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Saudi-India defence relations getting stronger and stronger

India is a hostile place for minorities, ask a Kashmiri Muslim or the Christian priest who was paraded naked just a few days ago.

That is the problem with so highly opinionated people like you. You tend to miss the woods for the trees.

Christians are very well integrated into the society and are doing better than the majority Hindus on most parameters. Some local incidents in some tribal areas are just that, local incidents.

And you have pogroms, the last one being in Gujarat, less than 10 years ago.

You can't even count! It was in 2001 and Gujarat and India has been mostly peaceful after those riots triggered by that train burning by some terrorists.

But the worst is that your nation continue to be full of hatred for Islam/Muslims and Christians as well,

Not really. Most of us have nothing against any religion.

We don't even kill our apostates unlike some other "peaceful and tolerant" people who think they are going to watch us all burn in eternal hellfire from their balconies in heaven in some very decent company. ;)

The new poll finds broad support for harsh punishments: 78% favor death for those who leave Islam; 80% favor whippings and cutting off hands for crimes like theft and robbery; and 83% favor stoning adulterers.

Pakistani Public Opinion | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Now imagine the Hindus doing that to our apostates! ;)

and your Hindu Nationalist jingo's have detailed plan to not just convert back your own non-Hindu population back to Hindu but do the same for neighboring countries too after they "cleanse" these lands, which they consider as their stolen land.

I am not aware of any such plan.

And I am not sure why do you think it is wrong to try to revert our own people back to our religion!

The plan is there to pull an Al-Andalus (Spain) on Pakistan and Bangladesh to remove Islam and Muslims from this space, no matter how much some of you may try to deny it. It is all on open websites for all to see.

Well, the Spainiards did what they thought was right. They kicked out the invaders who had raped their women and presented 30000 Visigoth virgins as the Caliph's 20% share of booty besides other loot.

I know that you believe that they should have lived as permanent dhimmis. We all should.

Unfortunately for you, times have changed. The dhimmis are no longer content being treated that way in their own lands.

Your whole post reeks with your Hindu revisionist history nonsense myth about forced conversions and your chauvinism about superior Hindu religion that still oppress people based on the color of their skin, remember the Varna system, that supposedly "white Aryan" ancestors of Brahmans created so their blood would not get dirty with the blood of black Shudra's or Adivasi's (indigenous people). Rewriting history to suit your Hindu nationalist need is your newest tool, as you consider yourself victor in your Hindu Rashtra (state). Please keep your deception and propaganda to yourself, as the cat is already out about the dirt in your heart, which we face everyday with our people getting shot at near the border and our country getting deserted from stolen water from our common rivers, about which your people openly brag about shutting down using existing or future planned dams and diverting using the future river linking project. And the incessant Big Lie about the myth of Bangladeshi migrants flooding your land of milk and honey where 40% baby's are malnourished, you are trying to establish with media and internet propaganda and myth making, so you can harass and delegitimize poor Bengali speaking Muslims in West Bengal and North East states, so people consider it kosher to make them their victim of rage and killings whenever any extremist local groups see fit.

A mix of emotions, all negative, all fueled by hate and all incoherent.

Difficult to reply to this mumbo jmbo.

All I can say is, you made a decision in 1947 and need to live with the consequences.

Yes, we saved you from an ongoing genocide and orgy of rape by your Muslim brothers and left. We owe you nothing. We don't owe you any piece of our land to live.

All we can do is try to be normal neighbors.

Your obsession with India is not appreciated. You are a foreigner to us and should behave accordingly, not act too familiar!
@ kalu-miah... who asked your bright views on religion in this thread???

this thread is about India - Saudi relations... so keep out your sh!t ... Shoooo... Shoooo

any way BDs are the last nationals we care to take advise of... happy now??? go..
that still oppress people based on the color of their skin

Appreciate your concern for oppressing people "based on the color of their skin"!

Tarek Fatah speaks about the Balochistan Freedom Movement on SUN Television - YouTube

Watch this from 5:50. $50 for a brown slave, $15 for a black slave.

In the Islamic state of Yemen, after WW2!

In fact you should watch the whole video from 4:00.

