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Saudi bid to Iran, admission of defeat

Don't get mad hahaha we all know who are the cheapest prostitute in dubai and bahrain are, the persian whores or also known to the arabs there as "Tasbeera" or something to get you by. hahaha i am not slave of the arabs we don't have 30% arabic words in persians neither do we write in arabic alphabet, the funny thing is persians are mad jealous of arabs but still owe them writing and 1/3 of your daily converse, you arab wannabe hahaha.

Making fun of victims of human trafficking that are forced into prostitution? That's a new low, even for you.
We are not jalous because without Persians Islam would not be understood today and would be full of corruptions. I will explain it to you my habash slave while you speak english (indo-european language) to a persian indo-european man. Even Quran has persian Iranic worlds :lol: Read further, you should get some info in your empty habash skull.

What about the time machine?
BTW according to the national Iq test conducted by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, Iran has lower IQ score than Eritrea, so he's probably smarter than you.

Further most prostitutes in Bahrain are from eastern countries, I won't name them to insult people from those countries. Still if there are very few desperate girls, cheapest are arab from sunni areas of Iraq and Syria who lost everything in war. They do forced zawaaj-al-misyaar on them (temporary)

"Desperate girls" ! Lol 'mowweminowwt' in your country are told to perform religious prostitution because if they do so, for every single drop of water they use to wash the holy c*m off, Mazda will create 70,000 UFOs who will pray for them forever. While few oppressed women from Syria & Iraq are forced to do prostitution because of the desperate situation, mulaled mowwminowt are more than happy to give service and increase their piety.
What about the time machine?
BTW according to the national Iq test conducted by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, Iran has lower IQ score than Eritrea, so he's probably smarter than you.

"Desperate girls" ! Lol 'mowweminowwt' in your country are told to perform religious prostitution because if they do so, for every single drop of water they use to wash the holy c*m off, Mazda will create 70,000 UFOs who will pray for them forever. While few oppressed women from Syria & Iraq are forced to do prostitution because of the desperate situation, mulaled mowwminowt are more than happy to give service and increase their piety.
you AH do you know production of sciences in Iran is 2.5 times more than whole of the arab countries?
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What about the time machine?
BTW according to the national Iq test conducted by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, Iran has lower IQ score than Eritrea, so he's probably smarter than you.

IQ doesn't mean everything. How many Eritrean scientists, scholars, engineers, inventors, etc. do you know of?

Here are some Iranian ones. Note that these are just the modern ones.
List of contemporary Iranian scientists, scholars, and engineers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Desperate girls" ! Lol 'mowweminowwt' in your country are told to perform religious prostitution because if they do so, for every single drop of water they use to wash the holy c*m off, Mazda will create 70,000 UFOs who will pray for them forever. While few oppressed women from Syria & Iraq are forced to do prostitution because of the desperate situation, mulaled mowwminowt are more than happy to give service and increase their piety.

I'm just gonna ignore this verbal diarrhea above and pretend it never existed.
This Saudi re rapprochement should be taken with caution without taking guard down. But Iran should and looks like open for discussion and that is in the interest of both countries. There is no questions Saudi royals committed heinous crime but for greater good Iran should not reject any opportunity to make things better.

Besides, Iran is in stronger position with good backing from China and Russians and should be comfortable bring Saudis back to their senses. Sense that there are plenty of space for both Saudis and Iran to play leadership role for greater middle east and Muslim countries. And sectarian issues should not be their guiding principal. With close proximity both can complement each other in economic and development affairs.
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