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Saudi FM arriving to discuss Pakistan's involvement in 34-nation military alliance

Our role is now other wise it would be too late and we would not be able to control chaos in middle east as well as within Pakistan.

The only role we need to be playing is of a mediator between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Last thing Pakistan needs is another conflict on its border.
I still give the same advice to Pakistanis as I gave when Yemen coalition talks were going around. Charge Saudis 500 billion dollars in CASH, and then just stall them. US charged Saudis trillions and stalled them now. Egypt charged Saudis 42 billion in just the past 6 months and stalled the Saudis.

Saudis have been a cash cow and they won't mind to be milked since otherwise their udder becomes too heavy to carry around. The trick is, to stall them at the end or else you will end up with them infecting your home. But that should not be an issue, since no one invites a cow to live in one's home after milking it.
I still give the same advice to Pakistanis as I gave when Yemen coalition talks were going around. Charge Saudis 500 billion dollars in CASH, and then just stall them. US charged Saudis trillions and stalled them now. Egypt charged Saudis 42 billion in just the past 6 months and stalled the Saudis.

Saudis have been a cash cow and they won't mind to be milked since otherwise their udder becomes too heavy to carry around. The trick is, to stall them at the end or else you will end up with them infecting your home. But that should not be an issue, since no one invites a cow to live in one's home after milking it.

just pray they don't whack you when oil prices rise back to $100
Saudi FM arriving to discuss Pakistan's involvement in 34-nation military alliance


Saudi FM arriving to discuss Pakistan's involvement in 34-nation military alliance





Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir will arrive on Sunday to take Pakistani leadership into confidence over the Middle East situation. —AFP/File
ISLAMABAD: Saudi Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir will arrive in Islamabad on Sunday to take Pakistani leadership into confidence over the Middle East situation and the recently formed 34-nation military alliance by the kingdom, it has been learnt.

Officials at the Foreign Office confirmed that the arriving foreign minister will meet Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Monday.

The Saudi Arabia's foreign minister will also hold meetings with prime minister’s adviser Sartaj Aziz.

The officials further said that the purpose of the visit is to consult Pakistan’s leadership over joining the anti-terrorism alliance.

Saudi Arabia had earlier announced the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism. The inclusion of Pakistan in this alliance drew a mixed response from Islamabad.

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said he was surprised to read the news that Saudi Arabia had named Pakistan as part of the alliance.

The Foreign Office later welcomed the formation the alliance but said Islamabad is awaiting further details in this regard to to decide the extent of its participation.

Pakistan has consistently supported all regional and international efforts to combat militancy, extremism and terrorism and, to this end, has extended its full support and cooperation to international community, the FO stated.
Saudi FM arriving to discuss Pakistan's involvement in 34-nation military alliance - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
@MaarKhoor @Zarvan @Irfan Baloch @haviZsultan @WAJsal
After wrecking havocs after havocs, Wahhabism is nearing its end. Having said that Persian Empire dream will be over too no matter how many "immortals" they bring along with them. Xerxes was crushed by a few hundred Spartans. Shah Ismail's expeditions were stopped at the present Turkey-Iran border. At some point people in ME will forcefully say enough is enough and pave the way for a lasting peace. History tells them where to turn to!!
Pakistan condemns all kinds of terrorism but we still need to be neutral and careful in that matter.
Division is already their now it's for you to decide weather to be with majority or minority. As for daesh it has to be defeated but Muslim forces have to take lead and put troops on ground and time to tell USA and Russia to go back from middle east and Afghanistan.

Well i dont want my country to be in alliance in which we are included without telling us. And Saudi alliance is a sectarian alliance.

Daesh ideology is a very Saudi Wahabi ideology.

The major players of this one sided alliance dont even wimp when Israel is destroying Palestine but all of them unite at burning of embassy!

If you want the sectarian argument then its only Shia Islam which is standing up to Israel hegemony in Middle East and standing up to America. The Sunni Islam is desperately lining up to settle relations with Israel. Iran negotiated nuclear deal with America on an equal term. Quite unlike your favorite Saudi Arabia which takes dictation from west and does not flinch from damaging Islam for its geopolitical interest.

