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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

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Saudis have third most powerful military in ME, it is an impressive force. Although I think the KSA military should increase active military personnel currently it is at ~230,000 personnel with their budget they could adequately operate at 500,000 active military personnel making them a potent war-machine force in the region.
Beautiful Hawks. I've seen six units in a formation take-off. Simply elegant.

I have seen these hawks do formation in tabuk from roof top of my building, these hawks are stationed at tabuk air base! I have their booklet on info about these hawks, their pilots and all the formations that they do, and a lot stunning pics!

Amazing hawks.

Saudis have third most powerful military in ME, it is an impressive force. Although I think the KSA military should increase active military personnel currently it is at ~230,000 personnel with their budget they could adequately operate at 500,000 active military personnel making them a potent war-machine force in the region.

Share numbers are not that important anymore in conventional warfare. It's better to have a smaller amount of highly qualified personal rather than a giant army that is more expensive and difficult to maintain.

But slightly increasing the number of personal by 10-15 % would not hurt given the enormous size of KSA (13th biggest country in the world) and all the different types of challenging landscapes to border/control (mountains, deep valleys, tropical areas, enormous coastlines, volcanic and sand deserts, steppes, more Wadis, forests in the south etc. But that's where the Peace Shield comes in the picture.
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