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Saudi Arabia bars Nigerian planes carrying Pakistani arms

Well since you claim to be married with a Cameroonian lady you should know that neighborhood better than anyone else. Sub-Saharan Africa is the hellhole of the planet. Leading in diseases, tribal wars, murder rates, tribalism, poverty, recent armed conflicts and killings. Those people had no civilizations of worth ever before Islam (Arabs) and Christianity (Westerners) reached them. Nor do they have anything now compared to their huge numbers. Nigeria has almost 200 million people yet you can't mention a single Nigerian that has contributed with anything of note to the world.

Even in the Arab world Afro-Arabs are more prone to crime than the locals.

The Nigerian regime and military has a proven track record when it comes to mass-killings. There are even videos of Nigerian soldiers slowly beheading "suspected" Muslims (clearly teenagers that are frightened to death) before dumping them in mass graves. The video can be found on the internet.

Let alone lynchings, cannibalism, street justice etc. That part of the world is a hellhole. Those Sub-Saharan Africans can scream rapist at you in public and before you look around you have a tire around your neck and are burning alive sourrunded by a mob kicking you.

Now you can now claim that the similar is the case with Syria and Iraq but those two countries are not even comparable and they have only been unstable in recent times due to mostly outsiders meddling and they gave the world some of the oldest civilizations in pre-Islamic history and were a key part of the Islamic history and period.

Before the Sub-Saharan Africans do not change there will be bloodshed there until the end of time. Yes, we have bloodshed everywhere all the time but those guys take the prize.

KSA and any other sane players should go a long way from that region. The population boom there will just make things even more worse. The Arab world and Europe should seal all borders before they cause more trouble. Before we know it Ebola and other viruses will spread like the Spanish Flu.

I'm not surprised to see you say such things though, for I personally know(having traveled to several middle eastern countries) that most people in middle east/Arabs hate/are very racist towards people of colour/blacks/dark skinned people (they are at par only with the Russians in this regard).:agree:

As for your so called point about Africa being full of wars/poverty/instability etc and asking us in Europe (and even the Arab world.look) to seal our borders from them?:rofl: You could have maybe said Europe and I will have thought about it. But the arab world as well?:lol:

With all due respect there is nothing much to envy in the Arab world . Afterall, I have never seen people dieing to go to any Arab country. People in Africa even when they want to travel abroad come to Europe or try and go to the U.S not to the middle east Which is even in a worse shape than most African countries.:rofl: And mind you have been to several African countries, its not as bad as you think, there are several countries in Africa with a very good standard of living, better than even some eastern European countries.:agree: The middle east is no better than those African countries with conflicts/wars etc. Have you forgotten your religious wars/sectarianism that has been going on for decades? I have been hearing them since I was a little boy. How many Muslim countries are ruled by dictators/monarchies? In fact even the poorest African countries are much more free/democratic than almost all middle Eastern countries especially Saudi Wahhabi Arabia where a woman driving is considered a terrorist. :rofl: I have yet to see an African country where a woman in the city can't drive or dress how she wishes. In this regard I will say the self proclaimed leader of the Islamic world (house of saud) is several decades behind even the poorest African countries in forward looking laws/women empowerment. :lol:

Finally pleaseeeeeee, don't tell us Europeans how to rule our country/enforce our immigration law or let who go enter our country bro, since it will be funny for us to take advice from the worlds most repressive regime/absolute monarchy who has been spreading extremist islamists ideologies through out the middle east/world and fuelling terrorism/conflict in the region. To be honest, without the house of saud, , the middle east will be far more peaceful and prosperous. :agree:

But as of now, its not the case. In fact the region is no better than the few African countries engulfed in conflicts/instability. Moreover Saudi Arabia is still our sub contractor/pet in the region. You still rely on us, else we can easily topple your regime and remake it to our liking. So stop acting like you are any better than Africans. Apart from your oil and our benevolence towards your regime, you have nothing much, without oil, you will be farrrr worse off than even Yemen. And this is just stating the truth, no offence there. I'm talking about your regime/leaders not your people.:D
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A superpower? Maybe in their own small backyard. Other than that, not so much. Compared to their gigantic population they are a dwarf. So is Nigeria btw. They are twice the population of Europe (almost) and see the gigantic difference between Europe and India on all fields. Be it economy, science, influence, military, innovation etc.

