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Saudi Arabia slaps Russia in the face

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No you can't.

Which is why it dissolved.

No it wasn't.

the NAZI's were, however the Soviets just applied the "quantity has a quality of its own" principle to almost everything.

Not really, your logc is futile.

So that means that USA is a fanatical regime because it is ahead of every country in field of science, technology, and military defense.

I really think that you are hopeless... I guess there is no need to argue when you don't even think that Nazi's weren't an oppressing regime and said that Soviets which build a nuclear powered planes that can actually fly, send the first man to space and build the first space station in history were not advanced scientificly...

You can't be reasoned with...
I really think that you are hopeless... I guess there is no need to argue when you don't even think that Nazi's weren't an oppressing regime and said that Soviets which build a nuclear powered planes that can actually fly, send the first man to space and build the first space station in history were not advanced scientificly...
Your logic is futile, you said any country that is progressing very rapidly in economy and science has a oppressed population, and i gave you an example of two countries (USA and Brazil) who are scientifically and economically progressing rapidly yet their populations are not oppressed.

You can't be reasoned with...
Haven't checked the mirror lately?
Your logic is futile, you said any country that is progressing very rapidly in economy and science has a oppressed population, and i gave you an example of two countries (USA and Brazil) who are scientifically and economically progressing rapidly yet their populations are not oppressed.

Haven't checked the mirror lately?

I didn't said that, I said a countyr can both progress on science and economy but still can be opressive... You clearly misunderstood me and based your argument on that misunderstanding...
It doesn't matter what Saddam Hussein did, because the world didn't stop him when he butchered Iranian and Kurds in 1980's but all of a sudden US wants to invade to overthrow him 15-18 years after he committed those mass murders? So does that mean US invaded to help Muslims, no! US did it for its own interests.
Everyone has own interests. US attacked Serbia twise to save Muslims.

In fact Al-ciada is the biggest killer of Muslims
No its not. And suicide terror practised by AQ was introduced by your beloved Iranians. Say thanks to them.

AND Americans yet NATO has actively supported it in Libya and now in Syria.
Spare me of that nonsense propaganda.

Secondly, Iran does not have military bases nor has it sworn to protect those countries with whom the Iranian president is with in those pictures you've posted, so you can't compare that to Saudi-US relationship.
Does not change the fact that Iran hugs and helps countries that slaughtered and ethnically cleansed Muslims.
Everyone has own interests. US attacked Serbia twise to save Muslims.
Not to save Muslims, if you think they did it for Muslims then your living in the twilight zone.

No its not.
So your saying al-caiada are good people? Nice, keep showing your sympathy for terrorists, it only prove my point.

And suicide terror practised by AQ was introduced by your beloved Iranians. Say thanks to them.

So one bad justifies another?? Is that what you are trying to say? Are you implying that Osama was a good guy for what he did on 9/11 because Iran is a ""greater" evil? Shame on terrorist sympathizers like yourself. and when was the last time Iranians crashed planes into buildings full of innocent people?

Spare me of that nonsense propaganda.

Lolz, the propagandists giving me a fatwa on propaganda, you Wahabi supporters sure are hypocrites.

Here you go mr Wahabi alcaeeda sympathizer:

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links - Telegraph

Libyan War: The Truth -- US Supporting al Qaeda Insurgents Against the Will of the Libyan People

Why is the United States Helping Al Qaeda in Libya? | UNCOVERAGE.net

More links below:
Libya: the West and al-Qaeda on the same side - Telegraph

» U.S. Government Backs Libyan Al-Qaeda While Hyping Terror Attacks Inside U.S. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Al Qaida commander backs Libyan rebels in message

Truth Revealed: Al Qaeda Part Of Libyan Rebels, U.S. Helping Fighters Who Killed Americans In Iraq! at Pat Dollard

Does not change the fact that Iran hugs and helps countries that slaughtered and ethnically cleansed Muslims.

