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Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

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May Allah (swt) guide you. You are mixing religion of Islam with Music. They don't go together. His music is curse to Islam and the teaching of Rasulullah (Saw), only Hindus & Jews will like his music and those Pakistani who are only Muslim by name without AQeeda.

You forgot to mention Christians and Buddhists.
I like his music as well, so that would make me a Muslim by name.... correct.
Seriously, you are passing very harsh judgement. But then again you are entitled to your opinion.
that is the best post from you so far - no offense

World renowned Pakistani rock singer Salman Ahmad -- the "Bono of South Asia"-- led a group of Muslim and Jewish musicians last weekend in Palo Alto, in support of Abraham's Vision and the Salman and Samina Global Wellness Initiative (SSGWI). The concert was also promoted by Pakistani-American Cultural Center (PACC) in Silicon Valley, California.

It was a high energy performance that brought the audience to their feet, with loud cheers, and ecstatic dancing to an eclectic mix of music with origins in South Asia (Saleem Ahmad on tabla) and Central and Eastern Europe (Yale Strom with fiddle, and an accordionist).

Dubbed as "Unity Jam", the concert began with Salman Ahmad and Elizabeth Schwartz singing the poetry of Punjabi Sufi Saint Baba Buellh Shah (Punjabi: بلہے شاہ, ਬੁੱਲ੍ਹੇ ਸ਼ਾਹ), and ended with the popular Jewish folk song of Hava Nagila (הבה נגילה in Hebrew), and John Lennon's "Imagine".

Baba Bulleh Shah's poetry carries the messages of romance, love and tolerance that constitute a solid foundation for any inter-faith efforts to resolve conflicts, and to bring peace and harmony to a world torn by hatred, terror and violence. For example, one of the poems chosen by Salman Ahmad for the concert goes like this:

Masjid dha de, mandir dha de, dha de jo kucch dainda
(Tear down the mosque and the temple; break everything in sight)
Par kisi da dil na dhain, Rab dilan vich rehnda..
(But do not break a person’s heart, it is there that God resides)

Haq's Musings: Salman, Bulleh Shah, Hava Nagila in Silicon Valley
May Allah (swt) guide you. You are mixing religion of Islam with Music. They don't go together. His music is curse to Islam and the teaching of Rasulullah (Saw), only Hindus & Jews will like his music and those Pakistani who are only Muslim by name without AQeeda.

There is far more place in Islam for music than there is for bigoted revisionists who would sit in judgement on others and use so-called "ahadith" produced in the factories of medieval Baghdad to defame the religion of Islam.

If music was forbidden in Islam then a Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Dawood, would not have been given the gift of music and the ability to play the flute beautifully. Would you call a Prophet of Allah an unbeliever?

May God send us our Ata Turk and rid us of the curse of the mullah who has perverted and corrupted the good word of our Lord and has reduced us to the state we find ourselves in today. Ya Allah aalam-e-Islam ko mullah kay shar say nijaat ata farma!
There is far more place in Islam for music than there is for bigoted revisionists who would sit in judgement on others and use so-called "ahadith" produced in the factories of medieval Baghdad to defame the religion of Islam.

You will really have to explain above. I am completely lost, what are you trying to say? Are you saying that all the Mohadis were wrong?

Sunni Muslims view the Six major Hadith collections as their most improtant, refering to them as the "Six Authentic" (Arabic: "sihah sitah"). Sunni Islam (Arabic سنّة) is the largest denomination of Islam. ...

The "Six Authentic" are, in order of strength [3]:

1. Sahih Bukhari, collected by al-Bukhari (d. 870), included 7275 hadiths
2. Sahih Muslim, collected by Muslim b. al-Hajjaj (d. 875), included 9200
3. Sunan al-Sughra, collected by al-Nasa'i (d. 915)
4. Sunan Abi Da'ud, collected by Abu Da'ud (d. 888)
5. Sunan al-Tirmidhi, collected by al-Tirmidhi (d. 892)
6. Sunan Ibn Maja, collected by Ibn Maja (d. 886).

The two first are refered to as the Two Sahihs.

If music was forbidden in Islam then a Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Dawood, would not have been given the gift of music and the ability to play the flute beautifully. Would you call a Prophet of Allah an unbeliever?

