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Saudi Arabia's grand mufti says Iranians are 'not Muslims'

I remember this 2006 video very very well.

Baha'a Al Aaraji - one of Al Sadr group leaders - calling Shiites to 'Take you Arm and kill every wahhabi dog' ..
'You don't need Fatwa, those who say we need Fatwa are waiting the Imam passively May Allah's Curse be upon them'

This was after, the two shiites mosques bombing.

You guess the rest ........

* Waiting the Imam passively means, you are waiting the Al-Mahdi without any action that can 'accelerate' his coming, Iranian Mullahs think that before the coming of the Al-Mahdi, 'Banu Umayya' aka Sunnis' bloodhshed should reach the knees.
So want them to stay silent while you kill them day and night is that what you want also that aarajy been dismissed because the shiite know very well that there enemies not only the whhabis there are more behind them plus we don't want to give you an excuse for a real civil war it wont start from our side rest assure we can be patient soon you'll loose we are waiting Allah punishment to you and to those who back you.
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Only takfiri terrorists use that word "Takia" like you're doing. You keep proving you're a takfiri. I am not even a Muslim but this takfiri can't help but shia bash :lol:

I promote the killing of all takfiris. If one sympathises with the likes of ISIS like your beloved mufti then they deserve to die.

You're not Muslim, yet you are here defending Shias... Yea ok, buddy. :disagree:
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You can be an ethnic Eskimo, but if you're not Muslim why does it bother you at all?

Because the thread is about Iranians, whether I want to comment or not is non of your business. You're another takfiri I assume.
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So anybody that tries to argue with you is a takfiri. :lol:

If you're a non Muslim ethnic Iranian then why does what this Saudi cleric say bother you so much?

It seems your thick in the head? I don't have to be an Iranian muslim to comment on this matter regarding Iranians. Yes, only a takfiri would be this bothered by me replying.
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His views have been out in the open for some time and he's perfectly entitled to his views. I view those who aren't Shias in the exact same manner.
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Saudi is militiarizing against Iran.Iran is militiarizing against Saudi.They will fight a devastating war and Muslim countries will get weaker than African states...And there are terrorist states called "Israel" and "United States of America" who will grab the oppurtunity to enslave us,and will conduct second holocaust on Muslims...

Time to wake up, there is no grand conspiracy from the US or Israel, Saudi and Iran are doing quite well enough destroying the Muslim world with out any help. Till you stop falling for the oh look a Jew misdirection and start asking for responsibility from your own leaders nothing will change.

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