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Salman Rushdie named in al-Qaida's 'most-wanted list of Islam critics


Aug 27, 2010
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LONDON: Indian-origin British author Salman Rushdie has been named in the 'most-wanted list of Islam critics to kill' released by al-Qaida in the new issue of its English online magazine.

The shocking article in the Inspire magazine read 'Wanted: Dead or alive for crimes against Islam.'

A fatwa was issued against Rushdie by Iran's late leader Ayotollah Khomeini in 1989 over passages in his book The Satanic Verses.

Iran's Khordad Foundation has raised the reward offered for his killing by 500,000 pounds to 2.5 million pounds.

Alongside the images is the slogan: "Yes we can. A bullet a day keeps the infidel away."

According to the Sun, the magazine also lists American pastor Terry Jones, who burned the Koran on a 9/11 anniversary, among its targets.
Salman Rushdie named in al-Qaida's 'most-wanted list of Islam critics to kill' - The Times of India
An attack on him will be counted as a terror attack by Al Qaeda in UK or the US where he normally lives and I doubt Al Qaeda are too eager to be on the radar for a terrorism incident in those countries - because the blow back would most likely be brutal.
I once had to go to a lecture of his, and he's extremely boring and overrated. That fatwa really helped his carrer.
So whose side is Allah really on? :lol:

Can't deny that Fatwa boosted his carrer because he got all that attention. Otherwise his mediocre writing would probably have gotten him nowhere.
Can't deny that Fatwa boosted his carrer because he got all that attention. Otherwise his mediocre writing would probably have gotten him nowhere.
Fine...So the man is boring...But Allah does work in mysterious ways...:lol:
Actually, since the original fatwa, he has been living the good life. Ever seen his women?

Logically he should pay some part of his proceeds from his books to the Ayatollah.:D
Actually, since the original fatwa, he has been living the good life. Ever seen his women?

I heard they are separated.

Can't deny that Fatwa boosted his carrer because he got all that attention. Otherwise his mediocre writing would probably have gotten him nowhere

Fine...So the man is boring...But Allah does work in mysterious ways...:lol:

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