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Salafists clash with security forces in S Lebanon, 3 soldiers killed

Our mullahs are making your leaders go beg to the US.

Nothing to do with losing temper. Just stating the obvious.

Dude, your Mullahs have always been intimidated by us, let alone the US. Your mullahs are only good for one thing and one thing for sure, making empty threats have always and will always be the only thing they're good for.

Yeah repeat the same phrase again and again, like a 3-year-old Brazilian parrot. It's quite understandable though, when people become uptight they say irrational things. The US, by definition, is an ally to KSA. Unlike some other barbaric countries that stormed an embassy of an independent state, setting it on fire and then run away. The Iranian regime had represented a great example of savagery, that's why the INTL community is still punishing you for it.


Loud mouth :lol: and always stick to use the word " Fire "

So now you're using a brand-new tactics? I hate to burst your bubble, but, Firstly, your own leaders dismissed the whole allegations. Secondly, the legitimacy of the Wikileaks cables are questionable. Thirdly, Neither the US or Iran or anyone else commented on the cables which brings us back to second point. Supposedly, if these cables turned out to be true, then maybe some countries are concerned about the Iranian ambition, which is quite authentic. The US itself had a similar issue with the Soviet.

For now, you guys can barely afford to eat, let alone affording to go to war or whatever. And never saw a thing coming out of your mullahs' mouths except big talk
So now you're using a brand-new tactics? I hate to burst your bubble, but, Firstly, your own leaders dismissed the whole allegations. Secondly, the legitimacy of the Wikileaks cables are questionable. Thirdly, Neither the US or Iran or anyone else commented on the cables which brings us back to second point. Supposedly, if these cables turned out to be true, then maybe some countries are concerned about the Iranian ambition, which is quite authentic. The US itself had a similar issue with the Soviet.

For now, you guys can barely afford to eat, let alone affording to go to war or whatever. And never saw a thing coming out of your mullahs' mouths except big talk

Besides Wikileaks, there has been tons of sources (articles, official statements, etc) which shows Arab fear of Iran. Heck, even the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood last stated that 'let those Emiratis fall in the hands of the Persians'.

For now, I am not waiting for the opinion of a lizard-eating desert-wanderer who have never set one step in Iran, but want to tell me about the living conditions of Iranians, while 90% of Arabs in the region are living like sh!t.
Besides Wikileaks, there has been tons of sources (articles, official statements, etc) which shows Arab fear of Iran. Heck, even the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood last stated that 'let those Emiratis fall in the hands of the Persians'.

For now, I am not waiting for the opinion of a lizard-eating desert-wanderer who have never set one step in Iran, but want to tell me about the living conditions of Iranians, while 90% of Arabs in the region are living like sh!t.

Thats a blatant lie. It was the Druze of Lebanon who said that. The MB is on Qatar's payroll :D. Remember, a man with no fear is a dead man (; ..
salafis are hating Jews , like christians and shias.
salafis are a tool by the hand of KSA . we should wake up in our country to see who is acting to destroy our countries .

who is insulting our religion in this forum?
who wants our death?
who believes we "safavids" should be considered like animals, we are liars and fake muslims?

our country strength will not only come from seeing the real big picture ('as you say)
but as well to see our real potential friends , because our culture is not far from them

That's a very serious accusation. Any proof that KSA is supporting the Salafists in Lebanon? Or is it a new symptom of dementia?

I'm sorry? What " Our countries " are you talking about? As far as my knowledge is concerned there is only 1 Iran.

Your country's strength lies in your bare hands, if you want people to leave you alone then mind your own business or people will make a horrible example of the Iranian regime, our issue isn't with the Iranian people, but with the regime and those who clap for what it does.
no your country ksa is no.1 muslim world enemy the khawarij/wahabbism...........
all source of terorism in muslim world...come from saudi & zionist israel
evil horn from najd.......Dog From Hell....they come from saudi................

Zionist & Wahabbism/Khawarij..............may God send them all into jahannam hellfire

Al-Albani Unveiled
Some Observations about the Salafi/Wahhabi sect

Many of us who are practising Muslims or otherwise, are familiar with the epithet 'Wahhabi'. The founder of this sect was Muhammad ibn Abdal Wahhab (d. 1206 AH), from the Najd area of 'Saudi' Arabia. He is also known as Shaykh an-Najdi by his opponents and his followers have been labelled as either 'Najdi's' or 'Wahhabi's' by the Ahl al-Sunnah. He claimed to be a Hanbali in Fiqh. It is well known that he fully digested the aqeedah and ideas of Ibn Taymiyya. The scholars of his time warned the Muslims to be on their guard from accepting his 'reformatory' ideas; and this work is still existent among the scholars of the Ahl al-Sunnah even today. The neo- 'Salafi's' of today respect Ibn Abdal Wahhab quite highly by bestowing upon him such great titles like 'Shaykh al-Islam'. I do not want to say much about his movement and activities, but a few quotes from three well known scholars should suffice for now.

