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Saudi Arab asked for Pakistani help against Jemeni Terrorist


Aug 15, 2009
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BS. They alread have Americans soldiers there and pilots also besides modern jets. They better use them
Maybe they want americans help but they asked for Pak help.
No way . This will affect our Reagional standing . If the Arabs want help they should do somthing serious about Kashmir and the Insurgency going on in Pakistan.
Our Forces are already busy in the reagional issues .
Saudis claim gains from Yemen rebels, rebels deny it

* Three Saudi soldiers dead, four missing

* Yemen reports crash of fighter plane in rebel stronghold

Adds rebel denial)

By Raissa Kasolowsky

DUBAI, Nov 8 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said it had regained control of territory seized by Yemeni rebels in an incursion last week, but the rebels denied the claim and said Yemeni villages were being bombed heavily.

Saudi Arabia launched air strikes on rebels in northern Yemen last week after Shi'ite Muslim insurgents crossed the border and said they had seized an area called Jabal Dukhan.

The rebels on Sunday denied they had lost control of Jabal Dukhan and said the kingdom's offensive was continuing, with Yemeni villages the target of heavy bombing.

The world's top oil exporter has become increasingly anxious about instability in Yemen, which is facing a Shi'ite insurgency in the north, separatist sentiment in the south and a growing threat from resurgent al Qaeda fighters.

"The situation is calm ... especially in Jabal Dukhan, of which full control has been regained," Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz, assistant minister for defence and aviation, said on Saturday, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Prince Khaled said three members of the Saudi security forces were killed and 15 wounded in fighting on the Saudi-Yemeni border.

Four Saudi soldiers were missing, Prince Khaled said, but he denied they had been taken prisoner. He said Saudi security forces had arrested several rebels.

Instructions from Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah specified that any rebel caught on the Saudi side of the border would be arrested, Prince Khaled said, and the kingdom "has not, and will not interfere inside Yemeni borders".

The rebels, referred to as Houthis after the clan of their leader Abdel-Malik al-Houthi, said on Friday they had captured some Saudi soldiers.

"What is being said about Saudi Arabia seizing Jabal Dukhan is entirely false," a rebel spokesman was quoted as saying in a statement posted on the Houthis' website, adding that the Saudis had not taken control of the area.

Saudi-owned al-Arabiya television on Sunday reported that Saudi military operations near the Saudi-Yemeni border were still in progress.

According to David Bender of the Eurasia Group consultancy, disorder in Yemen was the most serious regional threat to the stability of Saudi Arabia, but the kingdom was wary of becoming too deeply involved in the conflict.

"A large Saudi ground invasion is unlikely; it would be extremely messy and Riyadh's objective is to support the Yemeni government, not crush the Houthis," Bender wrote in a research note published on Thursday.


In Sanaa, the Yemeni government said one of its fighter planes crashed in a rebel stronghold in the north of the country on Sunday because of a technical fault.

However, the rebels said they shot it down in Saada, a mountainous province where most recent fighting has taken place.

In the past few weeks the Houthis have accused Saudi Arabia of allowing Yemeni forces to use its territory as a base to launch attacks against them and threatened to respond.

Houthi rebels first took up arms against President Ali Abdullah Saleh's government in 2004, citing political, economic and religious marginalisation by the Saudi- and Western-backed administration.

The conflict intensified in August when Yemen's army launched Operation Scorched Earth.

Aid groups, which have been given limited access to the northern provinces, say up to 150,000 people have fled their homes since 2004. (Additional reporting by Mohamed Sudam in Sanaa; editing by Andrew Roche)

Saudis claim gains from Yemen rebels, rebels deny it | International | Reuters
Last time it was Iraq which launched couple of scuds into saudia arabia . Look what the americans did to Iraq . May be its the move by other powers to judge how much the lion has suffered from the injuries and may be want to provoke it to make its final ROAR.
Saudi Arabia (Heart of Islam) is killing Muslims? Sacrilege!

Arabia is heart of islam House of saud has nothing to do with Islam they can pretend to call them selves muslim other then few living in caves all others can see the truth.And its typical of this ***** on planet asking pakistan to send her troops to be killed for there cause.
BS. They alread have Americans soldiers there and pilots also besides modern jets. They better use them

Pakistan has better Fighters and Attackers (Jets etc) in airforce than Saudia Arabia, but America has better than Pakistan sooo your point is right :O
Pakistan has better Fighters and Attackers (Jets etc) in airforce than Saudia Arabia, but America has better than Pakistan sooo your point is right :O

Dude you better check out royal saudi airgorce before u post, they have f-15's(third largest fleet)and tornado's and have 72 EF typoons on order. They dont lack equipment but motivation and skills might be another story.
Many retired Pak technicians (Air force,Navy,Army) still working in different part of Saudia.

Saudi Yaman boarder is mostly desert and mountains area, they need SSG to clear the terrorist and training of their soldiers.

Pak Saudi joint excercises were conducted last month, PA has very good raputation in Saudi Arabia.During Zia era Saudia have long term contract with Saudi Armed forces for training.
BS. They alread have Americans soldiers there and pilots also besides modern jets. They better use them

US dont have land forces training contract with Saudi , they need PAK- SSG to clear their boarder area from Terrorists.
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thats none of our business. our forces are already spread thin. we are not yet able to put our house in order.
Many retired Pak technicians (Air force,Navy,Army) still working in different part of Saudia.

Saudi Yaman boarder is mostly desert and mountains area, they need SSG to clear the terrorist and training of their soldiers.

Pak Saudi joint excercises were conducted last month, PA has very good raputation in Saudi Arabia.During Zia era Saudia have long term contract with Saudi Armed forces for training.

During B.a.s.t.e.r.d Zia era we got lots of good:hitwall: stuff from:devil: Arabs we are still paying for it so as for as thats concern i say No thank u.
Saudia Arabia is a crucial country for Pakistanis . Alot of Pakistanis earn their living there . Pakistan should provide any help they need .
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