Satellite images show mass graves dug out from russian troops in Butcha Ukraine before their retreat.
Sichtlich ergriffen hat Wolodymyr Selenskyj Butscha besucht. Angesichts der Funde von hunderten von Leichen in der Stadt sprach Selenskyj erneut von einem „Völkermord“. In anderen Teilen der Ukraine wird weiter gekämpft. Ein Überblick.
So far 410 dead civilians have been found. Women, children, old people. Youngest victims are 6 years old, oldest 94. Some show signs of torture. Nose and ears cut of, fingers broken. Most have their hands tied behind their back and got executed with headshots.
EU send teams to log all crimes and issued yesterday to start a tribunal against Russias crimes against humanity.
It appears that the russian military started systematicly to kill ukrainian people in the areas it did hold. There are indication for government planned genocide in the areas that russia did hold. It stopped when ukrainian forces hunted the russians out. Only god knows what happens in eastern parts still under russian controle.
We see massacres in Katyn style. Its absolute shocking.