China on the other hand is a superpower and there can be no comparison between China and India unless we want to bother our Chinese friends.

@Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986

Who said that this news is even correct? I see no international source saying anything about this.

No such thing. A baseless and ridiculous accusation. Nothing to gain from it either. We have ZERO interests in Northern Nigeria. Muslims and Christians have been in conflict for decades if not centuries there. That will remain to be the case if serious changes do not arrive. The Nigerian regime is part of the problem. You know that you got a problem if your country has given rise to Boko Haram and their Christian equals (Christian "militias").

This news makes no sense. My initial "theory" is just guesswork.

Don't be surprised to see much of that equipment in the hands of gangs and not the military regime. Regardless of that the solution must be found in the international society but nobody cares about Nigeria it seems.

Please give other nationalities a chance to troll eachother too & we ain't a superpower this is something Pakistanis have created & we reply back with the Failed state thing

I'm not surprised to see you say such things though, for I personally know(having traveled to several middle eastern countries) that most people in middle east/Arabs hate/are very racist towards people of colour/blacks/dark skinned people (they are at par only with the Russians in this regard).:agree:

As for your so called point about Africa being full of wars/poverty/instability etc and asking us in Europe (and even the Arab world.look) to seal our borders from them?:rofl: You could have maybe said Europe and I will have thought about it. But the arab world as well?:lol:

With all due respect there is nothing much to envy in the Arab world . Afterall, I have never seen people dieing to go to any Arab country. People in Africa even when they want to travel abroad come to Europe or try and go to the U.S not to the middle east Which is even in a worse shape than most African countries.:rofl: And mind you have been to several African countries, its not as bad as you think, there are several countries in Africa with a very good standard of living, better than even some eastern European countries.:agree: The middle east is no better than those African countries with conflicts/wars etc. Have you forgotten your religious wars/sectarianism that has been going on for decades? I have been hearing them since I was a little boy. How many Muslim countries are ruled by dictators/monarchies? In fact even the poorest African countries are much more free/democratic than almost all middle Eastern countries especially Saudi Wahhabi Arabia where a woman driving is considered a terrorist. :rofl: I have yet to see an African country where a woman in the city can't drive or dress how she wishes. In this regard I will say the self proclaimed leader of the Islamic world (house of saud) is several decades behind even the poorest African countries in forward looking laws/women empowerment. :lol:

Finally pleaseeeeeee, don't tell us Europeans how to rule our country/enforce our immigration law or let who go enter our country bro, since it will be funny for us to take advice from the worlds most repressive regime/absolute monarchy who has been spreading extremist islamists ideologies through out the middle east/world and fuelling terrorism/conflict in the region. To be honest, without the house of saud, , the middle east will be far more peaceful and prosperous. :agree:

But as of now, its not the case. In fact the region is no better than the few African countries engulfed in conflicts/instability. Moreover Saudi Arabia is still our sub contractor/pet in the region. You still rely on us, else we can easily topple your regime and remake it to our liking. So stop acting like you are any better than Africans. Apart from your oil and our benevolence towards your regime, you have nothing much, without oil, you will be farrrr worse off than even Yemen. And this is just stating the truth, no offence there. I'm talking about your regime/leaders not your people.:D

A good answer
I'm not surprised to see you say such things though, for I personally know(having traveled to several middle eastern countries) that most people in middle east/Arabs hate/are veru racist towards people of colour/blacks/dark skinned people (they are at par only with the Russians in this regard).:agree:

