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Saudi Arabia threatens to go nuclear 'in weeks' if Iran gets bomb

hope you do it
but this a new treatment from you.i havent seen it before

Well when someone comes charging at you with a sword (Or here keyboard) you have no choice but to raise a shield. I always extend my hand in friendship first and foremost and I will always continue to do so. I admit sometimes I do lose my temper after constant attacks and I just lose hope of having a decent and civilized conversation away from bigotry or racism and I lash back. However I am never the one to start a fight.
i havent any bad feeling about sunnis and there isnt any rule in shia says shia must do sth against a sunni!
in iran sunnis and Shiites are brothers



Massive & beautiful building dude... what`s this?
sorry to say but you are not angel either if you are calling others satan so get off your high horse and everyone love their country and beliefs just like you do

are you ok?he told that we know him as a satan.and i told no one do it
and now you are a Bowl that is hotter than the Soup inside
stop it

---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------

Massive & beautiful building dude... what`s this?
this is a Mosque for our sunnis brothers in Iran-bandar abbas
Well when someone comes charging at you with a sword (Or here keyboard) you have no choice but to raise a shield. I always extend my hand in friendship first and foremost and I will always continue to do so. I admit sometimes I do lose my temper after constant attacks and I just lose hope of having a decent and civilized conversation away from bigotry or racism and I lash back. However I am never the one to start a fight.
we just attack your Gov not you
and you know the reason
are you ok?he told that we know him as a satan.and told no one do it
and now you are a Bowl that is hotter than the Soup inside
stop it

---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 PM ----------

this is a Mosque for our sunnis brothers in Iran-bandar abbas

And there you go Shia mosques in Saudi Arabia:







---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 PM ----------

we just attack your Gov not you
and you know the reason

Your reasons are wrong and not true. I live here and I think I would know if they were. However all I see are conspiracy theories and baseless accusations.
Which reasons?

Everyone says that Saudi Arabia is a "Puppet country". I have to say and admit this was indeed true but only briefly after King Faisal was assassinated and the American Educated King Fahad took over (He spent all his young life in the US). Unlucky for us still he ruled for close to 30 years which was the most miserable times to ever come to this land. But with his death so did the strings were cut. People forget (Or rather like to forget) That we as people and nation hold pride over everything else.

Getting away from the American camp is no easy task. We already kicked their troops that were stationed in our country out however Qatar and Kuwait and to some extent UAE still hold them (These states are afraid of Saudi domination of GCC especially Qatar). However it is also important not to sever ties with them because that would be a dumb thing to do. Having good relations with them is a good thing but to have a more independent foreign policy is more important. Here is the text of the Message King Abdullah wrote to then President George. W. Bush right before 9/11:
"A time comes when peoples and nations part. We are at a crossroads. It is time for the United States and Saudi Arabia to look at their separate interests. Those governments that don't feel the pulse of their people and respond to it will suffer the fate of the Shah of Iran."

However after that 9/11 happened and we were the ones to blame so we had to play a long to clear our name and prove that we have nothing to do with these acts. Also Saudi Arabia since Fahad's Death have also become on the US "hit list" as this leaked cable says:
""Diplomatic china rattled in Washington and cracked in Riyadh yesterday when the Washington Post published a story about a briefing given to a Pentagon advisory group last month. The briefing declared Saudi Arabia an enemy of the United States and advocated that the United States invade the country, seize its oil fields, and confiscate its financial assets unless the Saudis stop supporting the anti-Western terror network. ....
".... Murawiec lights out for the extreme foreign policy territory, recommending that we threaten Medina and Mecca, home to Islam's most holy places, if they don't see it our way. Ultimately, he champions a takeover of Saudi Arabia."

In times like these faced with a superior enemy who claims goodness and malevolence you must deprive them of "Casus Belli" As you can see for yourself the US is no longer in control of the world and its power is waning down as each day goes by, After Iraq and Afghanistan US is now faced with the very urgent need to present Cassus Belli to its people and the world. "Iranian nuclear program" and "Hormuz Strait" are very good ones the US could use. But they couldn't do it with us because they need our Intelligence Operatives in fighting Al-Qaida because of the level it has infiltrated in them.

