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Saudi Arabia accuses Ethiopia of posing threats to Sudan & Egypt

Yes, it is free of its sovereignty now! :azn:
In the same fashion as Afghanistan was free under Talibans!

Was Mubaruk not a dictator?
How is Afghanistan now?

There is a great quote attributed to Mark Twain which says:
"Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."

Water is gonna be a major reason for future wars in ME and Africa and many parts of the world.I hope by that time,I have lived my life thoroughly with joy and don't see such day.

You are dam right ;)
There is a great quote attributed to Mark Twain which says:
"Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."

Water is gonna be a major reason for future wars in ME and Africa and many parts of the world.I hope by that time,I have lived my life thoroughly with joy and don't see such day.

It's not the issue of water but rather greed, Nile river flows 1660 billion cubic meters, Egypt only gets 55 billion cubic meters per year.
Ethopia, would not have dared to make such move while Mubarik around.
we in Egypt hope that we dont have to fight ethiopia but if they build the dam we will have to we dont have any other option of course i dont wish for war but this is our water supply and we will not negotiate or stand down if they build it
we in Egypt hope that we dont have to fight ethiopia but if they build the dam we will have to we dont have any other option of course i dont wish for war but this is our water supply and we will not negotiate or stand down if they build it

And we are 100% behind Egypt.
we in Egypt hope that we dont have to fight ethiopia but if they build the dam we will have to we dont have any other option of course i dont wish for war but this is our water supply and we will not negotiate or stand down if they build it

War with Ethiopia Khedive of Egypt (1875)

Ismail dreamt of expanding his realm over the whole Nile including its diverse sources and over the whole African coast of the Red Sea. This, together with rumours about rich raw material and fertile soil, led Ismail to expansive policies directed against Ethiopia under the Emperor Yohannes IV. In 1865 the Ottoman Sublime Porte ceded the Ottoman Province of Habesh (with Massawa and Suakin at the Red Sea as the main cities of that province) to Ismail. This province, neighbor of Ethiopia, first consisted of a coastal strip only, but expanded subsequently inland into territory controlled by the Ethiopian ruler. Here Ismail occupied regions originally claimed by the Ottomans when they had established the province (eyaleti) of Habesh in the 16th century. New economically promising projects, like huge cotton plantations in the Barka delta, were started. In 1872 Bogos (with the city of Keren) was annexed by the governor of the new "Province of Eastern Sudan and the Red Sea Coast", Werner Munzinger Pasha. In October 1875 Ismail's army occupied the adjacent highlands of Hamasien, which were then tributary to the Ethiopian Emperor. In March 1876 Ismail's army suffered a dramatic defeat after an attack by Yohannes's army at Gura'. Ismail's son Hassan was captured by the Ethiopians and only released after a large ransom. This was followed by a long cold war, only finishing in 1884 with the Anglo-Egyptian-Ethiopian Hewett Treaty, when Bogos was given back to Ethiopia. The Red Sea Province created by Ismail and his governor Munzinger Pasha was taken over by the Italians shortly thereafter and became the territorial basis for the Colonia Eritrea (proclaimed in 1890).
Egypt and Sudan will benefit from the dam once built the dam will stop the seasonal flooding in parts of Sudan plus both sudan and Egypt agreed to buy much needed cheap electricity so all this doomsday talk from the crazy Saudi dude is ridiculous he's probably just repeating what the Americans told him to say.
Look Ethiopia is simply building a dam and Egyt nor Sudan have lodged a objection, Why are the Saudi so steamed up? I think they need conflicts so they can deflect the attention of their population outward -- believe it or not, while they think the US has their back, the US is desperate to lose them and I thik they are beginning to understand this

Egypt & Sudan did not lodge a complaint? You know where Morsi visited in his first overseas tour and why? There is a commission who has been holding meetings of Nile basin countries. Egypt has been doing its best settle the dispute amicably as this is the question of life and death for Egypt and for Sudan too.
Egypt & Sudan did not lodge a complaint? You know where Morsi visited in his first overseas tour and why? There is a commission who has been holding meetings of Nile basin countries. Egypt has been doing its best settle the dispute amicably as this is the question of life and death for Egypt and for Sudan too.

So why are these Saudi so hot and wet for war? I mean they are running about financing insurrection, giving weapons to these Jihad types and now they want to attack Ethiopia? Why?
So why are these Saudi so hot and wet for war? I mean they are running about financing insurrection, giving weapons to these Jihad types and now they want to attack Ethiopia? Why?

Read the whole article, the event , the occasion , the representative and take the speech in that perspective only. It is expected from the "THINK TANK" at least.
water is blue gold.

and gold can lead to war.
Sudan already agreed to buy electricity from us we have already finished connecting our power lines together Egypt also wants to buy electricity from the new dam. The main players behind all this fear mongering are the Anglo Americans. They don't want Ethiopia, Egypt or Sudan to develop in 5 years time we will be generating 15 thousand mega watts ( their are a lot of others dam being built at the moment) the dam wont affect Egypts or Sudans water flow at all and they now that..... the western media just likes to promote conflict and sell expensive weapons.
Sudan already agreed to buy electricity from us we have already finished connecting our power lines together Egypt also wants to buy electricity from the new dam. The main players behind all this fear mongering are the Anglo Americans. They don't want Ethiopia, Egypt or Sudan to develop in 5 years time we will be generating 15 thousand mega watts ( their are a lot of others dam being built at the moment) the dam wont affect Egypts or Sudans water flow at all and they now that..... the western media just likes to promote conflict and sell expensive weapons.

The thing is, it is actually very damaging to Egypt and Sudan's water security, it is also very damaging to Saudi businessmen who invested in these countries farming sector. And so, it is a very legitimate target as it damages our security greatly.

Westerners are actually the ones supporting you, so p,aging the anti-west card here won't help. And no, Sudan and Egypt won't develop from the dam, as Egyptian officials said, it goes against the Nile treaty, and thus it further asserts it as a potential military target.
So why are these Saudi so hot and wet for war? I mean they are running about financing insurrection, giving weapons to these Jihad types and now they want to attack Ethiopia? Why?
Saudis are just doing what the Americans tell them to do they want to attack Ethiopia because we have discovered oil in the ogaden region and the U.S is using Somali terrorist in collaboration with Saudi funding and training to stop china from getting the oil.... the Somali terrorist were easily defeated so the Saudis with there American backers are looking for plan B. Its a big geopolitical game the west is currently losing.
There is a great quote attributed to Mark Twain which says:
"Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."

Water is gonna be a major reason for future wars in ME and Africa and many parts of the world.I hope by that time,I have lived my life thoroughly with joy and don't see such day.


sooooooooo wrong

watch this ppl and stop repeating this nonsense (nothing personal, I'm just tired of ppl saying this when it's so not true)

edit: he talks about the so called "water shortage" so watch the whole thing
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