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Saudi King Abdullah Orders $500 Million in Humanitarian Assistance to the Iraqi People

He also said that ISIS is the one leading this 'uprising' as some like to call it, yet people tend to ignore it.

Nope, like you said on this forum, Saudi internal affairs are only the business of Saudis this is the same thing. No double standards allowed here.

This was not said in this context and now this is an regional affair just like Syria. In any case millions of Iraqis also discuss fellow Arab matters be it Egypt, Lebanon etc. This is inevitable. Millions of Arabs from Morocco to Oman are discussing KSA affairs every day. I have nothing against that. Only negative meddling is a bad thing. That goes for all countries.

"fellow Arabs" :laugh:

I wish you had that sentiment when Arabs are busy killing eachother in the streets in Syria Iraq Lbnan and elsewhere.

"your region" is spiraling out of control....

well from your posts (garbage) it seems that you are claiming Iraqi Sunnis as your people and Iraqi Shiites as outsiders in their own country

in other words, people with your mentality are part of the problem...and i hope that mentality is deleted from the memory of all Iraqis because Iraq is an ancient civilization that is unfortunately getting bogged down again in historic rivalries, exacerbated by the selfish designs of a select few countries in the region whose names shall be with-held

and as an outsider but still someone "in the know" -- it is Persian Gulf

That's not your business. You are not from the ancient Arab world.

Yes, due to civil wars. Europeans killed 80 million of each other from 1915-1945. You South Asians have killed each other in the millions for centuries too.

Yes, the Arab world is my region. Not yours. You are an outsider. Not me.

I never claimed that so stop bullshitting.

There is no region called that. This is the point. It's called the Arabian Peninsula. Or Eastern Arabia.

Might educate yourself a little. Outsider or not.

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In any way you as an outsider is not going to tell what Arabs should think or say about their own region.
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This was not said in this context and now this is an regional affair just like Syria. In any case millions of Iraqis also discuss fellow Arab matters be it Egypt, Lebanon etc. This is inevitable.

That's not your business. You are not from the ancient Arab world.

Yes, due to civil wars. Europeans killed 80 million of each other from 1915-1945. You South Asians have killed each other in the millions for centuries too.

Yes, the Arab world is my region. Not yours. You are an outsider. Not me.

I never claimed that so stop bullshitting.

There is no region called that. This is the point. It's called the Arabian Peninsula. Or Eastern Arabia.

Might educate yourself a little. Outsider or not.

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well given how things are panning out i'm pretty darn glad to be an outsider b/c fitna seems to be taking over this arab world and spreading like wild-fire..I wish this "pan Arab" talk actually bore results rather than just lines on a defence forum. It was actually the Americans who alienated the baathists first before this guy Malicki or whatever his name is did. And meanwhile in Syria - Assad's committed a huge number of crimes but does that absolve the terrorists in Syria who are hell-bent on destroying it at the behest of israel?

as for the Gulf, I'm just going by what historians have always called it. I know you Khaleejis and the Persians are always at eachothers throats over semantics rather than issues of substance
This was not said in this context and now this is an regional affair just like Syria. In any case millions of Iraqis also discuss fellow Arab matters be it Egypt, Lebanon etc. This is inevitable. Millions of Arabs from Morocco to Oman are discussing KSA affairs every day. I have nothing against that. Only negative meddling is a bad thing. That goes for all countries.

That's not your business. You are not from the ancient Arab world.

Yes, due to civil wars. Europeans killed 80 million of each other from 1915-1945. You South Asians have killed each other in the millions for centuries too.

Yes, the Arab world is my region. Not yours. You are an outsider. Not me.

I never claimed that so stop bullshitting.

There is no region called that. This is the point. It's called the Arabian Peninsula. Or Eastern Arabia.

Might educate yourself a little. Outsider or not.

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In any way you as an outsider is not going to tell what Arabs should think or say about their own region.
Saudiz ara afraid of the mujahideen after they going to liberate Iraq from Safavid Maliki and Zionist kurds sellout they going to liberate the two holy cities from al saud
Saudiz ara afraid of the mujahideen after they going to liberate Iraq from Safavid Maliki and Zionist kurds sellout they going to liberate the two holy cities from al saud

a lot of those lizard eaters in Iraq and Syria arent even Iraqi or Syrian citizens.....:laugh:
Well given how things are panning out i'm pretty darn glad to be an outsider b/c fitna seems to be taking over this arab world and spreading like wild-fire..I wish this "pan Arab" talk actually bore results rather than just lines on a defence forum. It was actually the Americans who alienated the baathists first before this guy Malicki or whatever his name is did. And meanwhile in Syria - Assad's committed a huge number of crimes but does that absolve the terrorists in Syria who are hell-bent on destroying it at the behest of israel?

as for the Gulf, I'm just going by what historians have always called it. I know you Khaleejis and the Persians are always at eachothers throats over semantics rather than issues of substance

That's good for you but this coming from a Pakistani/South Asian is a bit laughable.