As for your so called point about Africa being full of wars/poverty/instability etc and asking us in Europe (and even the Arab world.look) to seal our borders from them?:rofl: You could have maybe said Europe and I will have thought about it. But the arab world as well?:lol:
With all due respect there is nothing much to envy in the Arab world . afterall, I have never seen people dieing to go to any Arab country. People I Africa even when they want to travel abroad come to Europe or try and go to the U.S not to the middle east Whig is even in a worse shape than most African countries.:rofl: And mind you have been to several African countries, its not as you think, there are several countries in Africa with a very good standard of living, better than even some eastern European countries.:agree: The middle east is no better than those African countries with conflicts/wars etc. Have you forgotten your religious wars/sectarianism that has been going on for decades? How many Muslim countries are ruled by dictators/monarchies? In fact even the poorest African countries are much more free/democratic than almost all middle Eastern countries especially Saudi Wahhabi Arabia where a woman driving is considered a terrorist. :rofl:
I gave yet to see an African country where a woman in the city can't drive or dress how she wishes. In this regard I will say the self proclaimed leader of the Islamic world (house of saud) is several decades behind even the poorest African countries in forward looking laws/women empowerment. :lol:

Finally pleaseeeeeee, don't tell us Europeans how tinrule our country bro, since it will be funny for us to take advice from the worlds most repressive regime/absolute monarchy who has been spreading extremist islamists ideologies through out the middle east and fuelling terrorism/conflict in the region. To be honest, without the house of said, the middle east will be far more peaceful and prosperous. :agree: But as of now, its not the case. In fact the region is no better than the few African countries engulfed in conflicts/instability. Moreover Saudi Arabia is still our sub contractor/pet in the region. You still rely on us, else we can easily topple your regime and remake it to our liking. So stop acting like you are any better than Africans. Apart from your oil and our benevolence towards your regime, you have nothing much, without oil, you will be farrrr worse off than even Yemen. And this is just stating the truth, no offence there. I'm talking about your regime/leaders not your people.:D

Yes, sure. That's why we got millions of Afro-Arabs among our ranks and a constant stream of migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa?

You Brits are saints in this department as well. I mean if we look apart from your slavery and colonization of the entire Sub-Saharan Africa (almost). Nice joke there. Xenophobia is not widespread either in the UK or Europe. Who are you kidding?

Nothing that I said is racism. It's pure historical facts and ground realities.

The Arab world receives millions of migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa and has already sealed many of it borders. We got the longest Mediterranean coastline in case you do not know and are located between the 3 most populous continents on the planet. You got no clue.

LOL. Large parts of the Arab world is home to some of the biggest migration movements. Ever heard about the GCC for instance? North Africa. Those regions are home to MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Sub-Saharan Africans. More than migrants in Europe.

No Sub-Saharan country has a better life standard than any Eastern European country. Stop bullshitting.

Bunch of nonsense. The Middle East is the cradle of civilization and for most of our existence we lived peacefully among native Christians, Jews and Muslims (all religious groups native to our lands) and we were much more tolerant for 90% of our Islamic history than the Western Christian world. It's only in the past 100 years that we have regressed on this front but that does not go for all ME countries. In the GCC you have mosques and churches and Hindu temples next to each other and no conflicts at all.

Don't forget that Europeans killed 80 million people less than 100 years ago during the WW1 and WW2. ISIS in comparison have killed 50.000 people or so in 11 years time.

One 24 year old stupid law is not going to change anything when women are mass-raped in Sub-Saharan Africa and in general live worse than anywhere else outside of some places in South Asia. The poverty is enormous too. Number of murders, HIV patients, etc.

No such thing.

KSA ranks in the top on the HDI index, is one of the richest countries on the planet, (our GDP per capita is in the top 10 in the entire world), our society is one of the most safe ones, we suffer from no wars or conflicts or diseases, our literacy rate is almost 100% and we are moving forward at a rapid speed and our influence is enormous compared to our population.

