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Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

logic of a wahabi is no more than a fish^^

@ Bubblegum, S19 talked about Iran-Egypt relations which simply didn't exist for more than 3 decades under HM. Why are you bringing a joint construction project between Saudi and Egypt into the discussion? He didn't even mention SA in that post. Iran and egypt are now conducting trade, talking about opening embasies, Iranian warships are passing through the Suez etc... and just a couple of years ago the two countries were enemies. There is a clear trend here. Saudi-Egypt relations have hit a rough patch over the last couple of weeks, but of course trade will continue and things will get better. However, that wasn't S-19's point.

@ all the wahabis. Please please use logic when you're discussing and read people's posts and try to understand them. Also, do realize that you guys are nothing but US protectorates and without them you would have no army, no economy, no oil production and no experts to run your countries. It's simply a matter of time before you guys go back to living in tents.

You can continue living in your fantasy world all you want but excuse me while you do that we are bettering ourselves so when push comes to shove you and your ilk will be left crying in the corner like a little ***** which is in fact not very far from now. Oh the look in your face when you come here crying and crying and crying and how we will be laughing at you lot because while you laugh we work. While you ridicule we read. While you have a psychotic narcissistic attitude we use logic.
Attention: moderators please if you find it wrong remove it other wise hope it be here for men to read.

Aside from the Topic, would like all arabians-iranian members to act civilized and respect-embrace each, This is unfortunate and terrible on part of Arabs calling Iranians non muslims when Iranians themselves declare Allah as The God and Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H as the last final Messenger of Allah, how could the animosity go that far declaring Iranians as kafirs on the basis that there is some disagreement over the Khalifas of Islam [through out Islam there have been disagreements, And remember Prophet used to ask his companions on various subjects and than would declare or pass a law-public information with agreement, there were dis-agreements Prophet Muhammad S.A.W did not reject or consider them Kafir], Allah has said Anyone who considers Allah The Only God and does not associate partner with Him any one and declare-accept Prophet of Islam as the Final Messenger then he/she is muslims. What has gotten into you people where is your logic-information on Islam and that is what Allah and his Messenger has said.
Impossible. There would be no winner in a 1 2 1 war. But given Riyadh will have many allies, Iran would face a lot of damage. But there would be sectarian fights in the rest of the Muslim world as to who should be supported. Pakistan could be the first.
Iran can flatten Riyadh in 5 minutes...
We send millions to the Palestinian government.

@ fire worshippers
Please stop being so jealous of our superior living standards. At a certain point, it becomes very unhealthy and you start developing mental problems.
ya'll have one good city and the rest of your people are living it up Yemeni style! Superior living standards my behind.

To me a country like Iran or Turkey, developing countries with an actual economy based on industry and production, have far superior living standards.

Iran exports 2 million barrels of oil a day
Saudi Arabia exports 8 million barrels a day

lmao congratufuckinglations for having one city that's half as rich as any random European ghetto. woopdedoo.
You can continue living in your fantasy world all you want but excuse me while you do that we are bettering ourselves so when push comes to shove you and your ilk will be left crying in the corner like a little ***** which is in fact not very far from now. Oh the look in your face when you come here crying and crying and crying and how we will be laughing at you lot because while you laugh we work. While you ridicule we read. While you have a psychotic narcissistic attitude we use logic.
We can't blame them for jealousy and bitterness. The ultimate dream for an Iranian is to cross the Arabian gulf using a boat and come work her for 2$ an hour as a janitor. If Saudi Arabia today allowed Iranians to work they will mass immigrate here and we would have to kick them back, just like Canada stopped giving Visas to Iranians last week.
We send millions to the Palestinian government.

You sent nothing, show me 42 Years of contribution.

Watch your mouth it is not arab forum. Those who worship whom you mentioned are in numbers, and you don't have to be offensive on it because israelis believe in a man god so does christians, instead of bad mouthing did you not read in the Quran "To you is your religion to them is their religion"; instead of flaming over here you are reported.
Attention: moderators please if you find it wrong remove it other wise hope it be here for men to read.

