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Saudi donors most signifcant source of terrorism funding in Pakistan

How can a country tolerant a anti national person what ever he speak is
Against the army and government.
Close these takfiri Wahhabi centre and see the fcuking change .
Remember how pakistan was moderate before general jia open his back side and allow saudi ideology to destroy moderate thinking of Pakistan.
Know your enemy before he destroy you.
please cut the blame game shit .

its unfortunately your people who are engaged in terrorist activities against their very own nation.

isn't there enough propaganda and covert war against iran ? if there is , then why don't we go nuts ?

what did iran do that caused "terrorism" in your country ? and i am not going to include "KSA" in to this , cause they supported those takfiri groups .

the only reason you are blaming iran is that you dont wanna directly address "saudia" for this matter . by claiming that its a proxy war , you wont make saudiz mad and the "aid" keeps pouring in ....

i really cannot comprehend how much you guys beg for the same money that is killing innocents in pakistan

1- educate your people so that they know what they are dealing with

2 - stop blaming the only neighbor that is good to you and work on your infrastructure .

3- don't let others bully you for money or for power (international recognition / media hype)

4- multiple the amount of money you are giving to cultural institutions

Iran has been good to Pakistan. In fact, it was when Iran's cultural influence specially that of Persian language was replaced by Arab imports during and after General Zia's rule that Pakistan started its downward spiral into what it has become now. A "dry" religion has caused the public of Pakistan to either become extremists and their sympathizers or it has let to Pakistanis to question their religion altogether. The middle ground is gone. Those days are gone in Pakistan when Molavi's Masnavi was regarded as an ultimate guide book of life both by public as well as the ideological father of Pakistan, Dr Iqbal, who had called Molavi his master. Such Iranian pearls have been replaced by either Saudi Wahabism or Western Liberalism. It is sad really.

As for your suggestion, though they are the most sensible things that Pakistan should indeed do, but they will never be implemented. Since the public of Pakistan has still not understood the nature of the threat dismantling their country. That is why they think they can go on like this, with only modifications of what they have been doing for so long now. Take these into considerations about your high quality advice:

1- Millions of children are out of school in Pakistan. Education has fallen out of favor and is considered a last priority for Pakistani planners. Gigantic and inefficient pseudo-infrastructure projects, non-strategic military purchases and ponzy schemes that benefit the planners get higher priority than education. It is really sad though. Pakistan used to be the most scientifically and technologically advanced Muslim nation from its birth, right till 1980's. It could have invested in education and become a respectable nation. They instead chose to be a Wahabi puppet (I am sorry if this comes as strong language. But reality often can not be expressed any other way). No Iranian or Japanese or American can be blamed on this. It is a choice that Pakistan itself has made.

2- Unfortunately, Pakistanis can not see beyond their prejudice here. It is an emotional nation, with little regard for rationality of things. When Iranian power plant manufacturing companies and others went to Pakistan competed and bid the lowest, thereby beating Chinese and Turkish companies for infrastructure projects such as power plants and roads, they could not get the projects. The reason was, Iranians had not paid commissions and could not transfer millions of dollars as kickbacks to off-shore accounts.

Pakistan despite sitting on top of lots of copper and gypsum has refused to develop infrastructures to cash these reserves and feeding its people, instead they have chosen to look up to Saudis and Americans for a few a billions here or there to balance their budget. The sense priority does not exist. They spent billions of dollars to buy 18 units of F-16 which had no strategic benefit for them, since they are already a nuclear and missile power. Instead of paying for these planes, they could have chosen to set up an entire copper mining cycle from extraction, to refinery, right down to industrial copper products such as electrical cable and busbars, which could have earned Pakistan billions of dollars per year and employing millions, making Pakistan independent of aid and the strings that come attached with it.

3- Emotional people seldom can exercise self control. The amount of blackmail, and bullying other countries such as Iran have experienced and are experiencing can not even be compared to what Pakistan has experienced. So the excuse of bullying and blackmail, is no excuse at all. Specially for a nation that produces its own food. The only commodity that really matters when shit hits the fan. The truth is, the aid money and promises of future aid makes a nation lose its honor and sense of self dignity. The excuse of bullying and blackmail is then used to continue the shameful exercise of remaining dependent and playing weak.

4- What a beautiful suggestion. Only some one who has diagnosed the true nature of the disease can come up with such a beautiful treatment. But unfortunately, Pakistan does not have any functional cultural institute. Almost all of Pakistan's cultural institutes were razed to ground by General Zia. Pakistan has lost its movie industry, its cultural foundations which were Sufi/Farsi based inherited from the culture of Indian Muslims, its literary institutions and even its high quality cultural thinkers. The purge has been brutal and devastating, leaving the population to either import their cultural values from India, Turkey, West and ever more from Wahabi countries where the culture is synonymous with "dry" religion. So there is no institutes left to multiply its funding.

Overall as you can see, it is a sorry state of affairs. Comparing India with Pakistan, I must admire the Indians have been much better planners and implementers. They succeeded where Pakistan has failed. The Indian culture is being exported all around the world from Japan to France and from Canada to Germany.

After Khomeini over threw the Shah---he pushed over the revolution to Pakistan.

That is propaganda of Wahabis. There is not even a shred of evidence supporting that claim. Pakistan is not a revolution kind of a nation. If it was, under such carnage and chaos, it should have had its own brand of revolution. You can fool afew people with that statement of yours. But your failures are increasing becoming of the most serious nature, and for which you have no one else blame but yourselves. Khomeini, Khrushchev and Castro are not responsible for your failures. They never were. They never will be. No historian worth his/her salt will blame these for Pakistan's failures to deliver. The only people will be blamed in history will be you. So stop fooling yourselves and clean up the filth.
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There is one little problem with the leaked cable in the OP: TTP is not a Salafi group. They're supposed to be deobandis, who are Hanafis. Still, Saudi interests are unfortunately aligned a lot more to the US than to any Muslim nations, the terrorist groups most likely serve their material interests and illegal, highly profitable, activities (like drug smuggling and extortion) and have little to do with ideology.
Saudi involved in funding terrorism in Pakistan? No Shit Sherlock.

