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Saudi Arabia has Nuclear capable Ballistic Misslies: Ex CIA Official. .


May 3, 2009
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China Sold Nuclear Missiles to Saudi Arabia, Ex-CIA Officer Claims
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An ex-CIA analyst who oversaw intelligence dispatches on Saudi Arabia has asserted in a new self-published book that China provided the Middle Eastern nation with nuclear-capable ballistic missiles during the early years of the Bush administration, the Washington Post reported yesterday (see GSN, Aug. 24, 2009).

"I believe the People’s Republic of China delivered a turn-key nuclear ballistic missile system to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the course of several years beginning no later than December 2003," asserted Jonathan Scherck in his book "Patriot Lost," which has not been approved by the CIA.

Scherck concluded that Beijing was selling Riyadh nuclear missiles based on his year and half of reviewing intelligence dispatches from Saudi Arabia from 2005 to 2007, information on U.S. satellite photographs from these years, and conversations with other CIA personnel who were in touch with officials in former Vice President Dick Cheney's office.

He believed the Bush White House was keeping the nuclear deal secret in order to maintain ties with a key ally and major oil exporter, according to a press release: "This heavily shrouded deal and Washington’s shocking complicity constituted a flagrant violation of the long-standing but crippled Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty" (see GSN, June 1).

The book does not supply many concrete details to back up the nuclear assertion, according to the Post.

Copies of the book have been sent to Senate Select Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee ranking member Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.).

Scherck worked briefly as a CIA employee and then as contract staffer at the agency. He wrote that his job as a go-between for field agents collecting human intelligence and officials with the National Security Council gave him uncommon access "to what was being said overseas at the time about Saudi Arabia’s procurement of a new ballistic missile system from China."

"I read things, I heard things, I saw things," Scherck wrote. "Admittedly, I did not see all -- but I saw enough."

In past years, there has been a regular stream of reports claiming covert cooperative nuclear and missile activities between China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (Jeff Stein, Washington Post, June 7).

NTI: Global Security Newswire - China Sold Nuclear Missiles to Saudi Arabia, Ex-CIA Officer Claims
What BS. we sold saudi arabia conventional DF-21s in the 1980's. this guy is just digging up 20 year old news for personal gain.
Pressure Tactics.

If Saudis have Nuclear Missile so UAE and other countries ought to spend a lot on Defense. Which means more buying from the western countries.

My Chawanni!
This thread is a joke. Admins please close this pack of White Lies.
What if they have em? Let me see "sanctions" or nuke subs patrolling the Saudi coast. S.A can totally get away with it.
All Trolls Reported.

---------- Post added at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------

This thread is a joke. Admins please close this pack of White Lies.

On What credentials you claim it to be white lies ?
What if they have em? Let me see "sanctions" or nuke subs patrolling the Saudi coast. S.A can totally get away with it.

IF Zionist state is not getting sanctioned for trying to sell Nukes to South Africa then why SA will get sanctioned ?
Do you think Mushi also speaks BS?

Now back to Saudi arabia.

If saudi has nuclear weapons then they don't need pakistan any more.

Thats bad news for pakistan. IMO

And when did they need Pakistan and for what ?

They dont have Nuclear weapons , they have nuclear capable Ballistic Missiles.
And when did they need Pakistan and for what ?

They dont have Nuclear weapons , they have nuclear capable Ballistic Missiles.

Without nuclear weapons why would saudi buy misslie.

It is like buying gun without bullet. Does not make sense.
All Indian Members, before coming here and having a Pakistan bashing party, do remember your own record of how you guys did your so called peaceful Smiling Budha Tests by stealing the nuke material under the disguise of peaceful nuke cooperation.

You are no different then us.

And as for AQ, even if he was involved, which is very unlikely, there are hundreds of Western nuke tech manufacturing company which under the noses of Western govts have supplied nuke tech to countries around the world, so if you guys are so much concerned about nuke proliferation, then do talk about them first before coming to Pakistan, while reading up your own stealing nuke material history also.

Any other off topic comment, will be deleted followed by suspension also.
Without nuclear weapons why would saudi buy misslie.

It is like buying gun without bullet. Does not make sense.

Just a scare weapon or can be used for delivering a heavy conventional payload or Chemical & biological weapons.

Why Iran has Shahab III when they dont have Nukes ?
Pakistan had HatafI before we had Nukes so does it make the whole thing unvalidated ?

I think it doesn't.
Keep the discussion to the topic on hand, Saudi Arabia having ballistic missiles, any off topic comment, will get the treatment.
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