What the hell are you talking about?! Which Pan-Arab talk?

You are very ignorant about the regional affairs in the Arab world so I am not sure why I should discuss Syria or Iraq (two Arab countries) with you here.

Another GIGANTIC fail.:lol: Saudi Arabians are not Khaleeji's. There is no such thing anyway. It's only one of the many Arabic dialects that is predominantly spoken in Eastern Arabia. It's also the name of a musical genre and it is basically an umbrella word for the states of Eastern Arabia (KSA not part of them) although for example Kuwait and Oman are significantly differently despite being grouped under the historical Eastern Arabia region. As is South Iraq btw. Only 200.000 people in KSA speak an Khaleeji dialect.

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Khaleeji - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This shows that you have no knowledge about the region so better stick to something familiar.

I suggest you visit Jeddah, Ta'if, Makkah, Madinah, Tabuk, Ha'il, Abha, Khamis Mushait, Jazan Yanbu, Buraidah, Unaizah etc. and call them Khaleejis and see what happens.:lol:

Also what have farsis to do with this discussion?! Nothing.

Just stick to Indian, Bengali or Sri Lankan affairs please. You are making a joke out of yourself trying to act all clever as an outsider.:lol:


Now you know why we discussed that topic just minutes ago. I wonder why I bother.:lol:
. . .
That's good for you but this comin
g from a Pakistani/South Asian is a bit laughable.

leadership, regime change and talks of reforms from a Saudi/gulfie is much more laughable!! :police:

What the hell are you talking about?! Which Pan-Arab talk?

in which you claim that Arabs are one unified body and you imply they are homogeneous.....there's only one country that all Arabs can relate to and that would be Masr om el dunia. ;)

If you care for fellow Arabs, tell them to stop killing eachother based on retarded man-made labels/differences like this "Sunni" or "Shiia" crap

stop being part of the problem....and i've seen enough of your posts to know that instead of bringing Arabs together you just want to divide them further (which is what ISIS and Maliki types seem to be good at too)

You are very ignorant about the regional affairs in the Arab world so I am not sure why I should discuss Syria or Iraq (two Arab countries) with you here.

Actually no I'm not. Your attempts to belittle those who contradict you are not effective. Syria and Iraq are fertile crescent nations and they've been around a lot longer than any of the other countries.....a lot of literature exists that discusses them in detail

I suggest you visit Jeddah, Ta'if, Makkah, Madinah, Tabuk, Ha'il, Abha, Khamis Mushait, Jazan Yanbu, Buraidah, Unaizah etc. and call them Khaleejis and see what happens.:lol:

I already have a small handful of saudi friends and i've called them khaleejis (as I have to kuwaitis, bahrainis). They laughed and took another drag on their shishas.....am i missing something here?

"see what happens" yeah okay bro

Lizard eaters??? Who are they

the piece of shit takfiris which you, as an Iraqi (as your flag suggests) should eliminate if you want your country to remain as ONE.....they come a dime a dozen and in all shapes and sizes. We in Pakistan are acquainted with them too.
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leadership, regime change and talks of reforms from a Saudi/gulfie is much more laughable!! :police:

in which you claim that Arabs are one unified body and you imply they are homogeneous.....there's only one country that all Arabs can relate to and that would be Masr om el dunia. ;)

If you care for fellow Arabs, tell them to stop killing eachother based on retarded man-made labels/differences like this "Sunni" or "Shiia" crap

stop being part of the problem....and i've seen enough of your posts to know that instead of bringing Arabs together you just want to divide them further (which is what ISIS and Maliki types seem to be good at too)

Actually no I'm not. Your attempts to belittle those who contradict you are not effective. Syria and Iraq are fertile crescent nations and they've been around a lot longer than any of the other countries.....a lot of literature exists that discusses them in detail

I already have a small handful of saudi friends and i've releatedly called them this (as I have to kuwaitis, bahrainis). They laughed and took another drag on their shishas.....am i missing something here?


Yes, your Afghanistan is a shining example of democracy. Pakistan too. Don't make me laugh.

Again an ignorant outsider meddling. Give me just 1 single reason to why I should use my time on an ignorant outsider like you? Did you not make a joke out of yourself already in this thread when it comes to your lack of knowledge? Even on the most simple of things?

You don't know anything and this is again not your business.

Actually more or less every single Arab country has thousands upon thousands of years of history. After all the Arab world is the homeland of the cradle of civilizations and dozens of other important civilizations.

No, you are not. You are very well-versed in Arab affairs as we can clearly all see.:lol:

All Arabs take your words as Amish people read the Bible.

Just mind your own business and topics that you actually have a clue about. I suggest Indian, Afghan, Bengali or Sri Lankan affairs.

Yes, your Afghanistan is a shining example of democracy. Pakistan too. Don't make me laugh.