Saudi policy is wrong and divisive and they are not serving Islam in any way but their steps are on the contrary.

I m Sunni by the way.
Well i dont want my country to be in alliance in which we are included without telling us. And Saudi alliance is a sectarian alliance.

Daesh ideology is a very Saudi Wahabi ideology.

The major players of this one sided alliance dont even wimp when Israel is destroying Palestine but all of them unite at burning of embassy!

If you want the sectarian argument then its only Shia Islam which is standing up to Israel hegemony in Middle East and standing up to America. The Sunni Islam is desperately lining up to settle relations with Israel. Iran negotiated nuclear deal with America on an equal term. Quite unlike your favorite Saudi Arabia which takes dictation from west and does not flinch from damaging Islam for its geopolitical interest.

Saudi policy is wrong and divisive and they are not serving Islam in any way but their steps are on the contrary.

I m Sunni by the way.
Daesh are Khawarij as for so called Wahabi go read book Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab mainly Kitab ut Tawheed and prove one thing which is not according to Quran and Sunnah
Any trouble inside KSA will only create havoc in Pakistan specially if that trouble is made by Iranian proxies so better we go and join the alliance and specially to defeat ISIS Muslim countries have to take lead. Troops on ground are needed as well as Muslim countries need to use their Air force to attack ISIS. USA and Russia have to be told to leave middle east and Afghanistan.

KSA has the most cyber ISIS supporters, Wahhabism is the bedrock of ISIS belief so if you want ot deal with the ISIS instead of taliban deal with the royal appointed saudi clerics. Remember this belief has "blessed" Pakistan.

The only way to take on ISIS is to take on Wahhabi doctrine – Mondoweiss

Saudi Arabia is right to be anxious over its ideological links with Isis | Brian Whitaker | Opinion | The Guardian

Wahhabism to ISIS: how Saudi Arabia exported the main source of global terrorism

You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia | Alastair Crooke
Our role is now other wise it would be too late and we would not be able to control chaos in middle east as well as within Pakistan.
I hope you are not that naive. No thanks we don't want to be involved and spill our blood for Arab Ajam conflict. Holy Quran says that if a conflict between two Muslim parties try to be a peacemaker rather than choose majority. Let me tell you another thing about majority you know that majority of mankind is hell bound nothing can save them except Allah's mercy. So don't follow the crowd and ask for trouble when there is none at present. Think like a Pakistani and a muslim not as Saudi or Wahbi thanks. The reason I say it cz I noticed you are totally pro Saudi without looking in past and realizing the damage they did to Pakistan. Saudi and GCC is and have been a life line for corrupt people in Pakistan. Let's cut that lifeline once and for all so these corrupt people have no where to run and some sheikh can't negotiate the release of a corrupt person. Thanks
(just my observation so may not be asked for proof or links to avoid mouse work)

Before going to take any decision about joining 34 Coalition (not to the some extents), Syria, taking side against Iran or about any part in ME, first of all need to understand the TRAP a big trap indeed.

We can offer our best services using good offices to calm the situation and be a bridge for Iran and KSA for talks and ease zone. I am pretty sure that no troops are going, not on the basis of NS dealings but indeed we have COAS to tell enough as we already at war and Yemen decision is a clear example. We have no major conflicts with Iran nor with KSA so no to taking side.

About fight for KSA, Saudis should contact all the parties who milked them in past and still doing well. So also no need to vote wish about whether Bashar should stay or not but need to remain neutral and should talk about peace.

US & allies produced ISIS to bring down Taliban and Islamic world and to remain present in M.E in the name of fight against ISIS.

Russia is in Syria just to oppose USA & allies so Russian's presence could be verified for their whatever the needs are.

US & Allies are in M.E just to save their face and proxies as Russia has started to hunt them.

ISIS has been formed by US & allies agencies to defame Islam and damage to the Islamic world to achieve what they can't by direct conflict (divide).

So by viewing the situation just thoroughly, it would be great to remain neutral and not to fall in a trap until & unless we are affected directly. Indeed we are in great debit to Saudi's support in past, therefore, we should be helping them for benefits of not just two of us but for the whole region, mankind and Islam rather going in emotional or sentimental just because of some sort of business ties.

