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Saudi Arabia F-15 Silent Eagle and F-35 JSF

Thanks for the info. Didn't know al-khalid was so advanced. Pakistan has sure made strides in military field with the limited resources and corrupt leaders that it has.
No problem, its all thanks to the knowledgeable members who posted the valuable information on this forum enabling people like me to learn a lot, otherwise my knowledge regarding this subject was very weak.

Unlike F 16s/eurofighter/f15s, these JF 17, al-khalids are un-sanctionable military hardwares in times of war.

Exactly, you hit the spot, Al-Khalid (and JF-17 as well as other indigenous Pakistani weapons) meets our requirements, and we can produce them in house without having to worry about any restrictions.

The worst thing that could happen during time of war is that your Tanks and Aircraft become useless due to lack of critical parts because some country has cut of the supply.
No problem, its all thanks to the knowledgeable members who posted the valuable information on this forum enabling people like me to learn a lot, otherwise my knowledge regarding this subject was very weak.

Exactly, you hit the spot, Al-Khalid (and JF-17 as well as other indigenous Pakistani weapons) meets our requirements, and we can produce them in house without having to worry about any restrictions.

:) Agreed :tup:

The worst thing that could happen during time of war is that your Tanks and Aircraft become useless due to lack of critical parts because some country has cut of the supply.

This is the thing that worries me in case of countries like KSA and Egypt. In case of a future Arab-Israeli conflict, we can predict with 99% certainty that US/NATO will impose sanctions against the Arab countries. This didn't affect the Arab countries in previous Arab-Israeli conflict because their main supplier was USSR, even though 2nd class USSR hardware was supplied to these countries. Surely, the F15 is a formidable advanced aircraft. But without critical spare parts in front of sanctions, these hardwares could be turned useless or barely functioning piece of metal.
One more think believe it or not it wasn't compliment, it was reality, I wish our government look toward the AK its much much better than the T-90 or Oblut the Ukrainian tank but the biggest fault of the AK is Pakistan they don't know how to promote there product for instance we in need to drones Pakistan make,em but have they ever worked hard to promote them????????????????????? No.

I agree, Pakistan hasn't really put much effort in trying to export the Tank to other countries. A few countries were interested but they didn't place any orders, KSA was conducting tests of the Tanks, but that's how far it went, only tests and the deal didn't go through.

The Al-Khalid is superior to early models of the T-90, however the latest T-90MS (or is it SM???) is superior to Al-Khalid in many aspects but its on par with Al-Khalid I. However, Al-Khalid is superior to T-80 Oplot, as you mentioned.

AFAIK, Iraqi purchased a few Pakistani APC's and Security Vehicles:

Pakistani Al-Talha APC's in Iraqi Army service:

raqi Army receives Talha APCs

Grzegorz Holdanowicz JDW Correspondent



Pakistani Mohafiz in Iraq


The Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I) recently finalised the distribution to the Iraqi Army of Pakistan's Heavy Industry Taxila (HIT)-manufactured Talha tracked armoured personnel carriers (APCs).

HIT signed a contract with the Iraqi Ministry of Defence in November 2004 for delivery of 44 Talhas, 60 Al Mohafiz Security Vehicles and 300 Aahan Armoured Guard Posts.

The total value of the contract is about USD31 million.

Following initial deliveries in March 2005, the Iraqi Army distributed 14 Talhas to its 3rd Division, which is responsible for security in north-western Iraq, while the remaining 30 vehicles have been issued to 9th Mechanised Division based in Taji near Baghdad.

Iraq is the first export confirmed customer for the amphibious Talha. Equipped with mounts for 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine guns, the Talha APC was developed by HIT based on the BAE Systems Ground Systems Division (formerly United Defense) M113 APC manufactured in Pakistan on licence.


Yes this is why I said it is a rumor. Because of the things I mentioned everyone is on the edge of their seats.

And I love the people coming here talking about how "KSA is a failed army" it is just too funny. :lol:

Your army isn't failed you guys need more training, coordination, and efficiency especially after how saudi troops went up against the houthis. :meeting:
Su-35BM, S-400's if the saudis get an F-35 it will likely be inferior to Israel's ones. Not to mention Israel has better pilots, Saudi Arabia-Turkey-Egypt training.
Su-35BM, S-400's if the saudis get an F-35 it will likely be inferior to Israel's ones.

Israeli versions are F 16 I and F 15 I. They are a special model only sold to Israel. I am inclined to believe that these versions are vastly superior to that which is sold to other countries including pakstan, KSA/UAE etc.
Israeli versions are F 16 I and F 15 I. They are a special model only sold to Israel. I am inclined to believe that these versions are vastly superior to that which is sold to other countries including pakstan, KSA/UAE etc.

I would likely go with the Russian Su-35BM , Building Air Defenses, non western aircraft due to in a future conflict with Israel the west will cut the supply of spare parts off.

Israeli versions are F 16 I and F 15 I. They are a special model only sold to Israel. I am inclined to believe that these versions are vastly superior to that which is sold to other countries including pakstan, KSA/UAE etc.

Uncle Sam throws a bone to Israel first then to the Arabs then the Left Overthrows to Pakistan.
I would likely go with the Russian Su-35BM , Building Air Defenses, non western aircraft due to in a future conflict with Israel the west will cut the supply of spare parts off.

Exactly that's what worries me. Even though the Arabs got 2nd-class Soviet hardware in the previous wars, I believe they functioned better than if they had US hardwares, like they have now. The problem is Israel got 1st class US hardwares in all conflicts. Even though in 1973, Kissinger admitted the defeat of US weapons by Soviet Egyptian weapons. In any future Arab israeli conflict, they will certainly be sanctioned of critical spare parts. These advanced Eurofighters, F 15s etc may be useless or next to useless for this reason in a conflict with Israel.
Exactly that's what worries me. Even though the Arabs got 2nd-class Soviet hardware in the previous wars, I believe they functioned better than if they had US hardwares, like they have now. The problem is Israel got 1st class US hardwares in all conflicts. Even though in 1973, Kissinger admitted the defeat of US weapons by Soviet Egyptian weapons. In any future Arab israeli conflict, they will certainly be sanctioned of critical spare parts. These advanced Eurofighters, F 15s etc may be useless or next to useless for this reason in a conflict with Israel.

They were Monkey Models and Arab Armies were for Parades. however these days you can get alot of good equipment from Russia and China.

I'm not going to get into this debate because you going to get destroyed on so many levels, if you want we can discuss later but for now sticking to the topic.

Just ignore those 2 sorry excuses of life form Legend. These life forms will be stepped on in due time like the little insects they happen to be.

So your calling a fellow muslim a worthless low life ? and should get killed like Insects wow some muslim you are.
I'm not going to get into this debate because you going to get destroyed on so many levels, if you want we can discuss later but for now sticking to the topic.

So your calling a fellow muslim a worthless low life ? and should get killed like Insects wow some muslim you are.

Oh please you are no Muslim despite how hard you are trying to take on this persona. I called you on your bluff a long time ago and it my honor and my country's honor to have enemies like you which is further proof for all the world that we are standing on the side of good.

I told you a long time ago and I will tell you again. You may be able to fool other people but you can not run that game on me.
Oh please you are no Muslim despite how hard you are trying to take on this persona. I called you on your bluff a long time ago and it my honor and my country's honor to have enemies like you which is further proof for all the world that we are standing on the side of good.

I told you about a long time ago and I will tell you again. You may be able to fool other people but you can not run that game on me.

How are you to judge who is muslim and who isn't ? your angry and emotional I can understand that and I have maintained a far more neutral stance then before.

Second part I'm not aware of what your saying.
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