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Saudi King Names Son Makkah Governor

Just joking. Don't want to offend anyone. Also partially Najdi although far back.

Contrary to some popular belief then it is actually a very beautiful province. Mountain ranges, hilly landscapes, beautiful deserts, big agricultural areas, many oasis, steppes, ancient small cities. It is Saudi Arabia's "wild west".

The people are very hospitable too.


Just telling you that the House of Saud are a big family and that they have obviously intermarried with many people/families from different regions of not only KSA, the Arabian Peninsula, Arab world but also the Middle East as a whole.
Quite a few of the grandsons and great-grandsons of Abdulaziz ibn Saud are mixtures.

Back in the day people were not as obsessed about ethnic groups but religion was much more important. This is why for example, since you started talking about Turks, most Sultans of the Ottoman Empire married outsiders, often Christians originally.
U are really patriot ...
U speak somehow that I am going to like saudi arabia
U are really patriot ...
U speak somehow that I am going to like saudi arabia

LOL. I am not any nationalist. This forum only make me appear like that. Nor am I any spokesman for Saudi Arabia. Let alone the House of Saud whom I have criticized quite a few times but you just don't see that since you don't follow every news about KSA here.

This might sound like this but this is only because so many users insult Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabians (sometimes also Arabs as a whole) so often you have to try to show them that they are wrong. Sometimes their criticism is rightful and I have no problem with that.

People are welcome to visit and have their own opinion about everything.

Anyway at the end of the day this is just news about the appointment of a Emir (governor) of Makkah Province. The governor is just the figurehead. He has 100's of well educated advisers from all layers of the society and country to guide him through his period as governor.

He has no sole authority to for example say that this and this old buildings most be demolished in some mountain village in Makkah province or that this and that coastal cities must be changed etc. Or any other big decision making. He consults his advisers and then the government etc.

The same system is in place in Iran I believe. Do you have governors of provinces? Yes, right? They also report back to the government. For example the governor of Baluchistan province cannot simply decide to demolish half of Zahedan without consulting with the authority in Tehran.

Lastly I have seen some of your comments about Western democracy in KSA. KSA is not that and have never claimed to be that. We don't claim that it is a Western democracy. This would be a long discussion, which we btw. already have had quite a few times (with other users), so I leave that for another day.
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The same system is in place in Iran I believe. Do you have governors of provinces? Yes, right? They also report back to the government.
You seem really like a respectful man.
Don't take things personally here, If you could sometime come to Iran you could see people really friendly here.
Hope to see a day when Iranians and Saudis become a very close allies and friends.
And for the last time, I apologies if I was not polite, my brother.
LOL. I am not any nationalist. This forum only make me appear like that. Nor am I any spokesman for Saudi Arabia. Let alone the House of Saud whom I have criticized quite a few times but you just don't see that since you don't follow every news about KSA here.

This might sound like this but this is only because so many users insult Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabians (sometimes also Arabs as a whole) so often you have to try to show them that they are wrong. Sometimes their criticism is rightful and I have no problem with that.

People are welcome to visit and have their own opinion about everything.

Anyway at the end of the day this is just news about the appointment of a Emir (governor) of Makkah Province. The governor is just the figurehead. He has 100's of well educated advisers from all layers of the society and country to guide him through his period as governor.

He has no sole authority to for example say that this and this old buildings most be demolished in some mountain village in Makkah province or that this and that coastal cities must be changed etc. Or any other big decision making. He consults his advisers and then the government etc.

The same system is in place in Iran I believe. Do you have governors of provinces? Yes, right? They also report back to the government. For example the governor of Baluchistan province cannot simply decide to demolish half of Zahedan without consulting with the authority in Tehran.

Lastly I have seen some of your comments about Western democracy in KSA. KSA is not that and have never claimed to be that. We don't claim that it is a Western democracy. This would be a long discussion, which we btw. already have had quite a few times, so I leave that for another day.
In Iran there is a federal system everywhere and majlis or parlament decide for all the country we do not have anyone in power like govener,There are someones just proctor but doesnt have independent power.
You seem really like a respectful man.
Don't take things personally here, If you could sometime come to Iran you could see people really friendly here.
Hope to see a day when Iranians and Saudis become a very close allies and friends.
And for the last time, I apologies if I was not polite, my brother.

LOL, I have no problem with Iranians. Come on. Just because we have had many heated and sometimes ugly debates (us Arabs and Iranians here - not all though) does not mean that I have a problem with Iranians in real life. I know quite a few Iranians and study with some as well. All very likable people. One from Fars province (Shiraz) and the other is from Mazandaran Province near the Caspian Sea. They all got surprised by my knowledge about Iran.