Rest about sacred places in KSA, no doubt we will protect till the last breath but the fight for the kingdom is not our job. If Saudi government is that much Islamic that we should fight for them then the only cause that we could have fought would have been KHILAFAT (the true Islamic system) but not the kingdom as Islam never adopted the King or Kingdom system.

Islam Zindabad
Pakistan Zindabad
Unlike brown skin Arabs, people of Levant, particularly Syrians are quite light skinned (goras) due to historical events i.e Romans and Crusaders conquest, rapes, migration, conversion, mixing and so on in that area. So just like desis mentality, they are quite high on goraness fever. Unless your bradari speaks Arabi and looks gora, they might get disappointed meeting their long lost brethren.
Your wrong, People of Levant arent even Arabs; they were integrated during the Arab conquest.
Your wrong, People of Levant arent even Arabs; they were integrated during the Arab conquest.
hmm,,, o_O How am I wrong? I said the same thing but you over simplified it and came up with wrong assumption. I think you missed the part where I said migration (both In and out) and conversion. Considering Timur wiped out all the inhabitants in that area during his conquest, therefore currently most Levantines are mixed of Arabs and others races, but still overwhelmingly Arab.

...and that's genetically speaking, On ground and on paper they are totally Arabs.
No Pakistani combat troops for Saudi-led military alliance, says Aziz


  • PM’s adviser says ‘all matters between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have been settled’

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz on Tuesday said Pakistan will not send ground troops to Saudi Arabia or any other country after having joined the 34-state Islamic military alliance led by Saudi Arabia.

In a briefing to the National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee at the Parliament House, Aziz said all matters between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have been settled. He said Pakistan will be sharing intelligence with Saudi Arabia to counter terrorism.

Aziz told the committee that Pakistan is playing its role to defuse tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

“An emergency meeting of OIC foreign ministers has been summoned in Jeddah where Pakistan would present important proposals to reduce Iran-Saudi tensions.” The adviser said Pakistan wishes for peaceful settlement of the Syrian conflict and supports all efforts for resumption of dialogue.

The chairman of the committee, Awais Leghari, told reporters after the briefing that the committee lauded Pakistan’s balanced stance on the Saudi-Iran conflict.

The announcement comes just a day after Saudi Defence Minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman visited Pakistan and held meetings with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Army Chief General Raheel Sharif.

While Gen Raheel assured Prince Mohammad bin Salman of a “strong response” to threats to his country’s territorial integrity, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called for resolving its crisis with Iran through diplomacy and offered Pakistan’s good offices in this regard.

“Pakistan has historically pursued the policy of promoting brotherhood among member states of the OIC. Pakistan has also always expressed its readiness to offer its good offices to brotherly Muslim countries for resolution of their differences,” the prime minister was quoted by his office as having told the Saudi deputy crown prince.

The Saudi defence minister’s Islamabad visit had come just three days after foreign minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir held meetings with PM Nawaz and army chief Gen Raheel Sharif to discuss Pakistan’s role in the 34-nation military alliance.

Military alliance:

Saudi Arabia last month announced the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism.

“The countries here mentioned have decided on the formation of a military alliance led by Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism, with a joint operations center based in Riyadh to coordinate and support military operations,” the statement said.

A long list of Arab countries such as Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, together with Islamic countries Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan and Gulf Arab and African states were mentioned.

The announcement cited “a duty to protect the Islamic nation from the evils of all terrorist groups and organisations whatever their sect and name which wreak death and corruption on earth and aim to terrorise the innocent.”

Iran, Saudi Arabia’s archrival for influence in the Arab world, was absent from the states named as participants, as proxy conflicts between the two regional powers rage from Syria to Yemen.

Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia have lately exacerbated after the latter executed a prominent Shia cleric on terror charges, causing widespread condemnation. Protesters in Tehran ransacked a Saudi embassy in retaliation, resulting in Saudi Arabia and several countries from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) severing diplomatic ties with Iran.

No Pakistani combat troops for Saudi-led military alliance, says Aziz | Pakistan Today

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