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Saudi Court gives the punishment of 400 lashes and 2 years in prison

Badboys don't even behave like that with their mom, I think the guy must be retarded or something.
The punishment sets a good example.

I thought you don't like the Saudi justice system :D. Just kidding with you :tup:
@Yzd Khalifa

Mother is the most beautiful thing God has created. Slapping the mother is like slapping the God himself. Ask those who don't have mothers,what it really means to be without a mum.

I'd rather shoot myself through the headroof before insulting my mother. This punishment isn't enough.

Whatever hand he used to hit his mother should,be dipped into a bucket of acid. So he remembers it for the rest of his pathetic life.

Its funny,how the people from a specific nationality,are crying foul over the harsh saudi punishments. Just a few months ago,the same people were calling for a death panelty for those who rape their women....hypo.....oops :D
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There is some thing wrong, very very wrong here.

It took a man slapping his mother and a lot of activism by young saudis over the internet to get it to this point.

@Mosamania , @Arabian Legend, @Yzd Khalifa Do you think the case would have run the same way if the old woman had no help from young activists ?

Also comment on the case of the police officer who was arrested in the Jawazat office. That case too needed a lot of twitter, youtube and the news finally getting to the prince himself before that officer was arrested.

What I am questioning is WHY isn't the law department (Police + Justice) capable of delivering ? why does it always require a third push to deliver ?
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Good decision by Saudi court. He should be whipped naked in the open for ultimate humiliation. Every country should have this law.

These $hits don't even understand that when he will be sentenced with an ultimate punishment, his mother will be the first person to beg for mercy for him. These kind of people are curse in the face of this earth.
Yes, the guy who sexually assaulted his daughter is the same that I was talking about bro.

Just because he appeared once on the TV, it doesn't mean that he's an overqualified angle. The man is sick ,and I feel sorry for his family.

Ahh he came only once...stupid media blasted the news ...just coz you appear once on the tv doesnt make you ...oh well....

As for the mother slapper...He should be slapped daily!
Practices like drinking cow **** and sacrificing girl childs, is very wise for you?

Go back to your hinduism forums and leave us in peace.

lol batman losing his marbles again. :)
That drag queen nawazish broke his moms nose and got away with it...nobody said a word to condemn his despicable behaviour. Had it been some other incidence of beating especially by some Mullah, the 'liberal fascist media' would have been all over it.....especially those "Xpresstribune" pricks.
There is some thing wrong, very very wrong here.

It took a man slapping his mother and a lot of activism by young saudis over the internet to get it to this point.

@Mosamania , @Arabian Legend, @Yzd Khalifa Do you think the case would have run the same way if the old woman had no help from young activists ?

Also comment on the case of the police officer who was arrested in the Jawazat office. That case too needed a lot of twitter, youtube and the news finally getting to the prince himself before that officer was arrested.

What I am questioning is WHY isn't the law department (Police + Justice) capable of delivering ? why does it always require a third push to deliver ?

Hi Salman,

I hope you're doing very well and good.

No, the case was monitored by the MOSA from the very beginning. These days, they maintain a hot-line and another e-hot line. Any abused individual can report to them with full confidentiality if needed. Those activists work for the MOSA and they report to the Minister himself, then the business can take care of himself.

As for the Home Services officer, The whole MOI didn't know a thing about the issue until the video was uploaded by Al-Arabyia, therefore they acted out a bit late.
What I am questioning is WHY isn't the law department (Police + Justice) capable of delivering ? why does it always require a third push to deliver ?

Good question, the law department can't take actions without investigating the case via the Commission of investigation and Prosection. In this case, the officer will want to stand before a marshal committee before hand, and later he will be defer to the Supreme Court.

Most likely, the officer will be relieved off his post on ground of abusing power.

@Yzd Khalifa

Mother is the most beautiful thing God has created. Slapping the mother is like slapping the God himself. Ask those who don't have mothers,what it really means to be without a mum.

I'd rather shoot myself through the headroof before insulting my mother. This punishment isn't enough.

Whatever hand he used to hit his mother should,be dipped into a bucket of acid. So he remembers it for the rest of his pathetic life.

Its funny,how the people from a specific nationality,are crying foul over the harsh saudi punishments. Just a few months ago,the same people were calling for a death panelty for those who rape their women....hypo.....oops :D

That SOB got what he deserves for now. I'm sure that the Saudi people were willing to throw him out of Al-Faisliya tower :D

I am trying to warm up to them.

Salute my Haitian friend.
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