Again if you think those "Fat royals" are stupid then you have no idea who they really are. I don't think there are smarter rulers on this planet. I have much to say on the subject still but this is good enough for now.
brother lets see howmany arabs here are against us?do you know that there is a rule in wahhabism says that if you kill 7 shia you will go to paradise?do you know why they buy weapon from west?for a war with zionists or persians?but are we producing weapons for a war against arabs or zionists?
see.... the problem is in the other side
Well, if their is crazy people, why would you listen to them ? I doubt that anybody listen to them either in Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else. They might be loud, but no body takes them seriously.... Our brother Mussa just said that he thinks that you are the problem, and he thinks that you want to attack them. Maybe it is just some misunderstanding between the two people of Iran and Saudi Arabia. If the leaders of both country are not gonna make the effort to build bridges between you guys, then the people of both countries should do it alone. We have to accept our differences.
This reminds me of some people here who say that "A shia must pee in food and drink of sunnis because their religion tells them that" Tell me now how are you any different from them?
Thats exactly what i am talking about, why do we have to talk about the crazy ones ? Both sides have crazy people, but both sides have some wonderful, accepting, and knowlegeable people and sheiks. So are the ones that should have loud a loud voice, and should be heard.... I just heard an interview with an is an Iranian ayatollah and diplomat Mohammad-Ali Taskhiri with an Egyptian TV, and he sounded very reasonable, friendly, and acceptable. Those are the ones who we should talk to, and communicate with. You should look it up on youtube.
Its you guys who call them wahabi as i never heard any of them call themselves wahabi. Wahab is name of Allah and one should not twist it. its easy to put all blame on others but no one hate others for no reasons. saudi and iranian hatred is mutual.
Because all Muslims are Salafis, Sunni or Shiis, to be a Salafi is to follow the path of the prophet, and the people during the prophet time, and the two or three generations after, and thats what all Muslims do. If we extremists Salafis, then this will be an insult to all Muslims, since we are all Salafis. So, we call the Wahabis as a sign of disrespect, and as a sign of telling them that they don't represent Islam, and they just represent the teaching of a guy name Muhamed Ibn Abdulwahab... They insult most Mulsims, Sunni or Shiis, why do you expect us to praise them and call the Salafis ? They love being called Salafis, because their limited mind make them think that they are the "only" Salafis. hence they are the "Only" true Muslims, and as someone who studied religion a little bit, i can assure you they are so far from the teachoing if Islam.
Dennis Ross: Saudi king vowed to obtain nuclear bomb after Iran

May.30, 2012

Former U.S. official publicly confirms Saudi pledge, which would destroy nuclear non-proliferation regime.


Former senior U.S. diplomat Dennis Ross confirmed for the first time on Tuesday night that Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has explicitly warned the U.S. that if Iran obtains nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia will seek to do so as well.

“If they get nuclear weapons, we will get nuclear weapons,” Abdullah told Ross during a meeting between the two in April 2009. Ross said he responded to the King’s assertion with a lengthy appeal against nuclear proliferation, but after hearing him out, the king responded by repeating the same line: “If they get nuclear weapons, we will get nuclear weapons.”

Ross’ on-the-record confirmation of Abdullah’s threat was made in a joint public appearance with Washington Institute researcher David Makovsky at New York’s 92nd Street Y. The two co-authored a book on the Middle East peace process entitled Myths, Illusions, and Peace: Finding a New Direction for America in the Middle East.

Ross’ direct quote of the Saudi king appears to be the first public confirmation of the Saudi position and the threat of a Middle East nuclear arms race if Tehran acquires a nuclear bomb. It was reported previously, though not confirmed, that Abdullah had made a similar assertion in his February 2007 summit in Riyadh with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In June 2011, Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington, warned senior NATO military officials that the existence of an Iranian bomb "would compel Saudi Arabia...to pursue policies which could lead to untold and possibly dramatic consequences."

In February of this year, the London Times quoted a “senior Saudi official” as saying that Riyadh would launch a “twin-track nuclear weapons program” should Tehran realize its ambition of obtaining a nuclear weapon.

The Saudi threat is one of the prime factors motivating Washington’s campaign to stop Tehran’s nuclear program. Extending the non-proliferation regime is one of U.S. President Barak Obama’s most cherished foreign policy and national security goals, analysts in New York said Tuesday night.

Ross said that while it would be “unrealistic” to expect serious progress in the nuclear talks with Iran after only two rounds of negotiations, the U.S. and the other P5+1 countries should set a deadline for the conclusion of diplomatic contacts – and make Tehran aware of it.

He added that recent public statements, including those made by U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro, about the U.S. being “militarily ready” for an attack on Iran “are not coincidental” and are aimed at increasing pressure on Tehran. According to Ross, Iran is much more concerned about an American military attack than an Israeli one because “an Israeli attack is not regime-threatening, while an American attack is.”

Ross also laid out a four-point plan for resolving the situation in Syria and reaching a “tipping point” that would see the ouster of President Assad. Ross said the Russians need to be brought on board to participate in the effort; the Alawites must be assured that there will be no acts of revenge by the Sunnis in a post-Assad era; the opposition Syrian National Council should be recognized as the alternative to the regime; and the U.S., together with Turkey and NATO, should set up “safe haven” areas in northern Syria.

Both Ross and Makovsky appeared to be impressed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement on Tuesday to the INSS think tank that his aim is to prevent the establishment of a binational state, saying this new formula gives rise to optimism that Netanyahu will use his 94-seat majority in the Knesset to advance the peace process.

Ross, who resigned at the end of the year from his position in the Obama administration’s National Security Council, lavished praise on the president’s “unprecedented support” for Israel’s security. Israel’s security is “inviolable” in Obama’s eyes, he said, adding that as someone who has worked with five previous U.S. administrations, he is of the opinion that Obama’s level of support and cooperation with Israel is “better than all of his predecessors.”

Dennis Ross: Saudi king vowed to obtain nuclear bomb after Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
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