You keep saying "your Afghanistan"....wtf is that even supposed to mean? Pakistan is a chaotic democracy but it comes naturally. We aren't administered by over-aging "kings" or princes who spend more time in Monaco...but thats your business and your people seem to respect the royalty that controls them so i wont try to agitate your sensitive feelings on this.

Again an ignorant outsider meddling. Give me just 1 single reason to why I should use my time on an ignorant outsider like you? Did you not make a joke out of yourself already in this thread and your lack of knowledge? Even on the most simple of things?

You don't know anything and this is again not your business.

Have you noticed - you spend more time belittling and you spend more time telling what is my business and what is not my business that you dont even muster any courage to make any proper counter-points.

Actually more or less every single Arab country has thousands upon thousands of years of history. After all the Arab world is the homeland of the cradle of civilizations and dozens of other important civilizations.

good....and I hope it wont be further divided and conquered thanks to people like you who would shake hands with the devil himself even if it meant Arabs/Muslims being divided, their countries taken into ruin

You tell me to mind my own business. I'll say to you to mind your own business and stay out of Syria or Iraqi affairs since they dont concern you.

I hope the $500m in humanitarian assistance goes where it should go. To Iraqi people and to help rebuild Iraqi institutions.
You keep saying "your Afghanistan"....wtf is that even supposed to mean? Pakistan is a chaotic democracy but it comes naturally. We aren't administered by over-aging "kings" or princes who spend more time in Monaco...but thats your business and your people seem to respect the royalty that controls them so i wont try to agitate your sensitive feelings on this.

Have you noticed - you spend more time belittling and you spend more time telling what is my business and what is not my business that you dont even muster any courage to make any proper counter-points.

good....and I hope it wont be further divided and conquered thanks to people like you who would shake hands with the devil himself even if it meant Arabs/Muslims being divided, their countries taken into ruin

You tell me to mind my own business. I'll say to you to mind your own business and stay out of Syria or Iraqi affairs since they dont concern you

Are you not of Afghan origin?

Really? Do you know that most of the decision making is done by non-royals? In fact the vast majority is that. You probably don't. Just like you did not know the basics of this region that I already exposed.

The few royals are just figurehead's. Also who cares about their titles? They are all the same in the Muslim world. Your own president/prime minister is a dictator himself. Call him President or Caliph tomorrow. The end result will be the same. At least they are serving their own people. Can you say the same about your leaders be it Afghanistan or Pakistan?

Yes, that might be because the GCC is one of the most developed areas in the world and most prosperous. Compared to the Muslim world it is paradise. That's why millions of your likes are willing to give most to live or work in that part of the Arab world.

How if I started to meddle on Pakistani topics and in the process being extremely ignorant yet claiming the opposite? You would like that I am sure.

Also your false claims (unfunded) about my history here is also laughable. I am probable the user that speaks most about the need for us Arabs to cooperate again as we once did when we were united under the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid etc. Caliphates.

False claims again. You base that on what? My criticism on the dictator Al-Maliki or ISIS trash? Nice logic.

Yes, they do since they are Arab countries and I have ancestral relations to Iraq. I even have family living in that country. So once again. Who the hell are you to tell Arabs what they should do or think about other Arab countries?

It's really a joke.
. . . .
Are you not of Afghan origin?

No, I'm not :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

hal inta kuwaiti?

Really? Do you know that most of the decision making is done by non-royals. IN fact the vast majority. The few royals are just a figurehead. Also who cares about their titles. They are all the same in the Muslim world. Your own president is an dictator himself.

he's a bald-head and an idiot, but a dictator he is not

Yes, that might be because the GCC is one of the most developed areas in the world and most prosperous. Compared to the Muslim world it is paradise. That's why millions of your likes are willing to give most to live or work in that part of the Arab world.

yeah thanks to oil wells which the british and americans helped drill. It isnt like you worked for it :laugh:

How if I started to meddle on Pakistani topics and in the process being extremely ignorant yet claiming the opposite? You would like that.

I'd come up with responces rather than bullshit like "this is our region" and "none of your business" and other hoobidy hobbity bla bla

Also your false claims (unfunded) about my history here is also laughable. I am probable the user that speaks most about the need for us Arabs to cooperate again as we once did when we were united under the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid etc. Caliphates.

The borders are established. Remembering the Golden Rule would be a good start. We have the OIC for Muslim world matters, you have the Arab League for Arab Matters (not sure how effective that platform has been). Everyone should cooperate, and countries should not spy on eachother and destabilize eachother due to regional rivalries

Colonel Qaddafi said that almost a decade back - before some ungrateful people slaughtered him in the most undignified way

False claims again. You base that on what? My criticism on the dictator Al-Maliki or ISIS trash? Nice logic.

both are idiots because both engage in sectarian politics

It's really a joke.

the joke is when some video of some unknown cleric is posted and suddenly people are supposed to be convinced :laugh:

who was that guy anyways

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