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Saudi Arabia F-15 Silent Eagle and F-35 JSF

Any news to get Russian equipment's i.e MiG-35 or PAKFA for Saudi arabia??

Due to Russian shameful stance regarding Syria our military ties are now held. However it is possible if Russia backs KSA that KSA will move closer to Russia and the East at large.
Well it is only a local news paper report that had everyone buzzing. Because we all knew when the head of the navy said that the Navy will induct fighter jets soon in a press conference but that was about a year and a half ago and people are growing mad with anticipation especially when photos of the head of the navy inspecting F/A-18 Super Hornets a couple of months ago.

I do not think it will be 124 that is just too large a number maybe around 60 maximum or 72 if we are exaggerating. But 124 is an over kill.
no doubt
you have strongest airforce
your navy is also strong
i give two suggestion
1st built your own stealth jet
2nd buy some submarines also
with out sub
your navy can easily destroyed
Saudi airforce is well poised to deal with Iran in case of any conflict. They may lack in their training, but such a gap can be fulfilled by hiring foreign pilots or improving the command and control structure oftheir own military.
Foreign pilots??? Ha you are quite the Comedian indeed.

What is this the 1980s or 70s?? We have more than enough pilots and good pilots at that to deal with anyone.

Look Mosa, there are kinds of people who deserve to reply to because they may have a misunderstanding about sth, and others who don't deserve even your attention because they are always pessimistic and you will never be able to change their views. You know, as I live in bilad Alsham where left-wing parties are active, I know how those people think, they are illogical and extremly stubborn and its impossible for you to change their typical views about GCC and liberal countries. I think S-19 is among those, so let him think the way he likes. leave him alone.
Good preparation for great plans.
can any saudi tell me why you people are not considering j-20?and also don't your air force prefer 2 engine fighter?
Good preparation for great plans.
can any saudi tell me why you people are not considering j-20?and also don't your air force prefer 2 engine fighter?
for example, when Saudia was looking for a MBT, Al Khalid was an option but the Abrams were preferred. mnay international analysts rank AK to be equally good, you can study the systems yourself and find out that this is quote true and moreover, AK was three times less costly then Abrams.
the Abrams was selected and AK ditched not because of some technological superiority but because with AK among ranks, the Saudias couldnt say "YEA WE GOT ABRAMS, THE US FINEST WAR MACHINE"
this is the problem.
looking it from my side, if at that time, Saudia Arabia and Pakistan could have come to an agreement to further develop the tank and improve on almost everything, even by increasing the cost to double, that still would have been less costly to the procured Abrams but would have been MUCH MUCH better!
not bashing anyone for any defense deal but just stressing on the need of cooperation among Muslim States!
Good preparation for great plans.
can any saudi tell me why you people are not considering j-20?and also don't your air force prefer 2 engine fighter?
Well they run on a short leash but if they had the chance I'm sure Unkil would allow them to buy some J-20 for studying them.
Btw Why does KSA need F-18's when they already have F-15's which can do anything that the F-18 can do and better.
Foreign pilots are a quick way to eliminate any training gap. It takes a long time to overturn the overly autocratic nature prevailing in the militaries of most Arab countries, including KSA. It takes time for a democratic culture to gain root. Till then, in case of any conflict, foreign pilots may be the only way to eliminate such a training gap.

The autocratic, demotivational nature of management in Arab militaries, including that of KSA, is discussed here: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-forum/165065-why-arabs-lose-wars.html?highlight=
Soon we will be the ones with better scientific knowledge and infrastructure trust me. That is if things keep on going the way there are in the nest 10 years. However nothing neither Pakistan or Turkey or Indonesia can offer will come close to the F-15SAs and SEs at the moment not to mention F-35.

We live in a pretty F***ed up region and for that we need deterrent we didn't have a strong "looking" army in 1991 and we got invaded however now we do and unlike you states know that KSA can kick their *** three times over if it wanted to.

Al-Khalid and Abrams or Leopard IIs are two different classes of tanks. And we are already supporting Pakistan's defense industry but we will not do so on the cost of the effectiveness of our own armed forces and I am sure you understand that a mountain tank is not like a desert tank.

