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Saudi Arabia Out of the comfort zone

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I find it funny that the biggest threat to Islam and Muslims of the world, India, a Hindu nationalist nation, that have elements in its core that want to wipe out Islam and Muslims from the face of the earth, declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi state and people. Deception at its finest. But who would know that they in their campaign of Islamophobia keep harping about Muslims of practicing "Taqiya" (deception), because according to them, it is obligatory for all Muslims.

On the one hand, I see some Muslims declaring that Saudi monarchs are in bed with AIPAC and then I see others who are actually in bed with zionist islamophobes declare themselves to be the friend of Saudi monarchs, not sure which one is worse, irony upon irony.

Indians follow the Chanakya tactics, they befriend anyone with whom they see their benefit, they did that with the Mughals, the Afghans, the British, the Russians, the Americans, the Iranians, the Arabs, and now the Israelis and Saudi Arabia.

If they see someone much bigger and with more potential, or you are no longer of their use, they will be the first to ditch you and move on to someone bigger and stronger.

What is worse is that only Indians here have opened their hands in friendship while all others who call themselves "Muslim" keep talking about how they can't wait for all the Arabs to be massacred and genocide.....This is the real irony here.

You are a liar. We all wish Arabs well. We just do not wish well on this parasite family aka Saud family that use Arab nation as a cash machine to fund their hedonistic behaviour
Al-Saud family is in bed with US, this is true. I don't have any problem with that as long as they don't support the demolition of middle eastern countries. They supported the attack on Libya and are now arming Syrian rebels. Each day, terrorist attacks are being conducted using Saudi/Israeli weapons and scores of civilians are bing killed. Do you bring revolutions this way? Is this a revolution or armed insurrection?

Saudis had honest leaders, such as King Faisal (ra), Turki al Faisal. It is their bad luck that those honest leaders were either assasinated or removed.

Yes, they are supporting petrodollars, but at present they don't have any option either. If they refuse petrodollars now, their country would be invaded and destroyed by US and oil wells will be taken over, we should understand this. Patience, perhaps, can present the correct moment.
You with your Islamophobia- care to explain the bold part with credible sources???
Why dam you need to bring religion into everything? We are a peace loving nation, we have people from all religion and sects living here peacefully. Unlike your country where in the day of Eid ul Azha, you need to deploy para-military so that hindus don't fight with muslims for sacrificing cows. Where as we celebrate together-all religious festivals and live in harmony.

BSF- what a joke and their chowks, they are always busy watching porns and counting the loots and bribes from the surrounding villages and border traffickers.

Back on topic- Best of luck to Saudi in the road to shaping their country's policy according to their peoples choice.

who brought religion in thread .. you .. read post from your fellow country member kalu_miah .. and anyone accusing my nation out of his sick mentality will get due reply..

you will see more police and para military force in Mumbai at time of Ganesh Ustav.. why you know.. ?
the walls of the main street are covered with graffiti insulting members of the royal family and asking, “Where is the oil money?”

These guys are some kind of retards who want to sit at home and have a share of oil wealth. Where as government has made it clear for all people to work hard and earn the right way.
You who never set foot in this country who know nobody from this country to hear their opinion first hand. try to teach us about the place we have lived in for all our lives and try or try to teach us about Syria and Syrians the people who we lived with all our lives as well.....that is what really funny Aryan.

Scientists have never seen the atom or the electron. But we all know nukes exist and Saud family's hedonistic perverted ways are well documented:

Gay prince 'killed aide' during sex | The Sun |News

How does supporting western views help to add oil reserves?

I thought main article says Saudi's are uncomfortable!

Where is the link?

Perhaps you would like to explain what you are talking about??

same applies to Butto family why are you not shouting for it ...
and I sued "dollars " in term of we use "rupee" in general for all financial transaction .. so you agree that your tax MONEY are at work in Afghanistan and Iraq ... BTW how many times you did protest against House of Commons against it .. or you are supporting it by not protesting ..

I think Bhutto's are also parasites they go well with other parasite Muslim leaders like Al sauds
These guys are some kind of retards who want to sit at home and have a share of oil wealth. Where as government has made it clear for all people to work hard and earn the right way.