1- Millions of children are out of school in Pakistan. Education has fallen out of favor and is considered a last priority for Pakistani planners. Gigantic and inefficient pseudo-infrastructure projects, non-strategic military purchases and ponzy schemes that benefit the planners get higher priority than education. It is really sad though. Pakistan used to be the most scientifically and technologically advanced Muslim nation from its birth, right till 1980's. It could have invested in education and become a respectable nation.

Pakistan despite sitting on top of lots of copper and gypsum has refused to develop infrastructures to cash these reserves and feeding its people, instead they have chosen to look up to Saudis and Americans for a few a billions here or there to balance their budget. The sense priority does not exist. They spent billions of dollars to buy 18 units of F-16 which had no strategic benefit for them, since they are already a nuclear and missile power. Instead of paying for these planes, they could have chosen to set up an entire copper mining cycle from extraction, to refinery, right down to industrial copper products such as electrical cable and busbars, which could have earned Pakistan billions of dollars per year and employing millions, making Pakistan independent of aid and the strings that come attached with it.

The truth is, the aid money and promises of future aid makes a nation lose its honor and sense of self dignity.

This much I can agree with, with a heavy heart.
The rest of your post is riddled with your opinions which may or may not be true.
Saudi and foreign funding of madrasas and NGOs need to be regulated and checked. Terroism in Pakistan have links with Saudi Arabia and the NGOs and it is in Pakistan's best interest to control both on an urgent basis.
We should back Shia rebels in Saudi Arabia. Tit for Tat should start. We have had enough of sheikhs playing games with us.

In that case you will start a chain reaction and invite ISIL properly to the subcontinent. And we are not in a state to spend too much on this shit, we have a lot to develop.
In that case you will start a chain reaction and invite ISIL properly to the subcontinent. And we are not in a state to spend too much on this shit, we have a lot to develop.

Don't worry. No such thing will happen. Shia structure of religious practice is different. It has a central authority, called a grand Ayatollah. Without the permission of a grand Ayatollah no strategic move, or a significant tactical move can be made by Shias. Pakistan does not have any influence over such an Ayatollah. Only Iran and Iraq do.

Saudi and foreign funding of madrasas and NGOs need to be regulated and checked. Terroism in Pakistan have links with Saudi Arabia and the NGOs and it is in Pakistan's best interest to control both on an urgent basis.

Good luck with that.
please cut the blame game shit .

its unfortunately your people who are engaged in terrorist activities against their very own nation.

isn't there enough propaganda and covert war against iran ? if there is , then why don't we go nuts ?

what did iran do that caused "terrorism" in your country ? and i am not going to include "KSA" in to this , cause they supported those takfiri groups .

the only reason you are blaming iran is that you dont wanna directly address "saudia" for this matter . by claiming that its a proxy war , you wont make saudiz mad and the "aid" keeps pouring in ....

i really cannot comprehend how much you guys beg for the same money that is killing innocents in pakistan

1- educate your people so that they know what they are dealing with

2 - stop blaming the only neighbor that is good to you and work on your infrastructure .

3- don't let others bully you for money or for power (international recognition / media hype)

4- multiple the amount of money you are giving to cultural institutions
Saudi actions across the middle east are to confront you politically and ideologically its no blame game "sh1t" but a fact Iraq and syria were targetted for that reason pakistan and afghanistan are work in progress except Asad, all Arab regimes are funding the sectarian war and even facilitating Israel to invade iran
pakistan as i explained is yet another sectarian and ideological battle ground
dont be too insecure and defensive i am not blaming iran or even saudis 95% blame lies with pakistanis who are willing to fight a proxy war and this thread is about its roots and background
not emotional ranting my dear " enlightened and shrewd iranian FRREND , ,
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Secretly you're a closet Wahabi ! :sarcastic:


What is wrong with being a wahabi---. I am a wahabi----.

Here is a rascist joke we wahabis tell ---two matarwi ( mohajir ) women were fighting----One said to the other---Teray moonh mein khanzir---the other replied---teray moonh mein wahabi translation---the first one said to the other pig in your mouth---the other replied--- wahabi in your mouth----:rofl::rofl::rofl:

What is wrong with being a wahabi---. I am a wahabi----.

Here is a rascist joke we wahabis tell ---two matarwi ( mohajir ) women were fighting----One said to the other---Teray moonh mein khanzir---the other replied---teray moonh mein wahabi translation---the first one said to the other pig in your mouth---the other replied--- wahabi in your mouth----:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Janaab there is nothing wrong with being a Wahabi; even I find it amusing that most of the time here on PDF and also in general elsewhere the Wahabis become a convenient scape goat to pin blame on.

What is wrong with being a wahabi---. I am a wahabi----.

Here is a rascist joke we wahabis tell ---two matarwi ( mohajir ) women were fighting----One said to the other---Teray moonh mein khanzir---the other replied---teray moonh mein wahabi translation---the first one said to the other pig in your mouth---the other replied--- wahabi in your mouth----:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You joke is sick. But overall, nothing is wrong with being a Wahabi as long as you do not practice Takfiri ideology which then allows for killing and maiming people enmasse, as you can see going on in Pakistan. The key problem here is Takfir, which has become central to Salafi, Wahabi and Deobandi ideologies. If you can remove it from your faith and live your life and let others have their lives then no body cares if you are a Wahabi or Brelvi.
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