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Samsung ‘most loved brand’ in Pakistan

Bro i was on iphone 6 , i have been upgrading every year , and now this s6 is better thn iphone 6 i used , in terms of battery life , charging , camera quality nd alot of other things
Samsung ka naya rang hai
Tarang hi tarang hai

Hhahaahhaa good one
Samsung ka naya rang hai
Tarang hi tarang hai
Lagay tha kar kay
I cant speak for Pakistani market or the Pakistani consumer. But the biggest issue I had with Samsung was the glitches of Software and Hardware they did not work well together there were issues. I used Samsung Galaxy S Series from 1 to 4. after S4 handsets I did not get Galaxy S5.
Well I m using S5 and find it pretty good.....And so far it hasnt caused me any problems.So i will definitely go for S6 in near future
Then I discovered OnePlus One bought that earlier this year. after few months it had Software issues like Samsung both used Qualcomm processor maybe that was the issue? While searching the net found Huawei Ascend Mate 7 and purchased it.
Maybe the high end cells of Huawei are good but i have used few of their lower end cells and after few months of use they start lagging and become a pain in the a$$.
Seriously Pakistan sud make its own smart phone.
Bro we are alreading making our own cell phones.....Remember Q mobile
Well I m using S5 and find it pretty good.....And so far it hasnt caused me any problems.So i will definitely go for S6 in near future

Maybe the high end cells of Huawei are good but i have used few of their lower end cells and after few months of use they start lagging and become a pain in the a$$.
S6 is a very good phone infact I want to get the Green Curved one just looks amazing if i find one cheap then ill have it. the Huawei phone I have is a really good and it is High end phone. I haven't used any other Huawei phone to compare it with.
Huawei is going to replace Samsung in Pakistan that much will happen I am certain.
I agree
3 years, no more than 5 years
I used HuaWei P8 Max~
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S6 is a very good phone infact I want to get the Green Curved one just looks amazing if i find one cheap then ill have it. the Huawei phone I have is a really good and it is High end phone. I haven't used any other Huawei phone to compare it with.
I bought this s6 from ebay in as good condition as new for £250 but sold it in one week. Samsung phones have plenty of development support i.e easy to root, unlock bootloader and plenty of custom ROMS to chose from which is not the case with Huawei but they are surely improving their international business ..now latest nexus 6P made by huawei phone which is a brilliant phone
I bought this s6 from ebay in as good condition as new for £250 but sold it in one week. Samsung phones have plenty of development support i.e easy to root, unlock bootloader and plenty of custom ROMS to chose from which is not the case with Huawei but they are surely improving their international business ..now latest nexus 6P made by huawei phone which is a brilliant phone

I am actually stuck between the nexus 6P and the new Huawei Ascend Mate 8 which is being announced 26 November then ill decide what to get. by the way what was the issue with green S6 that you sold it after a week?
I am actually stuck between the nexus 6P and the new Huawei Ascend Mate 8 which is being announced 26 November then ill decide what to get. by the way what was the issue with green S6 that you sold it after a week?
I wanted to buy s6 active but its not available in UK and battery life of s6 was poor and was bit laggy even after having the fastest processor out there and i did like note 3/4 and s5 more than s6 as i am not into premium design.I did installed note 5 software on note 3 and it was running much better than s6..The only place where s6 slightly ahead is the the main camera but it dont worth 100 pound extra and also S7 coming in few months so not right time to invest in s6 :)
Is not mate 8 too big for 6 inch? I mean you will struggle holding and typing with one hand
What about HTC?????
I wanted to buy s6 active but its not available in UK and battery life of s6 was poor and was bit laggy even after having the fastest processor out there and i did like note 3/4 and s5 more than s6 as i am not into premium design.I did installed note 5 software on note 3 and it was running much better than s6..The only place where s6 slightly ahead is the the main camera but it dont worth 100 pound extra and also S7 coming in few months so not right time to invest in s6 :)
Is not mate 8 too big for 6 inch? I mean you will struggle holding and typing with one hand

yeah the small battery on the S6 can be a issue, surprised that even with a samsung Enoxy processor it lagged! Hopefully S7 will a leap better than before. I have the Mate 7 it also a 6inch display, it is a big phone no mistake there and honestly I bought it purely because I wanted a phone with fingerprint scanner at a lower cost and it had the best fingerprint reader of any phone beating iPhone and Samsung compleatly out of the water, plus unlike the other two you can't lift finger prints off the phone, good for the self concious people :enjoy:.

personally I have grown very fond of Mate 7 and Mate 8 will be a improvement as well. I bought Mate 7 for less than £300 Brand New but it came from Hong Kong. All round it has yet to let me down.
yeah the small battery on the S6 can be a issue, surprised that even with a samsung Enoxy processor it lagged! Hopefully S7 will a leap better than before. I have the Mate 7 it also a 6inch display, it is a big phone no mistake there and honestly I bought it purely because I wanted a phone with fingerprint scanner at a lower cost and it had the best fingerprint reader of any phone beating iPhone and Samsung compleatly out of the water, plus unlike the other two you can't lift finger prints off the phone, good for the self concious people :enjoy:.

personally I have grown very fond of Mate 7 and Mate 8 will be a improvement as well. I bought Mate 7 for less than £300 Brand New but it came from Hong Kong. All round it has yet to let me down.
Yes Mate 7 is very nice phone. Its pleasure to have big screen phones for gaming, web browsing or watching video but the only downside is typing with one hand and pocketability and thatswhere 5 to 5.5 inch screen make difference. I use whats app for hours while walking /running thats why i prefer phone between this size range..note 3 was the only big phone which was somehow easy to manage because its slim and lightweight but still was struggling to hold it and dropped many times

Iphone 6s has the fastest finger print scanners out there and Exynos 7420 is the fastest chip out there but it all depend on software as well otherwise apple would not score high in gaming with its dual core processors and less capable hardware . This fastest this and that is marketing gimmick otherwise how many people use their phones for graphic intensive gaming which can run fine even on Snapdragon 800, 802, 805 etc so i am not keen to have the fastest one out there but well all-rounder in budget price
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