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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

Agree with you KSA has a lot of potential and should technologically be on par with South Korea or Japan, that's why many of us are disappointed KSA is behind it's development trajectory. KSA should be building domestically nuclear-powered submarines, 4.5th generation aircraft, advance radar systems, ICBMs, Tanks comparable to British Challenger, electronic goods, etc. KSA should by now have had an advance space program with it's own satellite in space. The fact KSA is lagging behind is disappointing with as much money and GDP of KSA the country should be far more advance than it is today, I think only now they're investing in R&D so perhaps development will pick up.

In the 1970s only 20% of the country knew how to read FFS. And you expect us to be like Japan and South Korea by now?
I would say in fact we have moved faster than anyone who ever did in history.
The army is in safe hands. I am very satisfied with the progress. We will defend the Holy Land until the end of time and the whole beautiful Arabian Peninsula if necessary.







Full body Ballistic Armor

That would be costly, equipping each soldier and keep stocks but it has efficient uses are both in battlefield and urban warfare.

Plate flak armor. Must be light [advance composites] and intended for protection against shrapnel, low velocity ammunition and grazing shot. most of the current ones will not protect against significant impact or high bullet velocities [power sniper weapons] more investment required but would cost alot. Covers entire chest and back with "flak jacket" apparatus, plates extend down thighs and upper arms. Neck, forearm and shin guards are worn through personal preference or commanding officer's orders [consider it must]. Shatter-resistant goggles are worn in hazardous environments.

Something interesting and very cost effective need more work though to refine and can be termed as full body ballistic armor with extra gadgets, home made individual project.
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@Luftwaffe Look at PA guys.


:lol:Apney cheetey standard military flak jacket armor, glad this has now become standard if you look at 90's Pak soldiers they were exposed. On serious note while NATO-US are heavily protected with body armor our Pakistani soldiers are doing great job with minimal standard body armor protection which is not widely available perhaps due to costs but by 2020 it should widely be available a complete protection body armor which plays important role in soldier protection and increase efficiency as well as in regions like Pakistan due to ambush by taliban we need such body armory, I think PA should seriously think about soldier protection we are losing soldiers fast enough if PA can come up with a good standard body armory.
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It includes DF3 Ballistic Missiles but what about new Ballistic Missiles which Saudi Arabia was interested in buying from China including one with the range of 1500 KM

Highly unlikely, wiki is unreliable.
Highly unlikely, wiki is unreliable.
Sir Saudia has DF-3 that is fact but they were also looking to buy some new missiles from China the were from DF series and one had range of 1500 KM and one had range of 500 KM but don't know if they have been delivered or not
Sir Saudia has DF-3 that is fact but they were also looking to buy some new missiles from China the were from DF series and one had range of 1500 KM and one had range of 500 KM but don't know if they have been delivered or not

Saudi Arabia is smart and wise Al7amdullah not to put itself in a competition with the world. However, That doesn't mean KSA can not cause total paralysis to a multiple threats at once. Sleep tight mate we all know to whom the credit goes in the end :kiss3:
Saudi Arabia is smart and wise Al7amdullah not to put itself in a competition with the world. However, That doesn't mean KSA can not cause total paralysis to a multiple threats at once. Sleep tight mate we all know to whom the credit goes in the end :kiss3:
Sir I have a simple question Sir did you bought new ballistic missiles or not ?
@Luftwaffe someone said its actually the dragon skin.

Great find, i did my search and dragon skin is widely available product and could be the brand but wonder how military contracts would have taken place because it's not a small order on credit card must be a visit by deligation of concern dept of PA plus US Govt is always notified. This is a great field PA should invest a dozen countries can become customers but Turkish friends are smart they might have already started working on such projects should JV or independently persue this field specially PA tough times ahead Allah Kher what havoc taliban would bring after US exit from afghanistan.
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Sir I have a simple question Sir did you bought new ballistic missiles or not ?

Yes Saudi bought a number of the Dongfeng-3 and all are upgraded and ready to hit. That also was part of the agreement with china is to keep those missiles in check. There are also talks that saudi arabia replaced the DF-3 with the CSS5. Nothing confirmed. The saudi don't like to talk about any missile that exceed 300 km range. I hope you catch the fly:wave:
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