Aside from the Topic, would like all arabians-iranian members to act civilized and respect-embrace each, This is unfortunate and terrible on part of Arabs calling Iranians non muslims when Iranians themselves declare Allah as The God and Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H as the last final Messenger of Allah, how could the animosity go that far declaring iranains as kafirs on the basis that there is some disagreement over the Khalifas of Islam [through out Islam there have been disagreements, And remember Prophet used to ask his companions on various subjects and than would declare or pass a law-public information with agreement, there were diaagreemtns Prophet Muhammad S.A.W did not reject or consider them Kafir], Allah has said Anyone who considers be The Only God Allah and does not associate partner with me any one and declare-accept Prophet of Islam as the Final Messenger then he/she is muslims. What has gotten into you people where is your logic-information on Islam and that what Allah and his Messenger has said.

You stink of double standards. Why don't you use your advice on Abii as well huh?? He is not Muslim by the way he IS a Zorostatian you know. And he even admits it. You reek of double standards and bias it stinks from Canada all the way to here.
You sent nothing, show me 42 Years of contribution.

Watch your mouth it is not arab forum. Those who worship whom you mentioned are in numbers, and you don't have to be offensive on it because israelis believe in a man god so does christians, instead of bad mouthing did you not read in the Quran "To you is your religion to them is their religion"; instead of flaming over here you are reported.
English please.
You stink of double standards. Why don't you use your advice on Abii as well huh?? He is not Muslim by the way he IS a Zorostatian you know. And he even admits it. You reek of double standards and bias it stinks from Canada all the way to here.

Hello, may peace be with you, you are least of my concerns regarding your comment, Just reflects what you have been taught at home.

You have been reported. As for Abii non of your business of whom follows what religion; this is what you arabians problem is you beat the bush, you people come to Iranian Threads whatever the achievement of Iranians have you have to say negative, Leave Them Be will you, you shameless people your Palestinians people are dieing but you have Iran your number 1 enemy, iranians women-children-old men are dieing due to sanctions and you have animosity up your arses.
Impossible. There would be no winner in a 1 2 1 war. But given Riyadh will have many allies, Iran would face a lot of damage. But there would be sectarian fights in the rest of the Muslim world as to who should be supported. Pakistan could be the first.

I believe Pakistan would be providing support to Iran in such a scenario. Comments anyone?
You stink of double standards. Why don't you use your advice on Abii as well huh?? He is not Muslim by the way he IS a Zorostatian you know. And he even admits it. You reek of double standards and bias it stinks from Canada all the way to here.

Do u have a problem with people of other faiths on this forum sir?

In their dreams maybe.

It is a possibility. If the US doesn't get involved in such an event, Pakistan stands to gain more by supporting Iran than the KSA.
Do u have a problem with people of other faiths on this forum sir?

It is a possibility. If the US doesn't get involved in such an event, Pakistan stands to gain more by supporting Iran than the KSA.
LOL, not that we need them, but we have a defence agreement with Pakistan. At the very least they would be neutral. Not to mention, they would have to declare war on the US if they sided with Iran, since we also have a defence agreement with them!
Iran has highly advanced bio-warfare capability only after Israel and Egypt in the middle east, but I think it will not have to resort to that to win the war.

Well, if Iranian Sejils manage to knock down the financial centres of GCC and oil refineries within the first few hours with a naval blockade AND the US does not intervene, I do not see the GCC continuing after that. Unconditional surrender.

But what would happen in all probabilities is, Arabs would start begging US for help. UAE begged a few days ago and got US to station some F 22s in its country. Such shameless cowardly beggars.

Also, we have to remember that Iran (like Turkey) is a real state. They have thousands of years of experience and a strong sense of statehood. Only Turkey and Iran are really powerful states in the Middle East and North Africa.
Also, we have to remember that Iran (like Turkey) is a real state. They have thousands of years of experience and a strong sense of statehood. Only Turkey and Iran are really powerful states in the Middle East and North Africa.

Highly doubt about Egyptian bio-warfare capability, Americans visit them inside out in all Areas and agreement to provide Funds and Assistance only IF they keep themselves away from bio-chemical weapons-capabilities.
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