Comparing our position or that of other GCC and ME countries with your standard Sub-Saharan African country is a giant joke.

No newly created moronic laws that can be removed tomorrow (in theory) will change that. Ever.

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We don't rely on you on anything. We have close economic and military ties with USA but on all remaining fields we have now locals that can do the job. You are just a colony of the US and that's why you have close ties with the House of Saud.

Besides I am of partial European descent (I am eligible for French citizenship if I wanted) and I have lived half of my life in Europe and have European relatives and siblings that were born in Europe. The ME and Europe are almost equally my two homes and regions.

So I can say whatever I want to. Fact of the matter is that I am right and you can keep denying the facts I wrote or the fact that Nigeria is a hellhole by large. Boko Haram or no Boko Haram. Or deny that the regime is part of the problem.

If Sub-Saharan Africa (especially Western Africa) is such a great area of the world then I suggest that you move to Cameroon instead of fooling ignorant Indians here.

Alos funnily enough you omitted 10 or so of my historical facts. Wonder why?

Speaking about Yemen then they are one of the oldest civilizations on the planet and once one of the very richest and 100 years of trouble is not going to change that. On the other hand your West Africa has always been the same. A non-important part of the world engulfed in troubles.
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Is this incident in line with the fact that KSA will allow Israeli jet fighters in its air space (and on its airports) when the planes come out to attack Iran?
So is modern day India.

Bhai jaan

Why you spread misinformation.

Because he is clueless. KSA unlike his country was never a Western colony. As one of the very few countries in the world (Japan, Afghanistan etc.)

There is nothing wrong with being a former Western colony either. The Western world has dominated for the past 600 years. Being truly influential outside of their region for the first time since the Romans. The ME in the past was the most sought after region for empires from various regions. Whether indigenous empires or those from the outside. It's after all the cradle of civilization.

The House of Saud are a 100% indigenous family and so were their conquests. No foreigners ever helped them with anything. Rather there were wars with the Ottomans and native rival dynasties but ultimately the House of Saud were victorious and looking back I am not celebrating it. It is nevertheless a fact.

The first time the House of Saud ever had any contact with any Westerners (a real contact) was after WW2 and it was due to the discovery of oil and the increasing geopolitical influence of the ME. Aside from the West wanting to have a influence in the Islamic Holy Lands.

By then KSA was already a reality and in the case of the House of Saud they had been rulers for 200 years. Sometimes significant rulers sometimes more local and more irrelevant.

Saudi Arabia - Relations with the United States

But anyway let him and others say the opposite. The history stays the same anyway.

Is this incident in line with the fact that KSA will allow Israeli jet fighters in its air space (and on its airports) when the planes come out to attack Iran?

Despite KSA or the 500 million or so Arabs (by large) having no love lost for Iran such rumors are baseless and have been denied. Israel is still the "main enemy" on the Arab street regardless of this conflict actually being a Israeli-Palestinian conflict nowadays rather than an Israeli-Arab conflict.

If peace with Israel was established then they would be the main regional enemy.

I don't see any comparisons between those two examples. Both rumors likely to be false.
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Because he is clueless. KSA unlike his country was never a Western colony. As one of the very few countries in the world (Japan, Afghanistan etc.)

There is nothing wrong with being a former Western colony either. The Western world has dominated for the past 600 years. Being truly influential outside of their region for the first time since the Romans. The ME in the past was the most sought after region for empires from various regions. Whether indigenous empires or those from the outside. It's after all the cradle of civilization.

The House of Saud are a 100% indigenous family and so were their conquests. No foreigners ever helped them with anything. Rather there were wars with the Ottomans and native rival dynasties but ultimately the House of Saud were victories and looking back I am not celebrating it. It is nevertheless a fact.

The first time the House of Saud ever had any contact with any Westerners (a real contact) was after WW2 and it was due to the discovery of oil and the increasing geopolitical influence of the ME. Aside from the West wanting to have a influence in the Islamic Holy Lands.

