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Saudi Arabia: Dancing to Israel's tune

They're not listening. It doesn't support the world-view they've had beaten into them and they have been indoctrinated to tune such things out.

Hoist by your own petard, cousin!

So according to you, which "world-view" should we be indoctrinated with?
I understand what you are saying, however my point is that if they strengthen their relations with our enemy india, does that mean we establish ties with israel? You are aware of what their lobby wants to do with Pakistan right? Hint: You yourself mentioned it many times in several posts on many threads.


my dear friend DFox I have a lot of time for you. It is we who have purchased a free enemy for ourselves. The Israeli -Indian nexus is one that has only been cemented over the last 20 years. We did this out of in my opinion misplaced loyalties to Arabs. We became more Arab than Arabs. Whilst some Arabs have have open relationships with Israel others have behind the scene shenanigans like the Sauds. We can reverse the Indian-Israeli nexus by recognising Israel and having good honest relations with them. remember Netanyahoo slipped up in an interview a couple of days ago that Pakistan was the second biggest or one of the biggest threats to Israel.

Under those circumstances do you blame Israelis allying with our enemy?? I think it is possible to reverse that trend. If they think we are one of their biggest enemies if we remove that fear that is worth something to them

Our response should be to strengthen our existing ties with Russia, Iran, and other CAR's/SCO member states.


There is a wind blowing that no one no country in the world can change.

The alliance that is being forced immaterial of ideology and other misgivings between Iran Pakistan China and Russia is inevitable

This is being driven not at the moment by the participants but by default by the Americans.

To those that can read between the lines American intentions are to cross red lines of each of the 4 nations
my dear friend DFox I have a lot of time for you. It is we who have purchased a free enemy for ourselves. The Israeli -Indian nexus is one that has only been cemented over the last 20 years. We did this out of in my opinion misplaced loyalties to Arabs. We became more Arab than Arabs. Whilst some Arabs have have open relationships with Israel others have behind the scene shenanigans like the Sauds. We can reverse the Indian-Israeli nexus by recognising Israel and having good honest relations with them. remember Netanyahoo slipped up in an interview a couple of days ago that Pakistan was the second biggest or one of the biggest threats to Israel.

Under those circumstances do you blame Israelis allying with our enemy?? I think it is possible to reverse that trend. If they think we are one of their biggest enemies if we remove that fear that is worth something to them

There is a wind blowing that no one no country in the world can change.

The alliance that is being forced immaterial of ideology and other misgivings between Iran Pakistan China and Russia is inevitable

This is being driven not at the moment by the participants but by default by the Americans.

To those that can read between the lines American intentions are to cross red lines of each of the 4 nations

I'm sorry but i disagree, and i have my reasons.

If they befriend india, let them! If they befriend israel, let them! In the end they will regret it, but by that time i'm afraid it will be too late.

If we have any honor left then we will not follow them.
Yeah right after you lot were calling for the genocide of us I thought I would make you happy by posting pictures of dead Arabs in my profile picture I thought you would like it.

You are a liar I do not wish that on any people. You react to justified criticism of your leadership as if it is blasphemy. I am aware that you have made this allegation of other people and some have gone to the nth degree to assure you that this not the case. I personally do not think your allegation is worthy of any more than this post. I really do not care what a liar thinks.
There is a wind blowing that no one no country in the world can change.

The alliance that is being forced immaterial of ideology and other misgivings between Iran Pakistan China and Russia is inevitable

This is being driven not at the moment by the participants but by default by the Americans.

To those that can read between the lines American intentions are to cross red lines of each of the 4 nations

So is it not better to have strong relations/alliance with these countries who are thousand times more trustworthy and have more in common with us?

We should just stay neutral with regards to middle eastern affairs/conflicts, that is the best policy IMO.
I never insulted Pakistan nor do I hate, I mean how can I seeing that many of my very close friends are Pakistanis. But then again as predictable as ever out of you you resort to personal insults and defaming once you fail to get your point across.

