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Sarah Palin: "Let Allah Sort It Out"

Sarah Palin is a fool,It is Allah who already has decided to use USA as a death vector against specific targets and to bring changes in such a manner of which HE wills.

how do you know what is Allah's plan ... are you claiming you know his/her mind?

How did u come to that conclusion that I mocked ur God? Anyways apologies if u r offended:tup:

Comparing a year long civil war with terrorist attacks was pretty childish though.

When did I say that you mocked any god ? I said that about someone else.

There are worse things that I can bring up, lets see the drug cartels gruesome acts all done by Christians against Christians, now wheres Jesus.
When did I say that you mocked any god ? I said that about someone else.

There are worse things that I can bring up, lets see the drug cartels gruesome acts all done by Christians against Christians, now wheres Jesus.

buddy again u r going to the wrong direction, I asked u a question u felt offended i apologized matter terminated. why bringing off topic staff? let us drop that shall we?
When did I say that you mocked any god ? I said that about someone else.

There are worse things that I can bring up, lets see the drug cartels gruesome acts all done by Christians against Christians, now wheres Jesus.

and btw they are not killing each other for religious belief, now u may compare sinloah cartel with Al quida, sorry i dont debate with this level of intellect, leave it
and btw they are not killing each other for religious belief, now u may compare sinloah cartel with Al quida, sorry i dont debate with this level of intellect, leave it

No but they kill each other while they call themselves Christians, good lifestyle since religion is supposed to lead someones way of life is it not ? a book of guidance.. I guess they forgot that.

No, you leave it and I continue.
Let Middle East countries short it out among themselves, no need to tip the scale in the favour heart eaters.
No but they kill each other while they call themselves Christians, good lifestyle since religion is supposed to lead someones way of life is it not ? a book of guidance.. I guess they forgot that.

No, you leave it and I continue.

Amen to that:cheers:
I'm indifferent to Palin, all I know is that she won't set a foot into the office, period.

It depends on which office you're referring to,

Public office: She intends to run for it soon.

Oval Office: Let's file that under the "too soon to say" section.

Personal office: Of course, she steps into one. As implied earlier, who do you think frames her speeches and updates her FB posts?
It depends on which office you're referring to,

Public office: She intends to run for it soon.

Oval Office: Let's file that under the "too soon to say" section.

Personal office: Of course, she steps into one. As implied earlier, who do you think frames her speeches and updates her FB posts?

I was referring to this post
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