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A fight between Persian-Arab and Shia-Sunni only help the other powers of the world who want to divide and rule. These other powers are of course, the West, China and India. Russia is no longer a world power, but they cannot forget that they used to be one.

For the time being, Russia is more of a power than India. Anyway, only the West and India would benefit on an intrinsic level. China and Russia only benefits from Sunni-Shia conflict if it draws in the West and makes it bleed in a pointless war.
My bad. I confused Hanafi with Hanabali
But Still, i don't understand why you guys are bringing up Wahabism? :lol:

Ok, i should not have brought it up, but i only mentioned it to highlight the difference between Hanafi which majority Pakistani and Afghan follow, from the Saudi Salafi.
Ok, i should not have brought it up, but i only mentioned it to highlight the difference between Hanafi which majority Pakistani and Afghan follow, from the Saudi Salafi.

First, Hanafi, Maleki, Hanbali and Shafeei are not "religions", they are schools of jurisprudence. What this means is that they are different interpretations of Islamic Shariah law.

The Wahhabis are a fundamentalist group that seek to return Islam to its "pure state". They are a sub-branch of Salafi Islam that seeks to imitate the behavior of early Muslims. AFAIK, the Wahabis follow the Hanbali school of jurisprudence, but some people claim that they do not follow a particular school of jurisprudence and constitute a new direction.

Is there any difference between 4 islamic sunni religion and Wahhabi? - Yahoo! Answers
First, Hanafi, Maleki, Hanbali and Shafeei are not "religions", they are schools of jurisprudence. What this means is that they are different interpretations of Islamic Shariah law.

The Wahhabis are a fundamentalist group that seek to return Islam to its "pure state". They are a sub-branch of Salafi Islam that seeks to imitate the behavior of early Muslims. AFAIK, the Wahabis follow the Hanbali school of jurisprudence, but some people claim that they do not follow a particular school of jurisprudence and constitute a new direction.

Is there any difference between 4 islamic sunni religion and Wahhabi? - Yahoo! Answers
i know these are sects, i never said they r religions.
Saudis r not Hanafis, and stop using cuss words. Hanafis are totally different from Salafis, majority of Pakistanis and Afghans are Hanafis, and here in Pakistan we don't go out shouting that all Shias need to be butchered or this and that, only the Saudi inspired Salafis do that.

Majority Saudis are Salafis, not Hanafis.

"The Saudi government established the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a state religious police unit, to enforce Wahhabi rules of behaviour." Glasse, Cyril, The New Encyclopedia of Islam, Rowan & Littlefield, (2001), pp.469-472
what a jock
what is the definition of Salafis
There should be a global center for Islamic fiqh (jurisprudence) so the Ulema (scholars) can slug it out and bring some alignment among the different sects (Shia, Sunni and the madhab's among them). We need some "inter-sect" dialogue, so independent scholars cannot go out on their own and issue fatwa's. OT but I thought relevant to the issue of these so many sects, their differences and conflicts between them.
what a jock
what is the definition of Salafis

is a Muslim who emphasises the Salaf ("predecessors" or "ancestors"), the earliest Muslims, as model examples of Islamic practice.[1] The term has been in use since the middle ages but today refers especially to a follower of a modern Sunni Islamic movement known as the Salafiyyah, which is related to or includes Wahhabism, so that the two terms are sometimes erroneously viewed as synonymous.[2] Salafism has become associated with literalist, strict and puritanical approaches to Islamic theology and, in the West, with the Salafi Jihadis who espouse violent jihad against civilians as a legitimate expression of Islam.[3] Academics and historians use the term to denote "a school of thought which surfaced in the second half of the 19th century as a reaction to the spread of European ideas," and "sought to expose the roots of modernity within Muslim civilization."

Salafi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the time being, Russia is more of a power than India. Anyway, only the West and India would benefit on an intrinsic level. China and Russia only benefits from Sunni-Shia conflict if it draws in the West and makes it bleed in a pointless war.

Yes for the time being, but by 2020, India will probably eclipse Russia, in nominal GDP. Lets not forget that both Russia and China have restive Muslim minorities and Muslims fighting among each other will keep attention and focus away from these issues.
There should be a global center for Islamic fiqh (jurisprudence) so the Ulema (scholars) can slug it out and bring some alignment among the different sects (Shia, Sunni and the madhab's among them). We need some "inter-sect" dialogue, so independent scholars cannot go out on their own and issue fatwa's. OT but I thought relevant to the issue of these so many sects, their differences.

there are no different in the roots of fiqh between Hanfi, Hanbli, shfi'i and Maliki all of them have the exact roots when there are huge different in fiqh and Tawheed between sunni and shia.
Foreign soldiers on holy land... Can't wait for the world to switch to solar energy. :woot:
there are no different in the roots of fiqh between Hanfi, Hanbli, shfi'i and Maliki all of them have the exact roots when there are huge different in fiqh and Tawheed between sunni and shia.

So then, we could have two centers, one for sunni and another for shia and some co-ordination and interaction between these two centers. At the absence of these centers of authority, unscrupulous people are calling the shots with their fatwa's and statements.

Also, there should be some effort to keep and protect the traditional Madhab in a certain area and not allow predatory spread of other Madhab which can cause instability. I think the Afghan Jihad is a perfect example of that, as far as I can tell, but I could be wrong.
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