Do you even know anything about Hazrat Dawood Poetry (Songs) and what they were about? His songs were about Glorify Allah (Swt) and some of them are in Bible (book of psalms). If you care so much you should read them. (They are not about songs of today)

We respect Hazrat Dawood, Musa, Esa (A.S) but we don't follow their Shariat. When Hazrat Esa will come back to the earth he will not bring his own Shariat, he will follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah (S.A.W).

May God send us our Ata Turk and rid us of the curse of the mullah who has perverted and corrupted the good word of our Lord and has reduced us to the state we find ourselves in today. Ya Allah aalam-e-Islam ko mullah kay shar say nijaat ata farma!

Don't make statement that will take you out of fold of Islam. We all know that there was no Islamic extermism/Terrorism before 1st Afghan war. These extremist were brought by West to defeat Soviet Union and promoted by Genral Zia in 80s.

One should be very careful about making statement about Islam. We must respect our Ullama Ikrams, without them we will all go stray. (If we do what ATA Turk did to Turkey then people in Pakistan will be Worshiping Idols (jobs, Businesses, culture, creed, Language, ethnicity), graves, singing songs and dancing, getting drunk).
I guess I am wrong, it's already happening in Pakistan

We need Ullama Ikrams to teach us real Islam and motivate us to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah (S.a.w).

Fatwa by 64 Islamic scholars (Ulama) in Pakistan against suicide bombing and terrorism - Aamir Liaquat Hussain
col6a.gif (image)
We will not agree, but that's fine. I can tolerate two people having different opinions without condemning one or the other...

Do you even know anything about Hazrat Dawood Poetry (Songs) and what they were about? His songs were about Glorify Allah (Swt) and some of them are in Bible (book of psalms). If you care so much you should read them. (They are not about songs of today)

We respect Hazrat Dawood, Musa, Esa (A.S) but we don't follow their Shariat. When Hazrat Esa will come back to the earth he will not bring his own Shariat, he will follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah (S.A.W).

So you are saying that music was allowed to Dawood but was made haram in the Quran? Proof? No hadith please because it is well known that errant caliphs conveniently 'produced' these whenever they wished. You might believe that an ordinary person seeing the Prophet in his dream confirming a hadith is good enough, but I don't. If music is such a huge evil, please point out in the Quran where it explicitly says so.

Don't make statement that will take you out of fold of Islam. We all know that there was no Islamic extermism/Terrorism before 1st Afghan war. These extermist idology was brought by West to defeat Soviet Union and promoted by Genral Zia in 80s.

You worry about you and let me worry about me. This $#$# about 'don't say this or that or you will be out of the fold of Islam' is an old mindgame that has lost its oomph. God has given us minds so that we may question things - the state of affairs - the 'contribution' of mullahs and their ilk is not beyond reproach. What we need is an educated mind and good intent to understand the Truth. Not a daarhi wala 'aalim'.

One should be very careful about making statement about Islam. We must respect our Ullama Ikrams, without them we will all go stray. (We we do what ATA Turk did to Turkey, the people in Pakistan will be Worshiping Idols (jobs, Businesses, culture, creed, Language, ethnicity), graves, Singing songs, getting drunk). I guess I am wrong, it's already happening in Pakistan

Do you mean people in Turkey 'worship' jobs or culture? This is ludicrous - mere wordplay that is so darn subjective you can use constructs like these to justify or condemn anything.

An educated Turk who is working hard at his job, listening to music on his way to work and wearing a suit and tie is doing FAR more good to mankind (i.e. God's creation), his country and his family than a jaahil so-called 'talib' who wears his shalwaar above his ankles and knows nothing about anything, and can only repeat verses of the Quran with no understanding. When the Prophet said, to obtain knowledge go to China if you have to, he was not talking about religious knowledge. There was no religious (Islamic) knowledge in China at the time. He was talking about worldly knowledge. That is how strongly the Prophet wanted his Umma to pursue worldly knowledge... travel to China and live amongst non-muslims if you have to, but do not forsake wordly knowledge. We did just the opposite and produced a generation of bearded idiots who add zero value to society, do not have any productive or useful skills, question commonly accepted and well-proven science and indoctrinate the children of the poor. God's ire on such people!

We need Ullama Ikrams to teach us real Islam and motivate us to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah (S.a.w).

