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Salman Rushdie named in al-Qaida's 'most-wanted list of Islam critics

Logically he should pay some part of his proceeds from his books to the Ayatollah.
That is actually illogical.

What is the difference between intended consequences and unintended consequences? More often than we like, unintended consequences are known.

For example...

What can happens if I drill into concrete? Either I get a nice round hole (intended). Or the concrete cracks (unintended). But drilling can cause concrete to crack is not a secret. I do not need to be an expert mason to know that.

The original intention of the death fatwa is -- death. But Khomeini was an idiot and underestimated the non-Muslims' response. We trade with each other based upon intentions that are beneficial, not detrimental, to us. So why should Rushdie pay anything to that idiot? The most Rushdie could do is cheerfully say 'Thanks'.
That is actually illogical.

What is the difference between intended consequences and unintended consequences? More often than we like, unintended consequences are known.

For example...

What can happens if I drill into concrete? Either I get a nice round hole (intended). Or the concrete cracks (unintended). But drilling can cause concrete to crack is not a secret. I do not need to be an expert mason to know that.

The original intention of the death fatwa is -- death. But Khomeini was an idiot and underestimated the non-Muslims' response. We trade with each other based upon intentions that are beneficial, not detrimental, to us. So why should Rushdie pay anything to that idiot? The most Rushdie could do is cheerfully say 'Thanks'.

The Almighty works in mysterious ways. :D

Al Qaeda's out to enable Salman Rushdie earn megabucks. He must pay them royalty - now don't say that's illogical too.
I dont think so!
he seems to be fine, travelling the non Ummah world, giving lectures, writing books, he has millions.

Well he cant travel in any muslim country. There are lot of atheists in the in this world who like good bed time story. Every person with a bit of insight know that what he wrote is just a bunch of attention seeking BS.
Actually, since the original fatwa, he has been living the good life. Ever seen his women?

Hope she doesn't look like a devils spawn just like Rushdie. If you look closely at his pic the u will see that only thing he's missing is pointy ears and a tail. Some people get publicity by making people happy and some by hurting other people. If he cant show his face to muslim then that means he knows that he messed up big time.
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