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Saudi Imam offers $450,000 Reward for Killing Assad

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They can't really do much the weapons aren't helping and syria is catching the weapons, aside from the foreign jihadist going and getting killed of course.
Yes, by saying the same thing over and over reality is going to change:no:
Just sit back and enjoy the show:pop:
With 0.00001% of these moneys this "Imam" could save hundreds of his "brothers and sisters" in Somalia/E.Africa etc who have nothing even to eat
Pay such moneys to change goverments, change name of a gulf, govt/political issues etc but don't give a **** for people
Shame really

why go the long way , just think with this money how many people can solve their problems in KSA
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Yes, by saying the same thing over and over reality is going to change:no:
Just sit back and enjoy the show:pop:

It's true their weapons supply is getting tighter and cut off more the reality is yes so far no gains assad still around if he dies he will be replaced by another alwite sure I will sit back and enjoy but the blind and false hope will lead you nowhere.
If a "scholar" (the quality of scholarship is indeed note worthy) offering money to kill Assad is good, is it bad to offer money to kill of the Brince and Brincesses of the Al-Saud ?? Karma is a ____(rhymes with rich)

You should have been able to see the obvious the background of the development!

If you can call names than you simply provoke and this is no surprise coming from a hater.

Yes, by saying the same thing over and over reality is going to change:no:
Just sit back and enjoy the show:pop:

He's an Indian.... it is in their nature to add fuel to fire.
You should have been able to see the obvious the background of the development!

If you can call names than you simply provoke and this is no surprise coming from a shia.

He's an Indian.... it is in their nature to add fuel to fire.

This is pretty typical pakistani mentally not agreeing with your arab masters is indian or israeli correct ? exactly why pakistan is in the place it's in right now.
This is pretty typical pakistani mentally not agreeing with your arab masters is indian or israeli correct ? exactly why pakistan is in the place it's in right now.

Typical Indian being ashamed of being identified by as an Indian.

Answer the arab who ask you not to mention off topic nonsense.. don't bark at me.
The change in the muslim world is coming, the muslim world will rise once again with over two billion across the world

Gettind rid of scum like mubarak, assad is the start
If a "scholar" (the quality of scholarship is indeed note worthy) offering money to kill Assad is good, is it bad to offer money to kill of the Brince and Brincesses of the Al-Saud ?? Karma is a ____(rhymes with rich)

I agree with you. Assad's crimes are heinous though, but this so called "scholar" has forgotten about a fundamental human right; the right to have a fair trial.
Typical Indian being ashamed of being identified by as an Indian.

Answer the arab who ask you not to mention off topic nonsense.. don't bark at me.

I've already did now I'm getting accused of being indian, african, israeli all might as well just play along I've already did 10,000 dead arabs can't do much other then foreign jihadists being killed.

He is An African.

Israeli, Indian, African. lolz.
I agree with you. Assad's crimes are heinous though, but this so called "scholar" has forgotten about a fundamental human right; the right to have a fair trial.
Fair trial for what?!
To see if he is guilty or not?
To see if maybe the massacres are not his fault?!
Hindus have many animal gods, including a monkey god and a elephant god, I think the cow is also one of there gods

Maybe when they call someone an animal they mean it as a compliment
Fair trial for what?!
To see if he is guilty or not?
To see if maybe the massacres are not his fault?!

Before giving or carrying out a sentence, a trial is a necessity. Especially when giving out a death sentence, as this scholar has apparently given. Even a beginner at law school can tell you that. You can't just have people assassinated, this scholar should have offered a reward for his capture instead.
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