Speak for yourself, please. You don't speak for me and for millions of other Pakistanis who disagree with this 'Ullama Karam' drama. They can be Ulama in their own homes. Good for them. The annual helicopter ride to confirm the appearance of the Ramzan moon is all they are good for... oh... I forgot. They're not even good for that!!!!

Fatwa by 64 Islamic scholars (Ulama) in Pakistan against suicide bombing and terrorism - Aamir Liaquat Hussain
col6a.gif (image)

SO? It's damn obvious to even a half-wit that suicide bombing is unlawful - in the face of God's law and man's No aalim is doing humanity a favour by passing a fatwa about it. The question I have to ask is why the hell it took them so long to do so.
lol....you bring up Turkey?

look where they are today. And they dont even have oil or anything. They are endowed with resources, they had a good leader, they got their acts together and moved on. Now look at them today. They are no less "Islamic" than we are!! I would know (I've lived in Turkey).

It just so happens that Turkey is a true beacon of light in Muslim world, progressive nation and economically militarily resilient; and they are brother country of Pakistan.

religion is a private matter....I have said it time and time again. Live and let live, most important is having good faith and also working hard and giving back to country and to society
i dont like this salman guy, i liked junoon, but after the breakup, this guy seems to be sent as an american embassador in pakistan who is trying to preach pakistanis, the american set of beliefs.
Wonderful thoughts buddy...I havent heard Salman's songs but looks like he is a great guy..Can you name some of his songs so that i can search them on Youtube

you probably heard them, search junoon on youtube.
We will not agree, but that's fine. I can tolerate two people having different opinions without condemning one or the other...

So you are saying that music was allowed to Dawood but was made haram in the Quran? Proof? No hadith please because it is well known that errant caliphs conveniently 'produced' these whenever they wished. You might believe that an ordinary person seeing the Prophet in his dream confirming a hadith is good enough, but I don't. If music is such a huge evil, please point out in the Quran where it explicitly says so.

I am posting the link, please read it, Click Here!

You worry about you and let me worry about me. This $#$# about 'don't say this or that or you will be out of the fold of Islam' is an old mindgame that has lost its oomph. God has given us minds so that we may question things - the state of affairs - the 'contribution' of mullahs and their ilk is not beyond reproach. What we need is an educated mind and good intent to understand the Truth. Not a daarhi wala 'aalim'.

Rasulullah (S.a.w) already told us about this.

Do you mean people in Turkey 'worship' jobs or culture? This is ludicrous - mere wordplay that is so darn subjective you can use constructs like these to justify or condemn anything.

I have never said Islam against Education. Education is the key but we don't have to lose our Islam. A person can be good Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, IT professional and be a good Muslim.
Indian Muslims living in USA/Canad are better Muslims then Pakistan Muslims. Pakistan only want to attach themselves to culture. India Muslim are more educated. Compare to Pakistan, Indian Muslims have more PHD degrees, there are more Indian Muslim Engineers, Doctors, Lawyers, Social workers, IT professionals. There more Educated Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia compare to Pakistan. Education doesn't mean that you have to compromise on your religious values.

An educated Turk who is working hard at his job, listening to music on his way to work and wearing a suit and tie is doing FAR more good to mankind (i.e. God's creation), his country and his family than a jaahil so-called 'talib' who wears his shalwaar above his ankles and knows nothing about anything, and can only repeat verses of the Quran with no understanding. When the Prophet said, to obtain knowledge go to China if you have to, he was not talking about religious knowledge. There was no religious (Islamic) knowledge in China at the time. He was talking about worldly knowledge. That is how strongly the Prophet wanted his Umma to pursue worldly knowledge... travel to China and live amongst non-muslims if you have to, but do not forsake wordly knowledge. We did just the opposite and produced a generation of bearded idiots who add zero value to society, do not have any productive or useful skills, question commonly accepted and well-proven science and indoctrinate the children of the poor. God's ire on such people!

I know a Indian Muslim who is working for Verizon as a project manager. He is very intelligent guy, working toward his PHD degree.. He has sunnah beard and he wears Shalwar Kamiz to work. And yes his shalwar is above ankle. What is wrong with wearing Shalwar above ankle? There are many Indian Muslim living North America who dress in Sunnah at work, some are Professors, Programmers, DBAs, etc.

Yes, Rasulullah wanted people to education but we shouldn't lose our Deen because of education.

