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Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists'


Even Turkey and India have a share in the graph above and they say Iran is causing secterianism in Iraq.

Thanks for the chart. Very informative and fully supports the article

The topics content may be true (ie Saudi funder of terror) but pic of Mecca has nothing to do with the content . So it is better to remove it whether or not the Independent newspaper carries it !

If you had read the article you woudln't have said it. The article discusses that Pilgrimage is being used by terrorists as a loophole to transfer illegal funds. Its not like independent put that picture just for the fun of it.
madrasa?even i myself didnt no the exact meaning of them in Pakistan.in Iran madrasa means school.and islamic school means hozeh.

Madrasah (Arabic: مدرسة‎, madrasah pl. مدارس, madāris) is the Arabic word (of Semitic origin; viz Hebrew midrash) for any type of educational institution. However, in English, the term madrasah usually refers to the specifically Islamic institutions.

Madrasah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, the word is completely unheard of in Russia. And these people think not knowing what "madrassa" is means you are not muslim.

Listen. now don't tell that this word is completely unheard of in Russia if you don't know.
Madrasah (Arabic: مدرسة‎, madrasah pl. مدارس, madāris) is the Arabic word (of Semitic origin; viz Hebrew midrash) for any type of educational institution. However, in English, the term madrasah usually refers to the specifically Islamic institutions.

Madrasah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Listen. now don't tell that this word is completely unheard of in Russia if you don't know.
so choose another reason to blame him.
Madrasah (Arabic: مدرسة‎, madrasah pl. مدارس, madāris) is the Arabic word (of Semitic origin; viz Hebrew midrash) for any type of educational institution. However, in English, the term madrasah usually refers to the specifically Islamic institutions.

Madrasah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Listen. now don't tell that this word is completely unheard of in Russia if you don't know.

At least its unheard of in my circle. Now don't go about saying "If you don't know what madrassah means, you are not muslim". I don't need your certificate or approval for that. Thanks.
At least its unheard of in my circle. Now don't go about saying "If you don't know what madrassah means, you are not muslim". I don't need your certificate or approval for that. Thanks.

I am not used to make such absurd comments. Spare me from you are thinking.

Being unaware not bad thing but saying it doesn't exist or familiar not a good way to inform others.
Former U.S. State Department diplomat John Burgess, who served in Saudi Arabia for many years, comments on this matter at his blog Crossroads Arabia. It may be a calumny to characterize KSA as "the biggest funder of terrorists" and more accurate to characterize it as a funding hub: link.
This proves what I have been saying all along. Saudi government is fighting this funding the best it could but those terrorists resort to cheap tactics such as orphan and famine charities to secure money and then use the Hajj to launder this money.

So as I said time and again Saudi government has NOTHING to do with this.

GCC combined with zionists are the real terrorists, what more evidence do you need?

You are the terrorist & terrorist sympathiser,

ohh boyy you think you are your govt with get away so easily ? Saudi/GCC govt is responsible for funding/financing radicalising people to fight a zionist war againsts all humans.
...it has been imposed by the house of Al-Zionist-Saud -
It wasn't so long ago that a U.S. Secretary of State stood before a Saudi King to hear him rant about Nazi-Zionist collusion. Rather than correct or educate him Henry Kissinger exploited this world-view to America's advantage in the Cold War.

Now there's junk here with the same sort of complex. Tempting, very tempting.
Zionist Shilllllllllllllllll

The family of Al-Saud along with all the prostitutes are on the way to their first home in Israel, hope its dusted & cleaned to meet the standards.
GCC combined with zionists are the real terrorists, what more evidence do you need?

You are the terrorist & terrorist sympathiser,

ohh boyy you think you are your govt with get away so easily ? Saudi/GCC govt is responsible for funding/financing radicalising people to fight a zionist war againsts all humans.

Come on Brother. I never read any post in which Mosa is supporting terrorism. He has his opinion regarding his Govt. and we must respect his opinion and argue logically. We are here to discuss and argue our points. We are not here to fight each other.
Zionist Shilllllllllllllllll The family of Al-Saud along with all the prostitutes are on the way to their first home in Israel, hope its dusted & cleaned to meet the standards.
Oh, my, such entertainment you are! Like talking to this: Live Chat with the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat! Free flash gizmo generates random liberal rants.

Just type in "Zionist" and you get back an answer like this:


See the difference? 'cause I don't!
Former U.S. State Department diplomat John Burgess, who served in Saudi Arabia for many years, comments on this matter at his blog Crossroads Arabia. It may be a calumny to characterize KSA as "the biggest funder of terrorists" and more accurate to characterize it as a funding hub: link.

A zionists defending saudis arabia.
well done for defending your brothers.
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