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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG






i have a simple question to saudi people do you think your government would respond to IDAF Planes crossing over and bombing IRAN, My analysis not in this world, But you fail to realize after IRAN the only middle eastern country that have ballistic missiles capable of striking ISrael is Saudi arabia and pakistan, and I think Saudi kingdom fails to realize the importance of Protecting Mecca and Kaaba which is More Vital then any nuclear attack or nuclear reactor diaster if attacked to muslims NOT JUST SAUDI's but 90% of the muslims of the world the rest 10% muslims which is the saudi government and kurds

Saudi have more money then most Muslim countries i think their defence budget is more then india's But look at thier accomplisments

1.)No Fighter Jet production line (india(the enemy) has one Iran(the enemy) has one Pakistan(the Khariji's have one)
2.) No Submarine production line( india(the Best friend) has one, Iran(the Shias ultimate salafi enteral enemy)has one, Pakistan(the khariji's have one)
3.) no Sam production line
4.) no tank production line
5.) no APC production line
6.) Sh1t out of luck if ISrael attack which it will after iran and pakistan is done with because of the only middle eastern countr with ballistic missile capability (stationed in mecca)
7.) Saudi should hand over military security of mecca to TURKEY and PAKISTAN Combined which will ensure mutual Destruction if attacked and a Comprehensive INterception capability Far greater then what Saudi's Can provide after all it is One of the five pillars of islam and should not be Held in the hands of those that Support millitary industry with out TOT which in turns Help Enemies of the kingdom

just my 2 cents

What do you guys Think no dissrespect intended to saudi just another khariji ajmi muslim speaking his mind
i have a simple question to saudi people do you think your government would respond to IDAF Planes crossing over and bombing IRAN, My analysis not in this world, But you fail to realize after IRAN the only middle eastern country that have ballistic missiles capable of striking ISrael is Saudi arabia and pakistan, and I think Saudi kingdom fails to realize the importance of Protecting Mecca and Kaaba which is More Vital then any nuclear attack or nuclear reactor diaster if attacked to muslims NOT JUST SAUDI's but 90% of the muslims of the world the rest 10% muslims which is the saudi government and kurds

Saudi have more money then most Muslim countries i think their defence budget is more then india's But look at thier accomplisments

1.)No Fighter Jet production line (india(the enemy) has one Iran(the enemy) has one Pakistan(the Khariji's have one)
2.) No Submarine production line( india(the Best friend) has one, Iran(the Shias ultimate salafi enteral enemy)has one, Pakistan(the khariji's have one)
3.) no Sam production line
4.) no tank production line
5.) no APC production line
6.) Sh1t out of luck if ISrael attack which it will after iran and pakistan is done with because of the only middle eastern countr with ballistic missile capability (stationed in mecca)
7.) Saudi should hand over military security of mecca to TURKEY and PAKISTAN Combined which will ensure mutual Destruction if attacked and a Comprehensive INterception capability Far greater then what Saudi's Can provide after all it is One of the five pillars of islam and should not be Held in the hands of those that Support millitary industry with out TOT which in turns Help Enemies of the kingdom

just my 2 cents

What do you guys Think no dissrespect intended to saudi just another khariji ajmi muslim speaking his mind

Seriously? Is this what you really believe? Seriously?? Damn man I don't know what you have been told but dude you have been told wrong.

You think we look at India as (Best friend?) and to Pakistan as "Kharijis?" Seriously man? It is worse than I thought.

And man, I beg of you to use the search button and take a good long read about what Saudi Arabia has done recently in terms of Military Industry.
Seriously? Is this what you really believe? Seriously?? Damn man I don't know what you have been told but dude you have been told wrong.

You think we look at India as (Best friend?) and to Pakistan as "Kharijis?" Seriously man? It is worse than I thought.

And man, I beg of you to use the search button and take a good long read about what Saudi Arabia has done recently in terms of Military Industry.

the fact still remains Threat From ISrael In the past Israel have violated Saudi Air Space plenty of times and kabba was underseige before from within

and Trust me when I say about how saudi's treat other non arabs in the country i know becasue my 2 of my uncles from my mom side lived their 20 years and now one of my uncle from my dad side that is a doctor living their wants to get out and been trying to decide to either come to america live here and practice after taking the USMLE or go to Britian live with his wife's family because of the way he gets treated their among his arab peers But that is not the point

I know Saudi arabia have been making military advancements But that does not change the fact about IF they will Be able to Confront ISRAEL violating its airspace which will bomb Mecca and Madina no doubt after iran is done with and possibly pakistan

JUST SEARCH "SAMSON OPTION" on the internet or youtube and also their are alot of Orthodox jews that want to have Millitary bases all over middle east like how USA have To prevent ARMS smuggling to hamas and hezbollah
the fact still remains Threat From ISrael In the past Israel have violated Saudi Air Space plenty of times and kabba was underseige before from within

and Trust me when I say about how saudi's treat other non arabs in the country i know becasue my 2 of my uncles from my mom side lived their 20 years and now one of my uncle from my dad side that is a doctor living their wants to get out and been trying to decide to either come to america live here and practice after taking the USMLE or go to Britian live with his wife's family because of the way he gets treated their among his arab peers But that is not the point

I know Saudi arabia have been making military advancements But that does not change the fact about IF they will Be able to Confront ISRAEL violating its airspace which will bomb Mecca and Madina no doubt after iran is done with and possibly pakistan

JUST SEARCH "SAMSON OPTION" on the internet or youtube and also their are alot of Orthodox jews that want to have Millitary bases all over middle east like how USA have To prevent ARMS smuggling to hamas and hezbollah

First of all:
The Saudis Warn Israel They Will Shoot Down Any Jets Using Its Airspace For A Strike On Iran - Business Insider
So nobody is violating our airspace and no one dares to.
I am a Saudi doctor and I meet a lot of Pakistani doctors not once have we treated one another as anything but friends brothers in scalpel and colleagues. And if there is any Muslim country that is able to confront Israel successfully it is Saudi Arabia and Turkey only.

the Samson OPtion

That is the American Presidential Hopefull and carefully understand the mindset of people you'r government is friendly with

So at least gov'n should get Turkey on board if you think pakistan is not able to confront israel
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Troll ! Troll ! Troll ! :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:





Stop ! Stop… :suicide:





























Please ! Please ! Mercy @ Aeronaut. Delete…

In end. My own reply also.
good equpments really good.but dont you think that was better to use your wealth and army for muslims not against them??
muslim country ally of usa and israel and against resistance...isnt it funny???
Seriously? Is this what you really believe? Seriously?? Damn man I don't know what you have been told but dude you have been told wrong.

You think we look at India as (Best friend?) and to Pakistan as "Kharijis?" Seriously man? It is worse than I thought.

And man, I beg of you to use the search button and take a good long read about what Saudi Arabia has done recently in terms of Military Industry.
Sir Please post the links
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