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Saudi Arabia to Allow Women Into Stadiums

China has done way more contributions in the past 30 years and have get hundreds of millions people out of poverty.

China got bashed every day by the west.

You call a few comments here "bash"???

There is a cultural difference, Arabs are more sensitive.
Good job by Saudi Arabia! Alot more has to be done.
Women going to stadiums today, tomorrow wearing miniskirts. Where does it end?
Saudi Arabia allows women into stadium for first time
Saudi Arabia is celebrating the 87th anniversary of its founding this weekend with an unprecedented array of concerts and performances, including allowing women into King Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh for a Saturday evening operetta – a first in the conservative Islamic kingdom. The festivities are part of a government bid to boost national pride and improve the quality of life for Saudis.
Also on offer is a concert in the Red Sea city of Jeddah featuring 11 Arab musicians, plus fireworks, air acrobatics and traditional folk dance shows.

The events are the latest entertainment sponsored by the government as part of the Vision 2030 reform programme launched two years ago to diversify the economy away from oil, create whole new sectors to employ young citizens and open up Saudis’ cloistered lifestyles.

However in a country that adheres to the austere Wahhabi brand of Sunni Islam, which bans gender mixing, concerts and cinemas, the plan’s seemingly anodyne goals to empower women, promote sports and invest in entertainment have been criticised.

Saudi rulers are also starting to reform areas once the exclusive domain of the clergy, such as education and the law, and have promoted elements of national identity that have no religious component, or pre-date Islam.

They have increased National Day celebrations that were previously attacked by clerics as undermining religious feeling, and are promoting heritage sites, like Nabatean rock temples, once seen as embarrassing in the land of Islam.

Saudi flags and green billboards, often bearing the face of King Salman and his son Crown Prince Mohammed, have gone up across Riyadh this week, and at night skyscrapers are flooded in green light – the national colour.

Companies from telecoms operators to furniture stores have launched patriotic-themed marketing campaigns offering discounts for the holiday weekend.

The General Entertainment Authority, the government agency organising the National Day festivities, expects some 1.5 million Saudis to attend events in 17 cities over four days.

Vision 2030 reforms are intended to capture up to a quarter of the $20 billion currently spent overseas by Saudis, who are accustomed to travelling abroad to see shows and visit amusement parks in nearby tourist hub Dubai or further afield. This weekend’s events, though, are free to the public.
They'll have to deal with it. I am sick and tired of living in a country controlled by uneducated self appointed "Lord's men" who don't know yet if the earth is round or flat.

The old geezers of the older generation still control decision making, and the generation gap couldn't be more extreme in the world as it is in KSA. Hence the popular term "Dinosaurs in power" we use here, we can't wait till those dinosaurs go extent...again.

Ita sad that your country does such things only by order and pressure of west . When infact , they being muslims should be already informed that women should have equal rights .
Saudia also banned female slavery only by pressure of west and now allowing women to drive and access to stadium cause of west pressure has harmed our religious dignity .
I don't even understand WHY FIFA hasn't banned KSA and Iran from participating in any international competition. Since for decades now, both countries have been prohibiting their women from attending football and other sporting events. Despite the fact that
such discrimination is a blatant violation of the statutes and guiding principles of FIFA, yet FIFA has been counting both countries football federation as a member for decades now without the slightest reproach/criticism.:disagree:.
Shows you just how useless FIFA is.
They'll have to deal with it. I am sick and tired of living in a country controlled by uneducated self appointed "Lord's men" who don't know yet if the earth is round or flat.

The old geezers of the older generation still control decision making, and the generation gap couldn't be more extreme in the world as it is in KSA. Hence the popular term "Dinosaurs in power" we use here, we can't wait till those dinosaurs go extent...again.

I wonder if you are a Saudi Arabian?

Sometimes, it's good the be ignorant, rather than knowing the reality. Living in Saudi Arabia is a paradise, until you found out what happen in other countries.

Somehow religion teaching looks so stupid in the eyes of science. But eventually science will prove the religion teaching is actually right. But it will take thousands of years later. But definitely not in our lifetime.

Play safe by learning religion teaching, having a monk-like kind of life and don't care much about materialistic world around. Somehow it bring happiness and peaceful.
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