(1) The foremost Hanafi scholar of his time, Imam Muhammad Amin ibn Abidin (d. 1252/1836 Rahimahullah) said in his celebrated work Hashiyya radd al-Mukhtar (vol. 3, pg. 309): "In our time Ibn Abdal Wahhab (Najdi) appeared, and attacked the two noble sanctuaries (Makkah and Madinah). He claimed to be a Hanbali, but his thinking was such that only he alone was a Muslim, and everyone else was a polytheist! Under this guise, he said that killing the Ahl as-Sunnah was permissible, until Allah destroyed them (Wahhabi's) in the year 1233 AH by way of the Muslim army."

(2) Shaykh Zayni Dahlan (Rahimahullah) said in his book Futuhat al-Islamiyya (vol. 2, pg. 268): "The sign of the Khawarij (the first deviant sect that appeared in the time of the Companions) concerning the shaving of the head, was not found in the Khawarij of the past, but only in the Najdi's of our time!"

(3) Shaykh al-Islam Hussain Ahmad al-Madani (Rahimahullah) said in his book ash-Shihab as-saqib (pg. 42): "Ibn Abdal Wahhab arose in the beginning of the thirteenth Islamic century in the Najd. His thinking was false, and his beliefs were corruptional; on these grounds he opened the way for killing the Ahl as-Sunnah."

(4) A more contemporary view on the Wahhabite sect has been expressed by Abdal-Hakim Murad in the journal Islamica (pg. 9): "Ibn Abdal Wahhab, however, went far beyond this (i.e; of Ibn Taymiyya). Raised in the wastelands of Najd in Central Arabia, he had little access to mainstream Muslim scholarship (I say: This may be disputed by his supporters). In fact, when his da'wah appeared and became notorious, the scholars and muftis of the day applied to it the famous hadith of Najd: Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him) reported the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as saying: "Oh God, bless us in our Syria; O God, bless us in our Yemen." Those present said: "And in our Najd, O Messenger of God!" But he said, "O God, bless us in our Syria; O God, bless us in our Yemen." Those present said, "And in our Najd, O Messenger of God!" Ibn Umar said that he thought that he said on the third occasion: "Earthquakes and dissensions (fitnah) are there, and there shall arise the horn of the devil." (Sahih al-Bukhari). And it is significant that almost uniquely among the lands of Islam, Najd has never produced scholars of any repute.

The Najd-based da'wah of the Wahhabi's, however, began to be heard more loudly following the explosion of Saudi oil wealth. Many, even most, Islamic publishing houses in Cairo and Beirut are now subsidised by Wahhabi organisations, which prevent them from publishing traditional works on Sufism, and remove passages in other works considered unnacceptable to Wahhabist doctrine.

The neo-Kharijite nature of Wahhabism makes it intolerant of all other forms of Islamic expression. However, because it has no coherent fiqh of its own - it rejects the orthodox madhhabs - and has only the most basic and primitively anthropomorphic 'aqidah, it has a fluid, amoebalike tendency to produce divisions and subdivisions among those who profess it. No longer are the Islamic groups essentially united by a consistent madhhab and the Ash'ari 'aqidah (see later). Instead, they are all trying to derive the Shari'ah and the 'aqidah from the Qur'an and the Sunnah by themselves. The result is the appaling state of division and conflict which disfigures the modern salafi condition."

Another person who is a reference for today's neo-"Salafi's", is Muhammad ibn Ali al-Shawkani (d. 1250/1834). He was a leading scholar of the Zaydi (Shi'ah) sect found mainly in the Yemen. He claimed to have departed from his old Shi'ite ways and joined the Ahl al-Sunnah. He was attacked by the scholars of his day for saying Taqleed was completely haram, as well as other important issues. Some scholars had accused him of still holding on to his deviant Zaydiyyah-Mu'tazilite (rationalistic thinking that was propounded by one of the first deviant sects of Islam) thinking, while pretending to be within the fold of orthodox Sunni Islam; but Allah knows best! It is a well known fact that he denied the consensus of the Companions (Ijma as-Sahaba), as well as rejecting the validity of the Fatwa of a Companion! One may refer to Anwar Ahmad Qadri's book Islamic Jurisprudence in the Modern World (pg. 142) for a lenghthier discussion.

