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Samjhauta Express blast case: Was coerced to frame Aseemanand says Yashpal Bhadana of Abhinav Bharat

Let me know which source u will believe, then, I will provide that source.
Your choices: NIA, Home Ministry, RAW, FBI, LET or Headley.

Take your time.
An Indian Court will do....
New masters new chorus by agencies. But I want to hear the one about Vadra.
An Indian Court will do....

Whether Ishrat is a terrorist or not is not in scope of Indian courts.....at least as of today.

Please educate yourself on the matter.

It's time Indian Hindus bury Congress & AAP.

After these revelations, I am fairly certain it was not a mistake.
These people are compromised and most probably are in cahoots with terrorists that are attacking Indians.

These clowns even came up with term "Hindu terror". To be frank, I will have no respect for any Hindu voting for Congress or AAP.
We care not what India chooses to do with this case, we will continue to seek vengeance, the only true form of justice.

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Whether Ishrat is a terrorist or not is not in scope of Indian courts.....at least as of today.

Please educate yourself on the matter.
Is it? When did that start happening? I believed it were the courts which decided whether a person is guilty of any wrong doing or not at least in a democracy.
There are people who 'support' Ishrat Jahan and seek vengeance for a dead jihadi hag. Then there are people who think ISIS is justified and go to join its ranks. And then you wonder why your country/faith is singled out for attention at airports.
...congressi home minister Sinde, Shivraj patil, chidambram were incompetent or political like their master
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