As I told I only have problems with people that I heavily disagree with no matter where they are from. There are some annoying Arab members here too.

I know that all people from the Middle East are very hospitable. This is part of the wider culture of the Middle East. Arabs, Iranians and Middle Eastern people in general are more similar than they would admit.

Anyway at the end of the day, when you look past the place you happened to be born, your roots, ideology, religion etc. then at the end of the day we are all humans. We all once were babies dependent on our guardians.

Ignorant and evil persons might have given Islam a bad name to thus who only know it sporadically but if you study it then it teaches a lot of good things that even non-religious people can use.
All of U poors of arabs are slave of GBR and US , There are 200 years.
U are not muslim or have any Islamic value u just do what ur overlords order.
I'm one of 1.5 billion Muslims, we all have the same beliefs of Islam which goes back 1450 years ago. Yet, you little minority whose your religion has been being fabricated constantly since it's invention till now need our recognition not the other way around.
In Iran there is a federal system everywhere and majlis or parlament decide for all the country we do not have anyone in power like govener,There are someones just proctor but doesnt have independent power.

Thank you. From how I understand (the difference between a federal and unitary state) then Iran is a unitary republic and not a federal one while Saudi Arabia is neither a federal state but a unitary monarchy.

So we have the same system in connection to how the provinces are governed. They all respond to the main government. Unlike for example USA that is a federal state since each state has self-governing to some degree.

For example the only federal states I can think of in the Arab world are Iraq due to Iraq being divided by the central government in Baghdad and Iraqi Kurdistan in Arbil or Sulaymaniyah (don't remember their capital think it is Arbil) and the UAE which is a confederation of emirates which their own rulers, rules, capital cities etc.

You can see more here below:

Federation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unitary state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL, I have no problem with Iranians. Come on. Just because we have had many heated and sometimes ugly debates (us Arabs and Iranians here - not all though) does not mean that I have a problem with Iranians in real life. I know quite a few Iranians and study with some as well. All very likable people. One from Fars province (Shiraz) and the other is from Mazandaran Province near the Caspian Sea. They all got surprised by my knowledge about Iran.

As I told I only have problems with people that I heavily disagree with no matter where they are from. There are some annoying Arab members here too.

I know that all people from the Middle East are very hospitable. This is part of the wider culture of the Middle East. Arabs, Iranians and Middle Eastern people in general are more similar than they would admit.

Anyway at the end of the day, when you look past the place you happened to be born, your roots, ideology, religion etc. then at the end of the day we are all humans. We all once were babies dependent on our guardians.

Ignorant and evil persons might have given Islam a bad name to thus who only know it sporadically but if you study it then it teaches a lot of good things that even non-religious people can use.

It is important that all of us are adams.Can I know how old are u?and why ur english is good?And dont get tired all day in internet?
I was forgetting is the guy in ur avaror u?

Thank you. From how I understand (the difference between a federal and unitary state) then Iran is a unitary republic and not a federal one while Saudi Arabia is neither a federal state but a unitary monarchy.

So we have the same system in connection to how the provinces are governed. They all respond to the main government. Unlike for example USA that is a federal state since each state has self-governing to some degree.

For example the only federal states I can think of in the Arab world are Iraq due to Iraq being divided by the central government in Baghdad and Iraqi Kurdistan in Arbil or Sulaymaniyah (don't remember their capital think it is Arbil) and the UAE which is a confederation of emirates which their own rulers, rules, capital cities etc.

You can see more here below:

Federation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unitary state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think having an Islamic federali and permalanic system in ur country is much better than section governers.In that system u can progress 10 times mire.
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It is important that all of us are adams.Can I know how old are u?and why ur english is good?And get tired all day in internet?
I was forgetting is it the guy in ur avaror u?

Yes, exactly. Or just humans.

I am in my very early 20's. Well, I have lived abroad for years in Europe due to my father's occupation and I have studied 1 year in USA. Outside of that I happen to like languages. If I had more time I would attempt to learn a few more. I am currently studying for an important exam in chemical engineering and most of the work I do/studying is through the computer. We mostly use e-books. Yes, I spent too much time here, LOL. It is a semi-addiction that I nee to get rid off either by limiting my time here a lot or simply quit the forum. One thing is your virtual life and the other is your real life. Yes, this is me 1.5 year ago when I was back in KSA after a trip to Florida where I spent a lot of time on the beach.:yay:

I currently study in Denmark, Copenhagen to be more precise, so I am using English on a daily basis just not your regular English. The English you use when dealing with chemical engineering.

