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Saudi beheads Pakistanis for armed robbery

i believe saudis make changes to sharia law to suite their needs..
there are civilized ways to control crime, ofcourse, we are not learned as whole, so have difficulty comprehending, let alone implementing such ideas ! sigh

A civilized society kills criminals, it is an uncivilized societies in which murderers, rapists, kid nappers and armed robbers go unpunished.

If Somebody robbed me at gun point I would want that piece of garbage a-hole dead. I am glad Saudie Arabia is civilized enough to kill these criminals. I hope I see the day when we kill criminals like these too in Pakistan.We would not have terrorism in our country if these criminals were killed before it got to that point.
there are civilized ways to control crime, ofcourse, we are not learned as whole, so have difficulty comprehending, let alone implementing such ideas ! sigh

And what exactly are those "civilized" ways?

We have been implementing civilized ways of our own like courts acquitting confirmed convicted terrorists. What else civilized you expect from Justice Chaudry and that gang?
Death over an armed robbery? Jesus.

Armed robbery means .... he was armed and would have probably killed if threatened

I don't see any difference between murder and attempted murder. In the latter the victim was just lucky

Countries have been preemptively attacked for less crimes
I think decapitation is most painless form of execution. it does look horrific to others but for the benefit of convict its painless and fast, better than hanging or shooting.
A civilized society kills criminals, it is an uncivilized societies in which murderers, rapists, kid nappers and armed robbers go unpunished.

If Somebody robbed me at gun point I would want that piece of garbage a-hole dead. I am glad Saudie Arabia is civilized enough to kill these criminals. I hope I see the day when we kill criminals like these too in Pakistan.We would not have terrorism in our country if these criminals were killed before it got to that point.

:lol:.... I can see how you had to add armed robbers in the list...

And what exactly are those "civilized" ways?

We have been implementing civilized ways of our own like courts acquitting confirmed convicted terrorists. What else civilized you expect from Justice Chaudry and that gang?

incompetency is something else.
Armed robbery means .... he was armed and would have probably killed if threatened

I don't see any difference between murder and attempted murder. In the latter the victim was just lucky

Countries have been preemptively attacked for less crimes

That's a very big if, armed robbers carry a weapon for intimidation. Also what attempted murder, no mention of that in the article?
I would say that is harsh for a robbery. I am all for capital punishment for crimes such as murder, rape, paedophilia but this is too harsh.
Saudi govt has tribal laws, its not Islamic law . They follow majority law come from primitive jew tribe and more relevant to Tora.
I lived in Saudi for 20 Years for Robbery the punishment was to cut their hands or put them in jail for few years. When did they start cutting people head for this. Saudi are getting really out of control and they should stop killing people like animals.
I lived in Saudi for 20 Years for Robbery the punishment was to cut their hands or put them in jail for few years. When did they start cutting people head for this. Saudi are getting really out of control and they should stop killing people like animals.
Hope they are not executing their some kind of plan behind mass killing . Beheading for robbery ???...strange...plus their no neutral source to verify all the accusations are correct..
Due to the same "civilized" methods to control crimes, every second woman in the west faces sexual assault including rape, this is just one example do some research and you will find out that the total crimes in KSA in one year are less than total crimes in any of the "civilized" western countries in one day.
Every 2nd woman in Pakistan has relations with a goat. See? 92.3 percent of people can make up statistics. Of course, there is no rape in Saudi Arabia.....that 7 year old? My wife. If a woman does make a charge, she is a hoe and the guilty party.
I lived in Saudi for 20 Years for Robbery the punishment was to cut their hands or put them in jail for few years. When did they start cutting people head for this. Saudi are getting really out of control and they should stop killing people like animals.

Why, if a man robs me at a gun point, why shouldn't he be killed for the crime he commit against me?
:lol:.... I can see how you had to add armed robbers in the list...

incompetency is something else.

Thieves, their hands must Be cut off, I am fine with killing theives too, if somebody stole something from me, I would want that a-hole dead, but chopping his hands off is a good compromise too.

the only people who might have a problem with this would be the criminals, mostly because half of their family would be either dead or without hands, but it would be a victory for the just and civilized people.

If over population in the world is such an issue then we can start reducing it by disposing of the garbage.

PS: Over half of Pakistan's problem can be traced to not disposing off the human garbage in timely manner. Now this garbage has multiplied over the generations, and we see, terrorism, corruptions, crime, rape, acid attacks, kid napping,sexual exploitation, political mafias in our society.

Lets start killing off the human garbage so our children don't have to live among human dump....
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