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Saudi Arabia slams 'irresponsible' terror accusations by Iraq PM

says the habashi by the way how is yemen and habasha.south lebanon is lebanese why the cowards the slaves like saudis want iran to attack israel last time i chiked it was arab israeli conflict not iranian conflict

maybe you didnt read by post i said your conlict with the jews have nothing to do with iran and arab nationalism is non of your business

You are a Farsi and half كاولية thus you have no say in Arab matters. As I said worry about your cousins in Afghanistan. They need help from you.
Hasani, I think it's beyond the realms of probability that with all these accusations and with Saudi Arabia being the financial hub for a lot of Sunni groups, that the Monarchy has never known anything about it. There was some turning of blind eyes when it suited.

I realise than now you're involved in a power struggle with Iran which means inevitably you will have to fund certain groups to counter them.

But you need to calm down. I'm being complimentary about your country overall. It seems to me you're heading in the right direction.

We had an undercover programme expose the Saudi curriculum being used in the UK. In it, was the passage from Qu'ran about not taking Christians and Jews as your friends (this was a Saudi edit of the Qu'ran).

Then there was a section about hand chopping (presumably for theft).

This literature was widely available from Islamic centres which are almost all Saudi owned.
You are a Farsi and half كاولية thus you have no say in Arab matters. As I said worry about your cousins in Afghanistan. They need help from you.
Everybody know that Saudis are كواولة
Why are you mention gypsy and kawlia are you one of them???
Everybody know that Saudis are كواولة
Why are you mention gypsy and kawlia are you one of them???

You are a half Farsi and half Gypsy. That's all. You admitted to this not long ago. Thus you have no say in Arab matters. You are an foreigner. A wannabe-Arab. An outcast. An unwanted element. How more clear do I need to make it for you?

Stop following my trail like another slave.
If you Arabs are not concerned with Polish and English invaders, it sends a message to the rest of us, that we can take Arab land and nothing is done against it. We are expanding our Safavid project into Iraq, and Syria and you can't stop us. 8-)
You are a half Farsi and half Gypsy. That's all. You admitted to this not long ago. Thus you have no say in Arab matters. You are an foreigner. A wannabe-Arab. An outcast. An unwanted element. How more clear do I need to make it for you?
Says who?? and who are you the king of arabs??? I have say with what I want it's democracy

The British government and media have always been anti-KSA for historical reasons because they never managed to colonize it and for other reasons. The British elite on the other hand have very close ties to our country and decision makers. So that is good.

Those reports are highly exaggerated and I would not fully trust them. It is similar to the anti-Jewish propaganda that you can watch.

We have to do what we have to do in relation to our enemies. Sometimes this involves things that are undesirable but that's politics. In hindsight the West would have not preferred to consider what later turned into Al-Qaeda as their sworn allies and supported them financially, politically etc.

Mistakes were made and more will be made in the past but when it comes to state security nearly every method is lawful in my opinion. We live in a tough neighborhood.
Saudi Arabia is a terrorist country that supports al Qaeda.
Shout as much as you wish. No one is going to take your version for granted.

If you Arabs are not concerned with Polish and English invaders, it sends a message to the rest of us, that we can take Arab land and nothing is done against it. We are expanding our Safavid project into Iraq, and Syria and you can't stop us. 8-)

Bro, you still haven't buried your fellow countrymen, and you had the audacity to refer to your supremacist scheme :lol:

Iranian diplomat shot dead in drive-by shooting in Yemen in attack condemned as 'terrorist criminal act' | Mail Online
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran diplomat shot dead in Iraq
Lebanon: Iran's embassy in Beirut hit by two explosions | World news | theguardian.com
1998 Iranian diplomats murder in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
AFP: Iranian diplomat kidnapped, guard killed in Pakistan: police

:D :lol: :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:

Despite the advantages you've got in hand in Syria, you have failed epically over the last 3 years to defeat the rebellions.
There are no Iranians in ISIS.

Everyone knows there are Saudi members in ISIS, big numbers even we can easily search em on social sites. That's one reason why he said this because they suspect foreigners from Saudis getting in easily to join the takfiri elements.
There are no Iranians in ISIS.

Everyone knows there are Saudi members in ISIS, big numbers even we can easily search em on social sites. That's one reason why he said this because they suspect foreigners from Saudis getting in easily to join the takfiri elements.

The Iranian regime and Basiji combined are the biggest terrorists who outnumber any terrorist organization on the face of the earth and are killing innocent for being enemy of God labeling them infidels just because they practice Islam and not Shiaism. Who is the the terrorist and Takfiri here. LoL

The ISIS is an iraqi organization whose members are what left over from the Ba'ath party of Sadam Hussain.

What an illiterate!

Did you even bother looking at the response per attack? :lol:

Saudi reportedly executes Yemeni gang members - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
5 to hang for Saudi diplomat’s murder in Bangladesh | Inquirer News
Attack on the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We caught the terrorists in Yemen, the BD, and in Sudan the attackers were put on trail as well. Humiliation, though, became an exclusive trademark to the Mullahs regime :lol:

All of these attacks against Iranians took place in a short period of time, without Iran having response to it. :D :laugh: :lol: :rofl: :omghaha:
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