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Sanctioning Pakistan can backfire, US lawmakers warned

I pretty sure that they will work just like they worked on the North Koreans and Iran lol.

Huge mountain of garbage right from the neighbor a country full of racist and extremist ideas where you are slaughtered for eating cow meat where rape is culture where people's biggest need is a Goddamned toilet.A country with the history of spreading terrorism in the neighbors and occupation over the foreign lands.Pakistan started doing this after very long time than the bhartis so why you cry now its completely just for you guys.You deserved it.And please spare us the shit like we might become something like Somalia because you spent 68 years barking that shit and during all that time Pakistan only grew more and more powerful and now there are so many eyes on Pakistan that only see our potential in us and in our abilities.
History is witness that every shit was started by the bhartees. From the fundamental reasons of separation to the nuclear race it was always the bhartees trying to prove something useless and yet failing as Pakistan refused to give up or back down.
And please deliver this sorry *** intel of yours to the whole world because you know what the world thinks of you bhartees.You aren't much loved either even with such massive *** resources you still need the toilets for public.This is where you stand so you have no right in hell to look down at us poor Pakistanis who saw nothing but challenges since ever unlike you who were are enemies who helped our enemies and who gained a lot from that.

You cant really like being an enemy of a country like Pakistan:chilli:.We are known for our resourcefulness and ability to improvise the the shit out of cray stuff.:crazy:
This is no bragging its the history of these people called Pakistani.:pakistan:
This is what happens when you live with so much hate. Only filth is emitting from you.
Pakistan inherited a higher Per capita nominal GDP in 1947 as compared to India and continued to be ahead for next 6 decades. We left you behind in 2007 with improving the lead every year. Now Bangladesh is poised to surpass your GDP in the coming decade. ref: http://www.statisticstimes.com/economy/india-vs-pakistan-gdp.php
Park your hatred, think of your future generation and focus on economy.
“They would need to consider the possibility that coercion could backfire, raising tensions and making Islamabad less willing or able to advance any constructive agenda.”

Pakistan is valuable regional player. USA's exit plan depends on Pakistan. Without Pakistan, USA cannot move forward while keeping in mind of the growing diplomatic relationships of Pakistan with Iran, Russia, Turkey and China.

Unfortunately, Indians haven't been able to understand the ground reality and neither has Trump. :D

This is what US is thinking gather are its what she thinks "enemies" Pakistan,Russia,China and Turky, and bring India stand against them.
You must pass on your strong intel to your govt.
Unlike your country, India don't always think in terms of religion and I stated earlier that India would not like any of her neighbors to be like NK or Somalia. A peaceful growth oriented country in neighborhood is good for us. There are over a dozen of rebellions in India but none has involvement of muslims except the kashmir valley. I know you miss Lucknow but its a very progressive and secular city and no one there has any ulterior ambition like you imagine.
A handful of radicals from India have gone to Syria to fight for ISIS, the remaining ones you can take and deploy them in FATA to fight for you. Feel sorry for you mohajirs as your leader has become anti Pakistan.
If India was indeed secular then there would be no beef ban imposed on people who eat beef in a special holiday on eid. There would be no muslims overflowing in jails. There is an inherent bias amongst hindus which prevents India from becoming a truly secular state.

Altaf hussain is not our leader. He is an Indian tout and he will be sent to the grave early. Truly, it is unfortunate that muhajirs have lost sight of their real objectives, of freeing their relatives in Indian occupied parts of tyranny, indian tyranny.
If India was indeed secular then there would be no beef ban imposed on people who eat beef in a special holiday on eid. There would be no muslims overflowing in jails. There is an inherent bias amongst hindus which prevents India from becoming a truly secular state.

Altaf hussain is not our leader. He is an Indian tout and he will be sent to the grave early. Truly, it is unfortunate that muhajirs have lost sight of their real objectives, of freeing their relatives in Indian occupied parts of tyranny, indian tyranny.
Is eating beef the sixth pillar of Islam? The fact is that if you don't keep feeding yourself with hatred of hindus and India, you tend to slip into depression as to why did you leave India. Ask your relatives who live in India how often they miss eating beef, how harassed or scared they feel living in India and if they would like to move to Pakistan. You will come to know the reality.
Eid Mubarak!
Is eating beef the sixth pillar of Islam? The fact is that if you don't keep feeding yourself with hatred of hindus and India, you tend to slip into depression as to why did you leave India. Ask your relatives who live in India how often they miss eating beef, how harassed or scared they feel living in India and if they would like to move to Pakistan. You will come to know the reality.
Eid Mubarak!