Speak for yourself, please. You don't speak for me and for millions of other Pakistanis who disagree with this 'Ullama Karam' drama. They can be Ulama in their own homes. Good for them. The annual helicopter ride to confirm the appearance of the Ramzan moon is all they are good for... oh... I forgot. They're not even good for that!!!!

I have read it somewhere (Buthari), there is a hadith of Rasulullah (s.a.w), he said time will come when people will begin to curse the Ullama and it will close to qayamat. Some people think that we don't need Islamic Scholars. Who is going to teach our kids about Islam? none of us will be alive forever...death can come anytime.
Don't depend on Mufti Google, it will make you go stray.

It is Ironic that Pakistan was created as separate country for Muslims, yet one can't find Islam anywhere in Pakistan. Tell me where is Islam? Street? Bazars? Weddings? in Masjid? Where? less then 5% people practicing Islam and rest are just Muslim by Name.

SO? It's damn obvious to even a half-wit that suicide bombing is unlawful - in the face of God's law and man's No aalim is doing humanity a favour by passing a fatwa about it. The question I have to ask is why the hell it took them so long to do so.

You obviously know more about Islam me. In fact, you sound like you have been studying Islam since your childhood.

As you already know, Islam is against terrorism and killing innocent people. Islamic scholars from all of over the world have made statement against Terrorism and Islamic Extremism.

I am more worried that No Islamic Scholars in Pakistan have issue fatwa against corrupted Politicians (Who stole billions of dollars) like Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and others?????Why the hell is it taking so long.... ???
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With respect to the link you provided, the Quran does not ban music. The fact that some questionable individuals with questionable intent interpret a word to imply music is not the same as the Quran banning music.

You obviously know more about Islam me. In fact, you sound like you have been studying Islam since your childhood.

Actually, I have, so thanks for the compliment.

I am more worried that No Islamic Scholars in Pakistan have issue fatwa against corrupted Politicians (Who stole billions of dollars) like Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and others?????Why the hell is it taking so long.... ???[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

Probably because since the days of Muaviya, so called mullahs have been bought and sold by those in power to suit their own interests. In his very interesting academic biography on the life of Rumi (I think the very best one ever written!), Dr. Afzal Ahmad explains how pre-Safavid Iran had a profusion of bickering 'ulema' of various sects arguing about the way to wash yourself after going to the toilet while the country was being over-run and decimated by the Mongol invaders. Estimates suggest that of Iran's 2.5M people, perhaps only 250,000 were left after the Mongol slaughter and subsequent famine. But the mullahs were more interested in toilet issues.

So the phenomenon of Mullahs ignoring the issues in society, turning a blind eye, getting paid to pass any fatwa that suits the ruler etc. is nothing new.

As for your invocation of yet another hadith that suggests qayamat is nigh because I am pointing my finger squarely at the mullah, have you ever heard the expression, 'Mullah ki daur masjid tak'. This expression is hundreds of years old and so is the irreverence towards this mostly devious set of people who use religion to earn money for themselves while not engaging in any productive activity for the benefit of society or themselves.

The Quran repeats umpteen times - 'We have made this book easy, so is there someone who will read it and understand?' - God does not say that he made the book so complicated that we have to run to the local mullah to get an understanding. We need to be literate. We need to read the Book. We need to follow the basics in the book. Then the next level of meaning will be revealed. The professional mullah figures no where in this calculus. He is an invention and perversion of Islam.
40 Ahaadith on Music Brilliance of Islam

The Quran repeats umpteen times - 'We have made this book easy, so is there someone who will read it and understand?' - God does not say that he made the book so complicated that we have to run to the local mullah to get an understanding. We need to be literate. We need to read the Book. We need to follow the basics in the book. Then the next level of meaning will be revealed. The professional mullah figures no where in this calculus. He is an invention and perversion of Islam.

ok gr8, you have eased my problem, can you tell me how i can pray "From the Quran"

I am not sure you really read the Quran, if you would then for sure you would have read ayyah "Surah Luqman, Chapter #31 Verse #6"
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40 Ahaadith on Music Brilliance of Islam

ok gr8, you have eased my problem, can you tell me how i can pray "From the Quran"

Different sects in Islam pray differently. Are you saying that only one technique will allow people to get into heaven? If so, I completely disagree with you. I think it is the niyat that matters.

If a muslim were following the Quran and, full of good niyat, prayed to God in a slightly different way to what is common in the mainstream, he would not be condemned to Hell. Praying to God is what is important, how many seconds you engage in qayyam is a detail.