Hahahaha reminds me how some Saudis just stay glued to the TV when the king is said to make a speech because they want free money. Things don't work like that anymore you work and you study yo earn your living no free hand outs that is bad for our Economical growth. Especially eastern region "folks" which some of them believe that their bank account balance should be like an increasing meter with each barrel sold bunch pf retards is what they are.
Hahahaha reminds me how some Saudis just stay glued to the TV when the king is said to make a speech because they want free money. Things don't work like that anymore you work and you study yo earn your living no free hand outs that is bad for our Economical growth.

So it's the peoples fault especially eastern region folk :rofl:. In any event they are retards yea rite. your useless post serves to bump this thread up so more will talk about hedonistic Al Saud family and other parasite leaders that we have in abundance in Muslim countries
So it's the peoples fault especially eastern region folk :rofl:. In any event they are retards yea rite. your useless post serves to bump this thread up so more will talk about hedonistic Al Saud family and other parasite leaders that we have in abundance in Muslim countries

Yes exactly they are retards. a big sack of retardism personified. You think you are "Exposing" but in reality you are only giving us a good comedy show. So please do continue. Teach me more about my own country you who never set foot here :)
So its the same story in new cover...I can see there are some people who hates Al sauds like anything and I personally feel they are right but what I dont agree with is why they have to go after the same thing everyday mean ...dont you think zardari is even worst than them or bahraini or emirati leader no body is good here so why target only them...I am saying so because it then implicates your hatred for saudi arabia in general something which most of people here will not tolerate..

And as all of us can see Indian are forwarding hands to saudi's its very much like how it happens in real...we keep fighting and our enemies take advantage of it...
Three Saudis arrested for covering protests - Committee to Protect Journalists

Three Saudis arrested for covering protests

New York, March 16, 2012--Three Saudi Web managers whose sites cover political unrest in the country's highly restricted Eastern Province should be released from detention immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

Habib Ali al-Maatiq, a photographer who supervised the news website Al-Fajr Cultural Network, was arrested by security forces on February 22 at his workplace in the city of Jubail, news outlets reported. Another photographer, Hussein Malik al-Salam, who also managed the site, was arrested by security forces the next day while at his university in Jubail, news reports said. The journalists are being held without charge in a prison in Dammam, the capital of the Eastern Province, news reports said.

Al-Fajr Cultural Network covers pro-reform protests in the predominantly Shiite region, which has consistently faced discrimination and repression by the regime, local journalists told CPJ. The website, which was taken down after the journalists were arrested, has also published sermons by Shiite sheikhs who support the protests.

Jalal Mohamed al-Jamal, who manages the news website Al-Awamia, was arrested on February 25 by security forces in the city of Al-Qatif and taken to an unknown location, local journalists told CPJ. A local journalist said al-Jamal was accused of opposing the state and inciting its downfall, but the charges have not been made public. Al-Awamia, which was taken down after al-Jamal's arrest, was instrumental in covering the pro-reform demonstrations in the Eastern Province and is known for its criticism of the regime, news reports said.

"These three men are being held because they dared to collect and disseminate information that the government prefers to keep out of sight," said Mohamed Abdel Dayem, CPJ's Middle East and North Africa program coordinator. "Authorities must release them and restore access to the websites they were operating."

The kingdom has obstructed coverage of the protests in the Eastern Province, which call for political reforms and greater rights for the country's Shiite minority, CPJ research shows. No foreign or local journalists have been allowed to enter the province, and in the absence of independent reporting, coverage of the unrest is carried out by websites like Al-Fajr Cultural Network and Al-Awamia.
March 16, 2012 3:14 PM ET | Permalink

Committee to Protect Journalists
330 7th Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Freedom of press Saudi style
Saudis have noting but Foreigners doing the Job for it's common in mostly the Gulf Oil Rich states the people prefer little to almost no work or government jobs while Foreign workers do all the work not to mention they get treated like crap, to put this in one term Saudis are Lazy people.
So its the same story in new cover...I can see there are some people who hates Al sauds like anything and I personally feel they are right but what I dont agree with is why they have to go after the same thing everyday mean ...dont you think zardari is even worst than them or bahraini or emirati leader no body is good here so why target only them...I am saying so because it then implicates your hatred for saudi arabia in general something which most of people here will not tolerate..

