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Saudi Arabia warns against pressing Egypt on crackdown


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States

Saudi Arabia on Sunday warned the West against putting pressure on Egypt's military-backed government to halt a crackdown on supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohamed Mursi.

"We will not achieve anything through threats," Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal, told reporters through an interpreter during a visit to Paris.

The prince spoke after meeting French President Francois Hollande, who on Thursday called for a swift end to a state of emergency imposed by Egypt's military authorities.

EU foreign ministers meet in Brussels this week to review what steps to take following a bloody crackdown since Wednesday on supporters of Mursi, deposed by the military on July 3. More than 800 people have died in the violence.

"If the situation calms down, very good. If on the contrary violence continues, then we can and we probably must take decisions," France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told France 2 television on Sunday.

He said cutting aid would be difficult, as EU money allowed "Egyptians to eat and receive medical treatment". However, "loans are easier to cut," he added.

Both Hollande and the Saudi minister called for fresh elections in Egypt. Egypt's army has already promised an early presidential vote in a transition plan it set out after Mursi's overthrow.

The United States sharply criticized the violence and cancelled jointed military exercises with is ally that had been due next month. But Washington has not cut its $1.3 billion in military aid and about $250 million in economic aid to Egypt.

Riyadh was a close ally of Egypt's former leader Hosni Mubarak, toppled by a popular uprising in 2011 that brought Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood to power, and has long feared the spread of the Islamist group's ideology to the Gulf monarchies.

On Friday, Saudi King Abdullah called on Arabs to stand together against "attempts to destabilize" Egypt, in a message of support for Egypt's military and clear attack on the Brotherhood.

Saudi Arabia warns against pressing Egypt on crackdown | Reuters
An obvious evidence that the monarchs are ruling Egypt and its foreign policy at the moment.

They also ruling and killing people in Bahrain!:undecided:

Saudi Arabia invaded Bahrain in 2011, and still has it's troops there.
No, Your mullahs have invaded the security of the Bahraini people. Your mullahs are the ones Arming the terrorist butcher in Syria. Don't use my words again to change the topic and don't think that since I'm against the monarchs then I will see your mullahs as angels. Sorry I fail to do that, I can't pretend that your mullahs are not criminals :)

Here I fixed it for you.

Your Monarchs have invaded the security of the Bahraini people. Your monarchs are the ones Arming the terrorists in Syria. Your Monarchs are paying the military in Egypt to kill the MB. Your monarchs are also paying terrorist in Iraq to kill the Shia and Sunnis there. Your monarchs are funding sectarian terrorists groups in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Lebanon:)

If you think by using the word "Mullahs" you can take away from all the crimes your monarchs are committing all over the Muslims world, you must be mistaking.

You can only fool people for so long.

your monarchs can only play the Shia vs Sunni card for so long.

The people of the Middle East are not Stupid!
An obvious evidence that the monarchs are ruling Egypt and its foreign policy at the moment.

Egypt is a matter of national security and the forefront of the arab and Islamic world. Bunch of terrorists the like the MB who cant even run a zoo deserve to be put back again behind bars. What has the MB accomplished in Egypt? NADA but further destabilized the country; More terrorists in Sinai and more intolerance towards NON-MB groups and individuals.
Saudi doesn't want a wave of MB sweeping across the middle east. They know from personal experience of the trouble they can cause.

It's only natural they will work against the MB and support the Egyptian military
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