are more likely to bomb each other than Isreal....
Zionist American Christian (Black Jamaicans plus other Blacks, Whites, Spanish) are more Dangerous and Worse then Jews in Israil as they are the one who are killing, Bombing, Raping, pillaging Muslims, Arabs left and Right
They are our Real enemy not Jews in Israil as so many Jews in Israil do not even want to live in Zion State of Israil, Muslims real enemy are Zionist from America especially! If We give a real threat to this entities then we really bring PEACE to Middle East and pave the way to Imam Mahdi, InshAllah and Ameen
Why can't you people have peace?
Zionist American Christian (Black Jamaicans plus other Blacks, Whites, Spanish) are more Dangerous and Worse then Jews in Israil as they are the one who are killing, Bombing, Raping, pillaging Muslims, Arabs left and Right
They are our Real enemy not Jews in Israil as so many Jews in Israil do not even want to live in Zion State of Israil, Muslims real enemy are Zionist from America especially! If We give a real threat to this entities then we really bring PEACE to Middle East and pave the way to Imam Mahdi, InshAllah and Ameen

That shows you did not understand a word I said. What you said is already inbuilt in my post. Dig deeper.
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