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Saudi Arabia imposes ban on all protests


Nov 20, 2009
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Old article, but more relevant now than before.

Saudi Arabia imposes ban on all protests

5 March 2011 Last updated at 09:37 ET

All protests and marches are to be banned in Saudi Arabia, the interior ministry has announced on state TV.

ts statement said security forces would use all measures to prevent any attempt to disrupt public order.

The announcement follows a series of protests by the kingdom's Shia minority in the oil-producing eastern province.

Last month, King Abdullah unveiled a series of benefits in an apparent bid to protect the kingdom from the revolts spreading throughout many Arab states.

"Regulations in the kingdom forbid categorically all sorts of demonstrations, marches and sit-ins, as they contradict Islamic Sharia law and the values and traditions of Saudi society," the Saudi interior ministry statement said.

It added that police were "authorised by law to take all measures needed against those who try to break the law".

The protests in the Eastern Province - where much of the country's crude oil is sourced - have been demanding the release of prisoners who demonstrators say have been held without trial.

The announcement of the crackdown on protests follows the return, last week, of King Abdullah to the capital after an absence of several months due to illness.

He unveiled an additional $37bn (£22.7bn) in benefits for citizens, including a 15% pay rise for state employees, as well as extra funds for housing, studying abroad and social security.


BBC News - Saudi Arabia imposes ban on all protests

Saudi Arabia bans protest rallies - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Saudi Arabia bans public protest | World news | The Guardian
Trying to teach democracy, while they dont even know it. Saudi Arabia doesn't meant crap to Syrians. When Women in Saudi start driving i might consider think about Saudi having democracy.
with thousands of innocent people Asad killed, it is better you dont give lesson
with thousands of innocent people Asad killed, it is better you dont give lesson

i am really sorry for you ... Syria's Security is IRAN's Security ...

با اینکه می دونم این چیزا رو متوجه نمی شی

کسی که از اسرائیل دفاع می کنه ازش انتظاری نیست
Bashar Alja'afari UN Representative for Syria
Respond to Saudi Arabia the main point was: Syria is not named after people, it is not called The Arab republic of Syria Alasad, however The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is named after the royal family AlSaud. Syria will freely send Peacekeeping to Saudi Arabia where in the East of Saudi Arabia people are dying by the Saudi forces.

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states run by one single person or one single party always fear protests. because they know what can protests do.
there is no need of protest or any such thing.
the king is doing an excellent job, probably better than most of the exquisite governmental setups around the world.

Persians need to learn to live inside their borders and keep to themselves until some one ask for them.
He unveiled an additional $37bn (£22.7bn) in benefits for citizens, including a 15% pay rise for state employees, as well as extra funds for housing, studying abroad and social security.

Now there's an incentive.
"Regulations in the kingdom forbid categorically all sorts of demonstrations, marches and sit-ins, as they contradict Islamic Sharia law and the values and traditions of Saudi society," the Saudi interior ministry statement said.

And yet, they demand democracy in other countries? :rofl:

with thousands of innocent people Asad killed, it is better you dont give lesson

You mean Assad killed armed terrorists? What would SA do against those, invite to dinner with candles? :azn:
LOL? people should know the main saudi oil fields are in the shia area of saudi arabia.
Iran needs to arm them to fight the brutal king abudullah and we will see how they like being treated like the way they treat the syrians.

If only the wahabis knew how much the Syrian people hate them.
there is no need of protest or any such thing.
the king is doing an excellent job, probably better than most of the exquisite governmental setups around the world.

Persians need to learn to live inside their borders and keep to themselves until some one ask for them.

Mentioning the Persians while the topic is about KSA shows you are having a nightmare about Iran every night.
Yes Saudis are the best in the world.They are better than U.S,Europe,Australia and every other country.
And of course there is no need for protest!

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