Do Christians who eat beef in India have to also subjugate themselves to the same Hindutva extremism ?

Why don't Hindu object to beef eating when they immigrate to beef eating countries in the West? Is American cow less holy than Indian cow?... or "are all cows equal, but some cows are more equal than other cows"?
Is eating beef the sixth pillar of Islam? The fact is that if you don't keep feeding yourself with hatred of hindus and India, you tend to slip into depression as to why did you leave India. Ask your relatives who live in India how often they miss eating beef, how harassed or scared they feel living in India and if they would like to move to Pakistan. You will come to know the reality.
Eid Mubarak!

nobody hates Hindus or Indians, we are just sick and tired of their endless lies, and massive superiority complex.

now please explain:


Pronunciation: /ˈsɛkjʊlə/

1 Not connected with religious or spiritual matters

Why is there a ban on beef?
There is no difference of opinion that Pakistan has been protecting terror outfits on its soil and is being selective on fight against terror. The difference is only on the remedial measures against this. Sanctions will make US lose ground to influence Pakistan. The US objective in Af-Pak is to finish off terror roots. Pakistan is no longer part of their global strategy. Its merely tactically important for the time being.

Hahahahahahaha American's sections are already going to be imposed on this terrorist country called India as modi terrorist killed so many in Gujarat 100000 innocent Muslims and he also killed so many 25000 Sikhs in 1984, and currently you are doing in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tamil tigers case, in Afg: Dhanistan using proxy and terrorism in Pakistan through Afghanistan is all opened in front of the eyes of whole world after a RAT kulbhusan jadev spy was arrested red handed loll, Google images show terrorist Modi in top 10 criminals. Modi is a top terrorist of the world so WHOLE India is a terrorist country and organization should be isolated and impose sections on this terrorist country,I am happy another North Korea episode is happening with this terrorist country.:rofl: For Afghanistan > INDIA IS DOING NO FAVOR TO AFGHANISTAN BUT TO ITS OWN ECONOMY BY USING AFGHANISTAN SOIL TO ITS BUSINESS WITH IRAN AND OTHER COUNTRIES BY PASSING THROUGH AFGHANISTAN SOIL, SO DON'T FEEL OBLIGED TO INDIA, INDIA IS LOOKING FORWARD TO ITS OWN BUSINESS EXPANSION THROUGH THIS FAVORS......THIS WEDDING OF YOURS HANDLE IT WITH EXTREME CARE OR YOU WILL END UP WITH HUGE DEBTS FOR DECADES TO COME, FROM INDIA NOTHING COMES FREE EVEN IN GIFT FORM....:rofl:
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Is eating beef the sixth pillar of Islam? The fact is that if you don't keep feeding yourself with hatred of hindus and India, you tend to slip into depression as to why did you leave India. Ask your relatives who live in India how often they miss eating beef, how harassed or scared they feel living in India and if they would like to move to Pakistan. You will come to know the reality.
Eid Mubarak!

Is getting gangraped and killed part of your secular state or electing a mass murderer ?

You make 15% of Indian population yet you don't even have 2% representation in indian armed forces,political system and are the most marginalised community in India ... Heck despite being the largest minority you are also the most poorest !

You people can't live in Hindu areas .. You people can't even find jobs or pretend to be hindus .. Heck most of you live in ghettos...

Come back when you at least rectify or learn from sachar report.

India is perhaps the only "secular" state where people are hanged "keeping in mind public sentiment"'

Where thousands are killed in communal riots!

Where the govt is formed by extremist hindu parties ...

Where minorities are suppressed and much more...

No country is perfect but it's quiet another thing when you see screwed up countries pretending to be Fukin Switzerland on steroids not to forget the oxymoronic "secular" label..

Bullshyt !
nobody hates Hindus or Indians, we are just sick and tired of their endless lies, and massive superiority complex.

now please explain:


Pronunciation: /ˈsɛkjʊlə/

1 Not connected with religious or spiritual matters

Why is there a ban on beef?
Its not just cow or beef, in India, you can not kill a whole lot of animal species like Tiger, Rhino, Peacock, deer to name a few. I have eaten deer and peacock meat as well as beef and by eating it or by not eating it, nothing happens to my religion. People who think beef is inherent to Islam and without beef they can not practice their religion, are most ignorant and pitiable people.
The state of Jammu & Kashmir in India, which has a majority muslim population has a legislation banning beef. The state of Goa which has majority hindu population and is ruled by the BJP has not banned beef. In some states of India beef is permitted and in some states its not. Its a subject matter of state.
Nepal has a complete ban on beef and there are muslims in Nepal but no one raises a point with them. In many parts of India like Kerala and North Eastern states, even hindus consume beef. What I meant to say is that some vested elements are trying to give the issue a communal color specially making it muslim vs hindu and these people are both hindus and muslims.
Any law in India can be challenged before the court but I am not aware if beef eating hindus, christians, tribals and muslims have got united and challenged the ban in a court. I wonder why this was never an issue in the state of Jammu and Kashmir before. No one ever took an objection to it because traditionally Indians don't eat beef. Its considered a meat for people who are below the poverty line who cant afford even pulses.
Similarly many states in India have banned alcohol. Among christians, hindus and some tribals consumption of alcohol is linked with their religious rituals. My question is why no one then cried about secularism?
You need to first understand the people's background and their culture to understand the reasons behind such partial bans on beef, mutton, fish, alcohol etc. without context you wont understand. Thats why people with lesser knowledge on such matters make loudest noise.
Thats how Pakistan thinks. Worldwide a political movement loses its global support if it resorts to violence/terror. A terror outfit can never be an asset for anyone. Remember Hillary Clinton saying that you cant breed snakes in your backyard and expect them to bite only the neighbours.

Hillary Clinton also said something about US creating extremists to combat USSR and leaving Pak to deal with their mess !

As for terrorists .. How about indias douchbagery be it LTTE,MB,screw ups in Nepal of BLA,Sindhodesh etc?

How about stop crapping and pretending to be all saintly ?
Is eating beef the sixth pillar of Islam? The fact is that if you don't keep feeding yourself with hatred of hindus and India, you tend to slip into depression as to why did you leave India. Ask your relatives who live in India how often they miss eating beef, how harassed or scared they feel living in India and if they would like to move to Pakistan. You will come to know the reality.
Eid Mubarak!
My grandfather was from Lucknow and support Pakistan fully as do members of our family in Lucknow. The new generation is actually slipping into India worship but there are still many of us who do not identify with India or the imposed Indian identity. We were meant to be with Pakistan from the start and Indians occupied our land.

Is getting gangraped and killed part of your secular state or electing a mass murderer ?

You make 15% of Indian population yet you don't even have 2% representation in indian armed forces,political system and are the most marginalised community in India ... Heck despite being the largest minority you are also the most poorest !

You people can't live in Hindu areas .. You people can't even find jobs or pretend to be hindus .. Heck most of you live in ghettos...

Come back when you at least rectify or learn from sachar report.

India is perhaps the only "secular" state where people are hanged "keeping in mind public sentiment"'

Where thousands are killed in communal riots!

Where the govt is formed by extremist hindu parties ...

Where minorities are suppressed and much more...

No country is perfect but it's quiet another thing when you see screwed up countries pretending to be Fukin Switzerland on steroids not to forget the oxymoronic "secular" label..

Bullshyt !
Secularism is merely a card for Indians to play. I have to ask where was the secularism when our people, fellow muslims were killed, burned alive outside the Andhra Pradesh high court and muslims who tried to get justice were told to go to Pakistan. India wants to appear like a tolerant nation. IT will continue playing the secular card for its own gains. Kashmir wouldn't be occupied, beef banned there if they were secular. Muslims would not be in jails if it was secular. As you already mentioned the sachar report notes these biases though it is influenced by hindutvas so it hasn't taken a more critical stance of India's intolerance of muslims.
My grandfather was from Lucknow and support Pakistan fully as do members of our family in Lucknow. The new generation is actually slipping into India worship but there are still many of us who do not identify with India or the imposed Indian identity. We were meant to be with Pakistan from the start and Indians occupied our land.
I have quoted you a couple of times before but you never replied. I live in Lucknow and i disagree with your opinion of lucknowi muslims. Many of my friends here are muslims and I do not think any significant majority of them support Pakistan, infact i think they despise it. Please meet me sometime when you are here.
I have quoted you a couple of times before but you never replied. I live in Lucknow and i disagree with your opinion of lucknowi muslims. Many of my friends here are muslims and I do not think any significant majority of them support Pakistan, infact i think they despise it. Please meet me sometime when you are here.

Forget it mate they are all pretenders, I call them wannabes, disguising themselves as some dragon,some rhino pak friendship, some falana dhimkana, well actually, all of them are padosi's in disguise.
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