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Saudi air force prepares for Anatolian Eagle 2

its sad that we are not going to see the saudi typhoon in this exercise، but I'm so happy to see turkey-saudi relations are growing day by day. Long Live for both nation may Allah bless both of them.


Is PAF participating in Anatolian Eagle this time?
Saudi Arabia has all the money in the world to buy the best weapons. But the question is, do they have men to use that weapons? I dont think so.
Saudi Arabia has all the money in the world to buy the best weapons. But the question is, do they have men to use that weapons? I dont think so.


U.S., Saudi Arabia Finalize F-15 Fighter Deal

Dec. 29, 2011 - 06:00AM


Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy James Miller said during a news conference.

According to Miller, 5,500 Saudi Arabian personnel will be trained through 2019.


U.S., Saudi Arabia Finalize F-15 Fighter Deal | Defense News | defensenews.com

Nope all of them are just on Auto-Pilot apparently :lol:

He he! don't hurt your pakistani host's hearts. The fact that KSA hires paf pilots to fly your planes around is worn as a badge of honor by the natives. To call these brave pilots-for-hire Auto-pilots :(
He he! don't hurt your pakistani host's hearts. The fact that KSA hires paf pilots to fly your planes around is worn as a badge of honor by the natives. To call these brave pilots-for-hire Auto-pilots :(

The last time a foreigner flew a Saudi air force plane was in the 60s. Some people just can't comprehend the fact that nations move on. If they want to wear a badge of honor based on a false belief let them. However facts on the ground says otherwise.

And look omg so many Pakistanis. :lol: :rofl:
If they want to wear a badge of honor based on a false belief let them. However facts on the ground says otherwise.

And look omg so many Pakistanis. :lol: :rofl:

You lie! The best of paf pilots a hired by KSA to fly your aircrafts around. You're quite ungrateful, I must add.
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