Since you asked in public I considered it rude not to reply but I would appreciate not to talk more about me. I am not important.

What about you? Where do you live in Iran and can I ask what you do? Let me guess are you from Tehran or Tabriz?

System is already Islamic. Most rules are Islamic. Some are civil laws though. Just like in Iran. Most Muslims countries have laws from both sources.
Prince Mishaal, will oversee one of the grandest expansions of the Holy city of Makkah, undertaken in history. It is a city made of gentle, small things, among free men, I trust it will be governed with Wisdom and Humility.
I'm one of 1.5 billion Muslims, we all have the same beliefs of Islam which goes back 1450 years ago. Yet, you little minority whose your religion has been being fabricated constantly since it's invention till now need our recognition not the other way around.
It is your problem that u dont believe 12 Imams which Rassual allah said after me they are your masters not other sinfull people.

Yes, exactly. Or just humans.

I am in my very early 20's. Well, I have lived abroad for years in Europe due to my father's occupation and I have studied 1 year in USA. Outside of that I happen to like languages. If I had more time I would attempt to learn a few more. I am currently studying for an important exam in chemical engineering and most of the work I do/studying is through the computer. We mostly use e-books. Yes, I spent too much time here, LOL. It is a semi-addiction that I nee to get rid off either by limiting my time here a lot or simply quit the forum. One thing is your virtual life and the other is your real life. Yes, this is me 1.5 year ago when I was back in KSA after a trip to Florida where I spent a lot of time on the beach.:yay:

I currently study in Denmark, Copenhagen to be more precise, so I am using English on a daily basis just not your regular English. The English you use when dealing with chemical engineering.

Since you asked in public I considered it rude not to reply but I would appreciate not to talk more about me. I am not important.

What about you? Where do you live in Iran and can I ask what you do? Let me guess are you from Tehran or Tabriz?

System is already Islamic. Most rules are Islamic. Some are civil laws though. Just like in Iran. Most Muslims countries have laws from both sources.
Thanks for ur answer I am translating ur words,I could figure out that U are around 19 my younger brither is 19 too.Are u religious or not?
Plus my father lived in one europe coutries about 20 years too.
I live in Tehran and am about 25.I can go abroad but I like Iran,but somehow hate tehran beacause smoke and poplulated. :D
I am religious person and always research in religion I really like it from it my childhood.
Plus I like politics very much.
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Thanks for ur answer I am translating ur words,I could figure out that U are around 19 my younger brither is 19 too.Are u religious or not?

I am actually not 19 years old. A bit older than that. In my very early 20's. I am a practicing Muslim. I try to do my best. There are less religious and more religious Muslims than me. I mean it is hard to put yourself into a category. I prefer to call myself a Muslim. If someone wants further details I say to them that I am a Sunni Muslims that follows the Shafi'i madhhab. This is the most common madhhab in Hijaz.

If it has any interest.

Shafi'i - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Al-Shafi‘i - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I need to tell you that the 4 recognized madahib in Sunni Islam (Shafi'i, Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali) are more or less the same and only cosmetic differences exists among them.

Madhhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, greetings to your little brother. Make sure to be a good example for him.
I am actually not 19 years old. A bit older than that. In my very early 20's. I am a practicing Muslim. I try to do my best. There are less religious and more religious Muslims than me. I mean it is hard to put yourself into a category. I prefer to call myself a Muslim. If someone wants further details I say to them that I am a Sunni Muslims that follows the Shafi'i madhhab. This is the most common madhhab in Hijaz.

If it has any interest.

Shafi'i - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Al-Shafi‘i - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I need to tell you that the 4 recognized madahib in Sunni Islam (Shafi'i, Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali) are more or less the same and only cosmetic differences exists among them.

Madhhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, greetings to your little brother. Make sure to be a good example for him.

Believe me all of them are wrong when doesnt believe Imamat of Imams after prophet.
I have heard sunni before(maybe 100-150 years later)were 72 sections.
Thanks bro for my little brother.:d
I plused my pre post bro.
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Thanks for ur answer I am translating ur words,I could figure out that U are around 19 my younger brither is 19 too.Are u religious or not?
Plus my father lived in one europe coutries about 20 years too.
I live in Tehran and am about 25.I can go abroad but I like Iran,but somehow hate tehran beacause smoke and poplulated. :D
I am religious person and always research in religion I really like it from it my childhood.
Plus I like politics very much.

That is great.:)

Well, let us politely disagree when it comes to Islam in this case. I am currently also embarked (semi-embarked should I say) in a study of Islamic jurisprudence in particular the Zahiri madhhab. Afterwards the plan is to read about Ibadism.


Ibadi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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