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Sandy: The Frankenstorm | PKKH.tv


Oct 10, 2012
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Sandy: The Frankenstorm | PKKH.tv


PKKH Editorial

The massive megastorm Sandy, that made landfall on Sunday afternoon, devastated half a dozen states including New York, Virginia, Connecticut and Pennsylvania on Monday and turned further inland on Tuesday, is being speculated as the one of the worst storms in America’s history. What many are calling a “Frankenstorm” was a frightening mix of rain, snow, wind and blizzard.

So far, there have been 85 confirmed dead throughout Caribbean, US and Canada from the hurricane and the number is increasing. The higher estimates are declaring over 10 million people without power and hundreds of thousands who had to be evacuated.

Parts of two nuclear power plant were shut down late Monday and early Tuesday, while another plant was put on alert after waters from Superstorm Sandy rose 13 feet above sea level. Early Tuesday a levee broke in a northern New Jersey flooding at least 3 towns. Tuesday a foot and more of snow was reported in lower elevations of West Virginia, where most towns and roads are blocked, more snow and blizzards are expected as the storm turns inland.

A 3 metre onslaught of seawater that could swamp lower Manhattan, flood the subways with water from the ocean and damage the underground network of electrical and communications lines, more than 7500 flight have so far been cancelled.

Disaster modeling company Eqecat estimated that Sandy would cause $5 billion to $10 billion in insured losses and $10 billion to $20 billion in economic damages. Others have estimated as much as $100 billion in damages. The real cost is probably somewhere in the middle. Peter Morici, a business professor at the University of Maryland is estimating up to $45billion in loses by comparing Sandy to Hurricane Irene when it also hit the northeast in 2011.

All this reminds us of 2005 superflood Katrina that claimed over 2000 lives and an estimate of $150 billion, but what was more distressful was the reaction of the US government at this devastation when residents of New Orleans where seen on television, without water, food or shelter, and the deaths of several citizens by thirst, exhaustion, and violence days after the storm itself had passed. After mandatory evacuation orders, approximately 120,000 people in New Orleans who did not have private mobility, were left stranded without help. Two-thirds of the residents of New Orleans were black, primarily attributed to decades of white flight. New Orleans was one of America’s poorest cities, with more than 25% of residents and 40% of children living at or below the poverty line. Within the city itself, the poorest, who are mostly African-American, tended to live in the lowest parts that are most vulnerable to flooding. Critics alleged that rescues and supplies were deliberately slowed down because of racial discrimination.

Though it seems like the US government is taking much precautions in dealing with rescue operations in this storm, but it is yet to be seen how the matters turn out in some time and how much the damages have actually been. President Barack Obama declared an emergency in the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Rhode Island and New Jersey. Our sympathies are with the common people affected by the devastation of this storm and we are hopeful that this time the common people of these areas will not be victim of US double policy of connivance and loot they are habitual to play across their boarders.

The article parts with a cheap shot at the end, negating all the pious words written before the last sentence.

The US government is doing everything to ensure an early recovery, without Hafiz Saeed's help or PKKH's needless pontification.

"we are hopeful that this time the common people of these areas will not be victim of US double policy of connivance and loot they are habitual to play across their boarders.

Cheap, and demeaning to the source, not USA.
Our sympathies are with the common people affected by the devastation of this storm and we are hopeful that this time the common people of these areas will not be victim of US double policy of connivance and loot they are habitual to play across their boarders.

This is Goebbels' reporting at its glory. Even Romney conceded that the disaster management was done very well in the affected states. FEMA mentioned that they will cover uninsured home owners who were affected by flooding(private insurers do not cover flooding unless they take special insurance).

Meanwhile what is the agenda behind this new article?
This is Goebbels' reporting at its glory. Even Romney conceded that the disaster management was done very well in the affected states. FEMA mentioned that they will cover uninsured home owners who were affected by flooding(private insurers do not cover flooding unless they take special insurance).

Meanwhile what is the agenda behind this new article?

I think US has learnt and implemented a lot of Goebbels propaganda tactics. They have made them suave. So those indoctroniated by their influence stand up to defend them.

The calamity is huge and it will take some time to recover. The loss of life and property is not something to be celebrated. Its a tragedy and the people must stand with those who have suffered.

Average Americans are very, very nice people. Its a tragedy they have policies abroad that obscure the good nature of common American citizen. Very warm and very friendly.

I mean look at this way. Those who have seen CIA drones, gun totting diplomats killing in broad daylight, what perception will they have of the US people?
I can foresee that it would be very hard to motivate US donations for future tragedies in Pakistan, heaven forbid should they occur, given sentiments that are being expressed at the devastation caused by Sandy.
so everybody wants to forget what happened in Katrina..

No one has forgotten what happened in Katrina especially FEMA.

Here is what FEMA learnt and others learnt and applied in Sandy.


1. In Katrina, FEMA being the secondary player in the response phase of the Hurricane and primary player in the recovery phase did not participate actively in the response phase where the mayor of New Orleans and his office took the active lead.

In Sandy, FEMA sent the crisis management teams to different states upfront.

2. In Katrina, FEMA did not register the people evacuated people and so there was confusion and chaos which went on for weeks to find the family members in different evacuation sites.

In Sandy, FEMA setup the family registration wing to document the evacuated people.

3. FEMA did not have experienced crisis management people.

After the lessons learnt in Katrina, FEMA recruited experienced people and that came in handy for the subsequent hurricanes.

For others -

Evacuation order came in late from New Orleans mayor after much persistence by the hurricane center.

In Sandy, the mayors and the governors issued evacuation order at the right time. Mind it, due to economic impact and the evacuation might be a cry wolf situation, the mayors have to balance it out and they got it right.

I can add more to it but this is just a sample.
what about in Katrina it was poor, black neighborhoods, despised by the center and in Sandy the rich, white and the center itself.
what about in Katrina it was poor, black neighborhoods, despised by the center and in Sandy the rich, white and the center itself.

Qualify your statement with a link to a newsite and I will respond accordingly. If not, I will have to assume it is all hocus pocus.
Qualify your statement with a link to a newsite and I will respond accordingly. If not, I will have to assume it is all hocus pocus.

oops! i guess i cant paste links yet cause i am new, so just find some news on:

SUNDAY MORNING, Sept. 4, 2005, 12:13pm

NewYorkTimes, Across US Outrage at Response, Sept.3, 2005

BBC, Monday, 28 August 2006, 08:28 GMT, Insurance firms weather the storm
FEMA is not some Pakistani organisation that's not accountable and does not learn from mistakes.

In US and western world, accountability is very strict. So FEMA will not make those mistakes it had made in previous calamity. You will see it with your own eyes.
oops! i guess i cant paste links yet cause i am new, so just find some news on:

SUNDAY MORNING, Sept. 4, 2005, 12:13pm

NewYorkTimes, Across US Outrage at Response, Sept.3, 2005

BBC, Monday, 28 August 2006, 08:28 GMT, Insurance firms weather the storm

If you read the news - for example, this new article - NewYorkTimes, Across US Outrage at Response, Sept.3, 2005 - the person who is crying prejudice is a former chairman of the afro-american caucus.

Ofcourse, no one denies Katrina was a FUBAR. But it was due to mismanagement and FEMA has used those lessons learnt and have efficiently handled calamities since then.

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