The slavery under Islam was bigger than under any other system. And the slaves were castrated, only 10% survives, much worse than cross Atlantic slave trade where 80% survived the journey.

Let's not get into issues you will repent getting into.

A sincere advice!
kalu_miah - First of all you dont know any thing about india , we have more muslims than what is in Bangla desh and they are having good life , they are not encroching or looking for asylm in Bangladesh but your brothers & sisters in bangladesh is doing is always trying to sneek into india . As per your theory all minorities in India should have sought asylm in a heavenly country like BD, further more please understand that Saudi arabia has banned manpower from BD because of your good nature --- Stop your trolling and read , as said in the Holy Book, enlighten yourself before you speak
And the lying and deception continues. I will point it out whenever I see it. Ban me if any of you can.
Kalu_miah - dont go defense enlighten us with your crap theories, first think about every people as humans irrespective of religion, cast, color or creed then say you are a muslim - else you are bringing shame to your religion
Irrespective of other matters both Saudi and India are America's proxies so they will start moving closer towards each other. Funny the dictatorship and human rights abuses in Saudi don't bother Indians now. Do not forget in haste that Saudi ideology is no different to Taliban ideology
Irrespective of other matters both Saudi and India are America's proxies so they will start moving closer towards each other. Funny the dictatorship and human rights abuses in Saudi don't bother Indians now. Do not forget in haste that Saudi ideology is no different to Taliban ideology

s h e e r o n l i n e s t u p i d n e s s.... seen only on :pdf:
Irrespective of other matters both Saudi and India are America's proxies so they will start moving closer towards each other. Funny the dictatorship and human rights abuses in Saudi don't bother Indians now. Do not forget in haste that Saudi ideology is no different to Taliban ideology

Mossa like the typical Arab eg Osama uses the lack of intellect to win hearts and minds. lol

So Osama is a Typical Arab? :what:

Hahahaha man you are showing your true racist face after all. Good job for getting out of the closet finally :tup:
Because he is a frequent user of the green button under "Help" on the top :lol:

You know he keeps the hinges oiled that sort of thing so he gets a free pass :agree:

:rofl:Money matters...whether in diplomacy or in defense.pk...:yahoo::pdf:...its always mutually beneficial...
Height of brainwashing ... :butcher:
India is a hostile place for minorities, ask a Kashmiri Muslim or the Christian priest who was paraded naked just a few days ago. And you have pogroms, the last one being in Gujarat, less than 10 years ago. But the worst is that your nation continue to be full of hatred for Islam/Muslims and Christians as well, and your Hindu Nationalist jingo's have detailed plan to not just convert back your own non-Hindu population back to Hindu but do the same for neighboring countries too after they "cleanse" these lands, which they consider as their stolen land. The plan is there to pull an Al-Andalus (Spain) on Pakistan and Bangladesh to remove Islam and Muslims from this space, no matter how much some of you may try to deny it. It is all on open websites for all to see.

Your whole post reeks with your Hindu revisionist history nonsense myth about forced conversions and your chauvinism about superior Hindu religion that still oppress people based on the color of their skin, remember the Varna system, that supposedly "white Aryan" ancestors of Brahmans created so their blood would not get dirty with the blood of black Shudra's or Adivasi's (indigenous people). Rewriting history to suit your Hindu nationalist need is your newest tool, as you consider yourself victor in your Hindu Rashtra (state). Please keep your deception and propaganda to yourself, as the cat is already out of the bag about the dirt in your heart, which we face everyday with our people getting shot at near the border and our country getting deserted from stolen water from our common rivers, about which your people openly brag about shutting down using existing or future planned dams and diverting using the future river linking project. And the Big Lie and myth of Bangladeshi migrants flooding your land of milk and honey where 40% baby's are malnourished, you are trying to establish with incessant media and internet propaganda and myth making, so you can harass and delegitimize poor Bengali speaking Muslims in West Bengal and North East states, so people consider it kosher to make them the victim of rage and killings whenever any extremist local groups see fit.

Vindo bhai- you are wasting your energy brainwashed person... you can not change certain belief system with logical arguments / facts ...

Kalu mian. You are a disappointment.
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