Yes you have. I am Pakistani as others on here. when we do not buy into your product you respond to us in an altogether improper way. I also am aware that although racism does exist in the west I and others are given more respect and rights than my brothers in Arab countries eg I am a British citizen. How many of our Pakistanis have been given that right in Arab countries. I read an article only yesterday about Kuwaitis refusing visas for families of migrant workers from Pakistan.

I'm sorry but i disagree, and i have my reasons.

If they befriend india, let them! If they befriend israel, let them! In the end they will regret it, but by that time i'm afraid it will be too late.

If we have any honor left then we will not follow them.

In this day and age there is no dishonour in our country doing what is in Pakistan's best interest.
As far as relations with Israel is concerned, I am inclined to think that it will not benefit Pakistan because:

- Israel, via its proxy US, has already encircled Pakistan/China. The plan to de-nuclearize Pakistan is a very old one and I do not think it will be abandoned just because Pakistan recognises Israel.

- Huge Public backlash in Pakistan. I think most people will take it to the streets.

- Israeli embassy in Pakistan will give Israel more room to carry out covert intel operations in Pakistan.

- Pakistan will gain some praise by the West, however, is the praise worth the risks? Rest assured, Israel's objective on Pakistan (de nuclearization) will remain the same.


So is it not better to have strong relations/alliance with these countries who are thousand times more trustworthy and have more in common with us?

We should just stay neutral with regards to middle eastern affairs/conflicts, that is the best policy IMO.

That would be brilliant but we are not being afforded that opportunity. Look at the responses you get from Iranians and Arabs. When we suggest we love all Muslims and want peace we get thank you's from Iranians. From Arabs and Parabians we get death wishes and an offer to burn all Iranians and us etc.

Look at Pakistan our people are suffering due to load shedding. In recent months Sauds and Arabs have made clear that we should not look to them for assistance. Yet in the last week or so when they realise that we have a pipeline deal with Iran at the behest of Americans and to hurt Iranians they want us to forget Pakistan's national interest and try to bribe us. There are things happening in Pakistan that Sauds are responsible for that I do not wish to disclose into the public domain but let me assure you that they will not get off our case that simply. However I am happy for Pakistan to deal with Iranians and Atabs as Muslim brothers but we will not be bribed bullied or blackmailed by either to go against our national interest.

in any event Sauds will also try to push American view or vision in our neighbourhood which is to the detriment of Pakistan to keep Americans sweet. we are disposable to them in their fight to retain power.
It is no secret that Iran and Israel worked closely together during the Iraq and Iran war:
Israeli support for Iran during the Iran

They even carried out the Osirak bombing DURING the war an act clearly coordinated with Iran at the time. And we still remember this fact to this day which is why Israel and Iran working together is considered a big possibility considering they are both Anti-Arab.
I see.A big possibility.:coffee:
the Sauds were misguided by the bloody britisher imperialists to go against the Osmanli (Ottoman Empire)

something to keep in mind......to say they are ''dancing israels tune'' is a bit simplistic. I think they are just not courageous enough to state what they really are thinking. A bit too submissive to uncle sam and uncle sam's interest. But then again, it's uncle sam that is really keeping the kingdom safe!
S-19, is it ok to ask your ethnic origin as well as your country of origin?
So according to you, which "world-view" should we be indoctrinated with?
For Pakistan, with its great question of national identity, this has been a very important issue. Leader after leader puzzled over it. Their answers, to see more and more through the lens and check of Islam, has not had very nice results for Pakistan, has it?

I'm going to have to think over this one for a while before giving you a more complete answer.
In this day and age there is no dishonour in our country doing what is in Pakistan's best interest.

It would harm Pakistan in the long run if it establishes relations with israel.

For Pakistan, with its great question of national identity, this has been a very important issue. Leader after leader puzzled over it. Their answers, to see more and more through the lens and check of Islam, has not had very nice results for Pakistan, has it?

I'm going to have to think over this one for a while before giving you a more complete answer.

That's because some of these leaders used religion for their own political gains. However, there is no "question" with regards to our National Identity, we are a lacking sincere and Patriotic leadership.
"Cohen" in Northeast DC is lecturing Pakistanis about national identity.....
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