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Saudi Imam offers $450,000 Reward for Killing Assad

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NATO hasn't done a fraction of the damage that the Taliban, al quida and other asss backward wahabi terrorist scum have caused. NATO and Russians both have spent TENS OF BILLIONS in infrastructure. The roads, bridges and dams have been a lifesaver for many. The hospitals and schools that they have brought to the god for saken nation are saving and educating people. The freedom that they have brought to women etc...

When for two generations you have had bearded apes who collectively have an IQ the size of a grapefruit fighting and destroying the country, you're going to need NATO to protect the ANA. Only time will produce new generation of Afghans who are not in the same league as the wahabi scum that have destroyed the country.

You're too far off from that society. I've seen the millions of Afghan refugees that had to escape the scum taliban. This was before any NATO invasion. Back then, the country was worse than a 12th century village. Millions were dying from insanely insignificant diseases, women weren't even allowed to go to school, there was no infrastructure...

For countries like AFG, an invading force like the NATO is actually a god send. The enemy of NATO is also the enemy of Islam. The taliban dogs are nothing but a disease that must be wiped out.

Thank you for the very nice post. Indeed, Islamist fanatics are getting defeated and annihilated everywhere starting from Afghanistan to Chechnya to Iraq. Every Muslim should support the annihilation of these terrorists who have hijacked Islam to promote their barbarianism.
NATO hasn't done a fraction of the damage that the Taliban, al quida and other asss backward wahabi terrorist scum have caused. NATO and Russians both have spent TENS OF BILLIONS in infrastructure. The roads, bridges and dams have been a lifesaver for many. The hospitals and schools that they have brought to the god for saken nation are saving and educating people. The freedom that they have brought to women etc...

When for two generations you have had bearded apes who collectively have an IQ the size of a grapefruit fighting and destroying the country, you're going to need NATO to protect the ANA. Only time will produce new generation of Afghans who are not in the same league as the wahabi scum that have destroyed the country.

You're too far off from that society. I've seen the millions of Afghan refugees that had to escape the scum taliban. This was before any NATO invasion. Back then, the country was worse than a 12th century village. Millions were dying from insanely insignificant diseases, women weren't even allowed to go to school, there was no infrastructure...

For countries like AFG, an invading force like the NATO is actually a god send. The enemy of NATO is also the enemy of Islam. The taliban dogs are nothing but a disease that must be wiped out.

Mostly nonsense that should not be replied to lest the thread gets diverted.

If NATO went to Afghanistan to help the Afghan people, they would not be committing any of the crimes that they have publicly committed, would they? They would not have spent over 100 billion dollars a year on war against Afghans a year, as they publicly admit, and yet spend less than 10% of that on "developing Afghanistan".

Where is the developed part of Afghanistan now that NATO has been in Afghanistan for over 10 years?
Hmmm... $450,000 for Assad's head...?

How about the same amount to conduct fair election and help the "Syrians" in booting him out.. And if Assad is really the kind of monster the western and Arabi media is showcasing him as, why he has so many supporters. ? Why hasn't his army revolted..?
Even Hitler n Stalin had faced attempts on their lives.
Mostly nonsense that should not be replied to lest the thread gets diverted.

If NATO went to Afghanistan to help the Afghan people, they would not be committing any of the crimes that they have publicly committed, would they? They would not have spent over 100 billion dollars a year on war against Afghans a year, as they publicly admit, and yet spend less than 10% of that on "developing Afghanistan".

Where is the developed part of Afghanistan now that NATO has been in Afghanistan for over 10 years?
nonsense? who are you exactly? A Brazilian/Bangladeshi that hasn't experienced Afghan life nor been close to them to hear their plight is teaching an Iranian about Afghans. The taliban would cut your balls off the first chance they get for not being extreme enough! WTF is wrong with you?