Those pictures you posted of the Iranian president don't prove anything, all he is doing is posing with the other leaders, which is quite normal when to head of states meet each other in official meeting, but when you compare it the Saudi Abdullah and Bush photos they are together holding hands in more than 1 photo in more than 1 place, on top of that they kiss each other on the cheeks, lolz not even Pakistani and Chinese presidents do that. :woot:

But anyways, even Pakistan maintain relations with Serbia and statesmen from both countries have met many times, but you don't see our president hugging, kissing, and holding hands with the Serbian president.


^^^^What the hell is this they hold hand where ever they go.


^^^^Look, even the guard is creeped out by their behavior

King Abdullah told Medvedev that Saudi Arabia “will never abandon its religious and moral obligations toward what’s happening.”

King Abdullah with Bush

Meanwhile in Afghanistan and Iraq:
And the interesting part is that in 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war,Saudi Arabia not only didn't supported Hezbollah,but criticized them for fighting Israel.Why?Just because they are Shias and supported by Iran.Now suddenly in Syria,KSA felt that there something called humanity.That's really funny.

Its because Saudis themselves are a bunch of sissies so they want everyone else to be just like them.
I really do not think those saudis could slap russia in the face.

It just really over-estimate itself.

Home Page - Gulf in the Media

Saudi Gazette - 23 February, 2012

King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, has told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that any dialogue on Syria was “futile”, the official SPA news agency reported Wednesday.

Russia should have “coordinated with the Arabs... before using the veto” to block a resolution on Syria in the UN Security Council, King Abdullah told President Medvedev.

“But now, dialogue about what is happening (in Syria) is futile,” the Monarch told Medvedev in a telephone conversation on the escalating violence that has killed dozens of civilians in recent days.

King Abdullah told Medvedev that Saudi Arabia “will never abandon its religious and moral obligations toward what’s happening.”

The Kremlin released a statement earlier in the day saying the two leaders exchanged views about the situation in the Middle East in light of the events in Syria, but gave no further details. (that really funny kremlin did not know what to say lol)

King Abdullah’s statements came as Syria’s main opposition group urged the international community to create safe havens in the country and said that military intervention might be the “only option” to end a brutal crackdown.

At a news conference in Paris, the Syrian National Council said it would attend a meeting in Tunis on Friday of the countries known as the “Friends of Syria” and ask for safe zones to protect civilians and allow the opposition to organize.

It also called on Russia to force President Bashar Al-Assad’s regime to allow access for humanitarian convoys.

More than 6,000 people have died in the unrest in Syria, activists say, as Assad’s government seeks to snuff out an uprising that began with peaceful protests in March last year but has also seen military deserters take up arms against the regime.

KSA to have field hospital in Jordan to treat Syrians

As a humanitarian gesture, the Saudi government plans to set up a 250-bed mobile field hospital in Jordan to help Syrians injured in their country’s uprising.

The location of the hospital will be chosen soon, Asharq Arabic newspaper quoted a source as saying.

Saudi King Tells Medvedev No Point in Syria Talks After Veto - Businessweek

“The advances within the last decade that Russia made into the GCC, with construction, tourism and energy sectors, may have been swept aside by this one veto,” Theodore Karasik, director of research at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, said in a phone interview. “In Saudi Arabia, there is a society-wide outrage that not only includes clerics but every-day individuals and the leadership.”

i can say i'm proud of my country's stance against the massacres and genocide against the defenceless population of civilians in syria, russians always supproted genocide against muslims, in bosnia, Kosova, Afghanistan, Chychnia...now this should teach them some thing (of course only if they can learn).
its non of your busines
all Syrians here know what is the best for their country
the two syrians here a pro asad
so it means that all of us should not care about the thousands innocent people killed in Syria because two guys here come to say the propaganda ?

this is your problem if your sick mentality orders you to not care about the people of Syria victims of this regime
but then at least have some decency to shut up instead giving morale values
the two syrians here a pro asad
so it means that all of us should not care about the thousands innocent people killed in Syria because two guys here come to say the propaganda ?

this is your problem if your sick mentality orders you to not care about the people of Syria victims of this regime
but then at least have some decency to shut up instead giving morale values




what about this people?
what about them? the government there has controll of media. it shows what it wants and not show the truth, welcome to a dictatorship! :victory:

you need to watch videos in youtube to get some info, because that butcher assad never lets the truth come out.
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