He had help from france but was financed by Saudi Arabia. And about the 30 wives King marry and divorce after bringing children it is a way so that he has a child out of the tribes thing. It is a nejdi custom he does not have 30 wives but most probably he had children from 30 wives and ex-wives.
I think, Allah must be proud of him, be praise to King and womanising of 30 wives. Are you planning to change Quran to add new requirements of 30 wives like Abdullah and many leaders example today?
He wasnt talking about 31 wives. He was talking about having children with 31 women. Its sick how they twist our religion to suit their perversions
King Abdullah is not religion but enjoy alot of pleasures on each niqab wives. These many children will follow the same just like her dad Abdullah, these children no doubt will have more than 30 future wives...