Saudi Arabia - Relations with the United States

But anyway let him and others say the opposite. The history stays the same anyway.

Despite KSA or the 500 million or so Arabs (by large) having no love lost for Iran such rumors are baseless and have been denied. Israel is still the "main enemy" on the Arab street regardless of this conflict actually being a Israeli-Palestinian conflict nowadays rather than an Israeli-Arab conflict.

I don't see any comparisons between those two examples. Both rumors likely to be false.

your history and historical knowledge is very very very "pure".
Gentlemen on topic please. No more posts about Arab history are to be written.

I find the news a little surprising. Boko Haram are savages and every weapon should be used against them.
Despite KSA or the 500 million or so Arabs (by large) having no love lost for Iran such rumors are baseless and have been denied. Israel is still the "main enemy" on the Arab street regardless of this conflict actually being a Israeli-Palestinian conflict nowadays rather than an Israeli-Arab conflict.

If peace with Israel was established then they would be the main regional enemy.

I don't see any comparisons between those two examples. Both rumors likely to be false.

I wasn't aware that these were rumors.
Because he is clueless. KSA unlike his country was never a Western colony. As one of the very few countries in the world (Japan, Afghanistan etc.)

There is nothing wrong with being a former Western colony either. The Western world has dominated for the past 600 years. Being truly influential outside of their region for the first time since the Romans. The ME in the past was the most sought after region for empires from various regions. Whether indigenous empires or those from the outside. It's after all the cradle of civilization.

The House of Saud are a 100% indigenous family and so were their conquests. No foreigners ever helped them with anything. Rather there were wars with the Ottomans and native rival dynasties but ultimately the House of Saud were victorious and looking back I am not celebrating it. It is nevertheless a fact.

The first time the House of Saud ever had any contact with any Westerners (a real contact) was after WW2 and it was due to the discovery of oil and the increasing geopolitical influence of the ME. Aside from the West wanting to have a influence in the Islamic Holy Lands.

By then KSA was already a reality and in the case of the House of Saud they had been rulers for 200 years. Sometimes significant rulers sometimes more local and more irrelevant.

Saudi Arabia - Relations with the United States

But anyway let him and others say the opposite. The history stays the same anyway.

Despite KSA or the 500 million or so Arabs (by large) having no love lost for Iran such rumors are baseless and have been denied. Israel is still the "main enemy" on the Arab street regardless of this conflict actually being a Israeli-Palestinian conflict nowadays rather than an Israeli-Arab conflict.

If peace with Israel was established then they would be the main regional enemy.

I don't see any comparisons between those two examples. Both rumors likely to be false.

You should read about our Unification Process on how we had to unify some 500+ kingdoms to create the present day India,that will wipe out any misunderstanding of yours that Brits created our country
Which tanks bdw ? There was no information about the sale of tanks to nigera on IDEAS. then what is this ?
KSA got nothing to do with Boko Haram. Nor has KSA anything to do with Pakistani-Nigerian relations.
KSA should not facilitate weapon shipments that will ultimately be used against the Muslims of Nigeria. Neutrality is the key. The Nigerians have proven time and time again that they cannot live in peace and have been engulfed in sectarianism and wars for decades.

LOL, some Indian newspaper. They better worry about feeding the hundred millions of poor and illiterate people inhabiting that country (more than anywhere else) and building some toilets instead of bullshitting.

Anyway this news is most likely pure nonsense. No serious media reports this. Neither local or international.

KSA has exported Islam hence now almost 2 billion people are Muslims. Nothing that anybody can do to change that. For each day the number of Muslims grows. Our legacy is eternal and can only be compared to the legacy of the Roman Empire.

Keep crying guys.

Lol.. KSA which was born some 70 years ago has exported 2 billion muslim? like Oil:hitwall::lol:
Why not bypass Saudi Arabia and use this route


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