NATO hasn't gone to AFG to help them. Don't change my words. Their presence and their leadership in the country is improving lives drastically however. The fact that Afghan refugees from Iran and around the world are going back to AFG is a testament to that. The fact that women and young girls are being educated in schools are a testament to that. The fact that their HDI is improving is a testament to that. The fact that less and less people are dying each year from elementary diseases is a testament to that. The fact that their GDP is increasing is a testament to that. The fact that they have more roads, dams and other infrastructure are a testament to that.

Here's some factual data by the UNDP. Look how vastly their living conditions have improved since NATO came into the scene.
International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

And you wanna know developed? Look at Herat. They have 24/7 electricity and running water. They have roads and shopping malls. The city is the most developed in the country and it's actually better than many places in South East Asia. They have that because they're doing trade with their neighbors and because their province is secured by the NATO. It's also no surprise that Herat has one of the least amount of taliban presence in the country.

Afghanistan, or at least the Northern parts, has a bright future. You terrorist sympathizers will be taken out one by one. Taliban will be limited to the Pashtun areas.
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Syrian uprising is nothing but an Sunni uprising against the Alawite rulers. The Sunnis dont want to dominated by a Shia Alawite and are rebelling while the Shias, Christians and even a part of Sunnis are remaining loyal to Al-Assad.

You can decide who supports the Sunni rebel camp and who supports the Shia ruling camp.

It is one sectarian clusterfuck.

Calm down mate... There always will be some persons who will live in West and want Talibani Sharia in their homeland.
Syrian uprising is nothing but an Sunni uprising against the Alawite rulers. The Sunnis dont want to dominated by a Shia Alawite and are rebelling while the Shias, Christians and even a part of Sunnis are remaining loyal to Al-Assad.

You can decide who supports the Sunni rebel camp and who supports the Shia ruling camp.

It is one sectarian clusterfuck.

I don't know about that - after all, not all Sunnati are Wahabi/Salafi -- on the other hand, it's really just the Saudi and Qatari along with their US patrons who are hoping that they can buy time by creating religious tyrannies to suppress Muslims and their demand for lives of dignity.
Syrian uprising is nothing but an Sunni uprising against the Alawite rulers. The Sunnis dont want to dominated by a Shia Alawite and are rebelling while the Shias, Christians and even a part of Sunnis are remaining loyal to Al-Assad.

You can decide who supports the Sunni rebel camp and who supports the Shia ruling camp.

It is one sectarian clusterfuck.

And while the Islamic nations are playing this grand game, everyone will conveniently paint it as a West vs. Islam crusade should the NNATO/EU or US decide to intervene. The sad part in all this are the innocents who are losing their lives - for now, no one knows who is to be faulted, and who to be believed. I am curious though as to why Syria does not allow foreign journalists inside their territory - at least then there will be some credence to Assad's reign.
This is what the Saudi told me, he said you better leave and go to Lebanon because we SALAFIES will control Syria, and we will make you a third class citizen.

Just like libya the cimes of rebels will never be reported in media...... And even if someone get it on camera they will be named as Govt's crime and will be used as propaganda.

What u gonna do? strap yourself with bombs, and then bomb innocent citizens in Syria in name of freedom and democracy? yeah many before you did that, and SYRIA is stronger, our unity and love grew, WE ARE SYRIA.

Its funny.... They are gonna support DEMOCRACY in syria while the KING rules SA.
The US did it and many countries do
why didn't the US waited for fair trial ?

So based on the article you quoted, the US government offers monetary rewards to help "capture" terrorists. If you read post #33, I suggested the money be offered for his capture too. If you read post #40, I stated that the FSA is free to kill Assad similar to how the US conducted a military operation to kill Osama.

Osama deserved a painful death, Assad too should be put to death for his crimes. However unlike the USA where the government offered rewards as per your article, this imam isn't a representative of his government, or is he? This dumb scholar obviously knows nothing about the Islamic law. My argument is simple, he as a civilian can not abuse his status as an imam to pronounce a death sentence upon anyone. By trying to get others to become contract killers, he has taken up the role of a judge enforcing a verdict while I doubt he could explain something as simple as the contract law.
Imam can not talk like that that Imam is not Imam any more nor those any Imam who says about killing
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