100% agree with you.
if we had your leadership, international standing and the necessary resources (leverage+ money) we would have bought the best deal money could buy)

comparing Abrams and Al Khalid is embarrassing so is F-15 vs JF-17. not only their classes and roles are different but the Pakistani option is what is the best available with whatever the resources.

thanks for being polite enough not to tear our pride here. but we all know where our weapons stand compare to what KSA has in its inventory.

re working with Turkey and Pakistan in joint ventures is a wishful thinking and is workable but KSA shouldnt be put on the spot here. Pakistan and turkey could have started on their own first, seeming them not only KSA but Malaysia or Egypt could join too.

having said that, with the ToT of typhoons, the KSA is starting to make moves in the right direction so if not now then maybe in the future as the KSA's own technical and scientific knowledge base and experience grows there might be a joint venture in the future. being brotherly Muslim country is not enough (it does help though) for a joint venture resources have to been pooled and and common interests and goals have to be identified to have a chance of making something together that is useful for every party.
Good preparation for great plans.
can any saudi tell me why you people are not considering j-20?and also don't your air force prefer 2 engine fighter?

J-20 is in very first phase of development, all we have seen so far is a prototype. Nevertheless, US f-35/22 still the best of its kind in the world, even Russian specialists couldn't claim that Pak-fa is better than those aircrafts.
J-20 is in very first phase of development, all we have seen so far is a prototype. Nevertheless, US f-35/22 still the best of its kind in the world, even Russian specialists couldn't claim that Pak-fa is better than those aircrafts.

do consider the big question marks raised by some American aeronautical experts and ex USAF pilots regarding F-35.
not just the spiralling program costs but its capabilities.
I will hate to see Saudi money bailing out a program that dogged by a lot of issues. I dont mean to derail the thread so I wont post any more links and videos but just look up the F-35 controversy and issues on youtube and Google and there is must to consider before making a choice.
if the choice is purely based on stealth then fair enough but that is that. this is a heavy plane with short wings it has a very lacklustre record against the 4.5 generation planes once its stealth is negated or taken out of equation.
super hornets or super vipers (block 60 with tvc) might be a ticket.
do consider the big question marks raised by some American aeronautical experts and ex USAF pilots regarding F-35.
not just the spiralling program costs but its capabilities.
I will hate to see Saudi money bailing out a program that dogged by a lot of issues. I dont mean to derail the thread so I wont post any more links and videos but just look up the F-35 controversy and issues on youtube and Google and there is must to consider before making a choice.
if the choice is purely based on stealth then fair enough but that is that. this is a heavy plane with short wings it has a very lacklustre record against the 4.5 generation planes once its stealth is negated or taken out of equation.
super hornets or super vipers (block 60 with tvc) might be a ticket.

RSAF is looking to acquire Stealth Deep Strike capability and interception which is usually used in what is termed "Hour 1" or "Clash Onset". Stealth matters in these issues the most where you need to do SEAD if you are invading or attacking or Interception if you are on the defense. Having say 36 Stealth Jets in your inventory for that role is more than enough actually so F-35 or F-15SE (Which by the way has the same RCS from the front as the F-35) is the planes you need for that. And having that capability means will bring a quantum leap to KSA's air force capabilities.

The F-15SA deal brings a significant upgrade to RSAF's ability to conduct sustained deep strike and CAS capability. Not even the Su-34 can match the F-15E in range and payload. Our Air Forces are not idiots that they are going on a shopping spree of Planes that can carry out the same tasks other planes already occupy. You have the Typhoon for sustained intercepting and Air superiority role as well as the ability of Air-Ground as a bonus. You also have the F-15SA which also has Air-Superiority role as a bonus. The Stealth Multiroler should replace the Tornadoes.
mosa i remember you saying that Saudi won't buy F-35 because of ToT and that you would get heavily downgraded versions compared to Israel, so in a fight your planes won't be able to shoot down a Israeli F-35 even if your pilot has the chance!
mosa i remember you saying that Saudi won't buy F-35 because of ToT and that you would get heavily downgraded versions compared to Israel, so in a fight your planes won't be able to shoot down a Israeli F-35 even if your pilot has the chance!

True however lots of things changed since I wrote that. I was writing on a 2 year old information but now there have been updates regarding that.

And besides I am one of those in favor of the F-15SE over the F-35. Much easier to absorb and operate than F-35 and also cheaper. not to mention more range and payload. True it doesn't have the 3D sensors and See through helmets and all around better stealth. However F-15SE will be a lot less problematic and gets the job done.
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