its about how come we have to do ummah sucking and the rest just ride the gravy train but when saudis and other sheikh arabis , needs real men to fight then Pakistani browns skin cheap soldier is needed. the pain is how cum we common man have to do as told when our pain an cries are never heard. one thing i am happy about is we fix Arabs in uk if they misbehave. how come when building tall buildings the ummah is based on skin colour but Indian subcontinent is the brick lifter, the slaves of all slaves.
all i can say is enjoy your oil gravy but when it runs out so does the ummah patience then you would say oh look kafir in Indians subcontinent do jihad why cos you now depend on rivers and agriculture you want what is ours. after all desert sand don't grow anything. personally i wont allow Arab to step on my soils after, oil runs out roam in the desert for all i care.