The fact that the method of prayer is NOT described in the Quran should tell you something. But only if you are a thinking man.

I am not sure you really read the Quran, if you would then for sure you would have read ayyah "Surah Luqman, Chapter #31 Verse #6"

I have read the Quran. But have you understood it?

I can't keep repeating myself. You clearly didn't visit the link provided above. It is pointing to the same ayat. This ayat does not use the word music. The word is loosely translated as idle or misleading talk. Modern day revisionists have associated this word with music.

Instead of trying to force fit prejudiced meaning to words of the Quran, why don't we look toward the gift God gave to Dawood - the gift of flute playing and of music? It is quite clear that the Prophet of God would not indulge in a forbidden activity.

Some have said, "But that was before the time of Muhammad and the sunnah of Dawood does not apply to us" - but yet, there is no ayat in the Quran that uses the specific word music and then bans it. And also note that while subsequent direction for the Ummahs of successive Prophets may have evolved, the earlier Prophets themselves never did anything that would be an outright 'bad' or completely 'haram' activity. The guidance given to them personally was more complete than the message passed along to their Ummah. In fact, this is why we say that our Prophet never - even before he received Gabriel in Hira - prayed to Idols. He was an Arab monotheist like the rest of his family (father, grandfather). These people were called 'Hanifs'.
40 Ahaadith on Music Brilliance of Islam

ok gr8, you have eased my problem, can you tell me how i can pray "From the Quran"

I am not sure you really read the Quran, if you would then for sure you would have read ayyah "Surah Luqman, Chapter #31 Verse #6"

When the Quran was reveling Allah's prophet used to wait for Hazrat Jibrail to explain the verses of Quran.
How can one read and understand without the help of Islamic Scholars. Even if a person knows Arabic he/she needs someone to explain the ayats of Quran. I can see where is conversation is going. There are some Liberalism who hate practice of Islam. There could also be some Ismailis who don't follow Quran and Sunnah and they will argue aganist Quran and Sunnah, even against praying 5 time salat.

The sect in Islam is created by Muslims not Allah (SWT). As our beloved prophet (saw) mentioned in the hadith that Islam will be split into 73 sects and only sect will go in Jannah will be the one with correct Aqeeda (Tauheed e Risalat), all power belong to Allah and Imam or any othere spiritual person whether alive or dead has no power to benefit or harm anyone. All the grave worshipers should repent to Allah (swt). Ismailis (Agakhanis) are not Muslim, they have rejected Allah and Rasulullah (saw). Agakhanis have music, dandia and Music is part of their religion. And there is no need to argue with them about Islam.
Read about Ismailism/Agakhanism

Allah reveled 4 holy books and sent thousands of prophet, some brought their own shariat and some preached the Shariat of previous Prophet. One Hazrat Esa (a.s) came he brought his own Shariat. He didn't follow the Shariat of Musa (a.s). Similary, Prophet Muhammad brought his own Shariat and it would be a sin to practice anything other then what Prophet Muhammad brought. If someone reject the Quran & Sunnah then surly he/she has rejected the trust and went out of the fold of Islam.
Allah reveled 4 holy books and sent thousands of prophet, some brought their own shariat and some preached the Shariat of previous Prophet. One Hazrat Esa (a.s) came he brought his own Shariat. He didn't follow the Shariat of Musa (a.s). Similary, Prophet Muhammad brought his own Shariat and it would be a sin to practice anything other then what Prophet Muhammad brought. If someone reject the Quran & Sunnah then surly he/she has rejected the trust and went out of the fold of Islam.

Very interesting. So you decide what "rejection" means, i.e. a different interpretation or different opinion about something. And then labeling that difference of opinion, a "rejection of sunnah", you pass the fatwa of evicting someone from the fold of Islam.

Thank you for your fatwa, mullah/qari/maulvi sb. As with all other such fatwas, in one ear and out the other. Good day to you. Lakum dinakum waliddin.
i dont like this salman guy, i liked junoon, but after the breakup, this guy seems to be sent as an american embassador in pakistan who is trying to preach pakistanis, the american set of beliefs.

its quite the opposite actually....he's staying in New York, and he is showing the Americans a side of Pakistan that some people don't know about.....He's teaching the americans, not the Pakistanis
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