And as all of us can see Indian are forwarding hands to saudi's its very much like how it happens in real...we keep fighting and our enemies take advantage of it...

Haters gonna hate but this flag will rise above them all:

They will try their best to extinguish the Shahadet of this flag but the Shadat will rise forever above their noses:

Our country our nation and our hearts no matters how much the haters try to attack it, it will rise above them all.
Three Saudis arrested for covering protests - Committee to Protect Journalists

Three Saudis arrested for covering protests

New York, March 16, 2012--Three Saudi Web managers whose sites cover political unrest in the country's highly restricted Eastern Province should be released from detention immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

Habib Ali al-Maatiq, a photographer who supervised the news website Al-Fajr Cultural Network, was arrested by security forces on February 22 at his workplace in the city of Jubail, news outlets reported. Another photographer, Hussein Malik al-Salam, who also managed the site, was arrested by security forces the next day while at his university in Jubail, news reports said. The journalists are being held without charge in a prison in Dammam, the capital of the Eastern Province, news reports said.

Al-Fajr Cultural Network covers pro-reform protests in the predominantly Shiite region, which has consistently faced discrimination and repression by the regime, local journalists told CPJ. The website, which was taken down after the journalists were arrested, has also published sermons by Shiite sheikhs who support the protests.

Jalal Mohamed al-Jamal, who manages the news website Al-Awamia, was arrested on February 25 by security forces in the city of Al-Qatif and taken to an unknown location, local journalists told CPJ. A local journalist said al-Jamal was accused of opposing the state and inciting its downfall, but the charges have not been made public. Al-Awamia, which was taken down after al-Jamal's arrest, was instrumental in covering the pro-reform demonstrations in the Eastern Province and is known for its criticism of the regime, news reports said.

"These three men are being held because they dared to collect and disseminate information that the government prefers to keep out of sight," said Mohamed Abdel Dayem, CPJ's Middle East and North Africa program coordinator. "Authorities must release them and restore access to the websites they were operating."

The kingdom has obstructed coverage of the protests in the Eastern Province, which call for political reforms and greater rights for the country's Shiite minority, CPJ research shows. No foreign or local journalists have been allowed to enter the province, and in the absence of independent reporting, coverage of the unrest is carried out by websites like Al-Fajr Cultural Network and Al-Awamia.
March 16, 2012 3:14 PM ET | Permalink

Committee to Protect Journalists
330 7th Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10001

Freedom of press Saudi style

I feel defence pk should have a dislike option as well so that people who are boring and keeps repeating the same thing can be disliked and disliked.....DISLIKE
It is telling that other friends of Americans come out of under stones to tell us how good Saud family are. It is correct Sauds are good. Good for Indians Israelis and Americans. Fake propaganda yea Indian you would say that:

Unfortunately we live in an era our leaders are foolish, even the ones like Sauds that have money spend it unwisely. The Jews and the Zionist's who have used their money wisely control the media worldwide. There money is spent well because they are able to sell events and people to fool the masses. This Zionist alliance uses propaganda and sells to the world the following

anti-Syria killer thugs are packaged as "innocent peaceful protesters".

Protesters in the UK/US are thug and criminals not protesters

Assad's campaign to protect the nation by eradicating thugs is packaged as "killing his own people".

The death and destruction America spawned in Iraq is "bringing a better life to the Iraqi people".

The 9-11 attack by Saudi Arabians is a "Taliban terrorist attack".

George Bush was successfully marketed as "presidential" and sold to the American people.

of course, America herself is the "Champion of Human Rights".

Today, the Americans/Saudi/Israelis are feverishly dressing up their upcoming attack on Iran.

Oh and Al Saud family are making efforts they are a bastion of security and really benevolent

I wonder why Americans are not more supportive of Arabs in Saud land but are of Syrian Arabs
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