Many scholars have noticed the extreme tendencies within the "Salafiyya" sect around the world, for its lack of respect for the scholars of the four Madhhabs, its Aqeedah and some untenable juristic positions it has produced over a short period of Islam's history. The scholars have not been afraid of declaring the neo- "Salafi's" to be neo-Kharijites in their behaviour and attitude to other Muslims. Note, the scholars are not saying that the neo-"Salafi's" are Kharijites, but rather they seem to have certain traits which were only found amongst the Kharijites of the past. One of the most striking things I have noticed amongst these 'neo-Kharijites', is their direction of Qur'anic verses that were revealed specifically for the unbelievers, as referring to the believers who do not seem to have their way of thinking! This was a well known practise of the Kharijites of old; as we shall see below.

A well known scholar of the "Salafiyya", Dr. Yusuf al-Qardawi (who has himself been attacked by other members of the "Salafiyya", especially for holding some untenable positions in his book al-Halal wal Haram fil Islam) said in his book Islamic awakening between Rejection and Extremism (pg. 41-3): "Imam al-Shatibi (Rahimahullah) wrote (in his book al-I'tisam, 2. 182-4): 'Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) was right. When a person knows the reason behind a certain verse or surah, he knows how to interpret it and what its objectives are. However, ignorance of that leads people to misinterpret it and to have different opinions, without an insight and knowledge which could lead them to the truth, and prevent them from indulging ignorantly in such matters with no support or evidence from al Shari'ah, and therefore go astray and lead people astray. This can be demonstrated by what is reported by Ibn Wahab from Bakir who asked Nafi': What does Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him) think of al-Haruriyyah (i.e; al-Khawarij who were also called al-Haruriyyah after the place -Harawra- where they gathered and were found by Ali ibn Abu Talib and the Companions of the Prophet [may Allah be pleased with them all] who supported him)? Nafi' answered: He thinks they are the most evil of people. They applied the verses which pertain to the kuffar on the believers.' (NB- Imam al-Bukhari has recorded Ibn Umar as saying in his Sahih [vol.9, pg.50; English edn]: These people (the Khawarij and heretics ) took some verses that had been revealed concerning the disbelievers and interpreted them as describing the believers ).

Al-Qardawi also said (pg. 42): One of the causes of such shallowness is that extremists never listen to people who hold different views (and I can personally testify to that), never accept any dialogue with them or imagine that their own views could be tested in the light of others, and may thereby be either accepted or rejected. Most of them have not been taught by reliable Muslim ulama who are specialised in the field. Rather, they have received semi-knowledge directly from books and newspapers without any opportunity for revision or discussion which could test the learner's understanding and analyze the depth of his knowledge. They simply read, 'understand', then deduce what they wish. However, their reading, understanding, and deduction may well be wrong or deficient. There might be someone somewhere who opposes their opinions on stronger and more valid bases, but they are not aware of that because nobody has drawn their attention to such a possibility. These devout young people have ignored the facts that if they want to study al Shari'ah, they must seek the help of reliable Muslim scholars. They cannot venture into this extensive and entangled discipline without the guidance of reliable Muslim scholars who can interpret and explain obscurities, define terms, and point out the relationships between the parts and the whole and also equate similarities. Those who venture into it alone will meet with the same catastrophic results which could certainly befall the unskilled swimmer who ventures into dangerous waters. Proper knowledge of al Shari'ah cannot be perfected without practice and close contact with the experts, especially in those areas where opinions diverge, evidences seem to contradict each other, and certain matters seem to be under suspicion. This is why our venerable 'ulama' have warned us not to seek to study and understand al Qur'an al Karim through a person who has only memorized it without any knowledge of its contents, nor to seek knowledge through a person who has acquired his own "knowledge" from reading newspapers and journals only, without being properly instructed by reputable and qualified scholars."

This topic began with a brief discussion on Taqleed and I would like to finish with the following two questions for you to ponder over. (A) Would it not be classified as being Taqleed if one were to accept the classifications of Hadiths, exegesis of the Qur'an etc; by a renowned Islamic scholar, if one was not to go back to the original sources which are used to authenticate the Hadith and so on? (For example, if a scholar claimed that a Hadith found in the Sunan of Imam Abu Dawood was Sahih and you accepted it as being Sahih - since you trust him, then are you not practising Taqleed; if you, yourself do not go back to the original sources used to classify the Hadith in question, since sometimes a Hadith classified to be Sahih by one scholar can be classified as being Da'eef by another!). (B) Is it not true that those who are calling for the abandonment of Taqleed, are calling for the Taqleed of their own books and speeches; hence creating their own little 'Madhhabs'?

Al-Albani Unveiled: The Salafi/Wahhabi sect

They just keep shooting themselves on the foot day in and day out.

They're like Ahmadinejad vis-a-vis the Israelis and how Nejad was a great tool for the Israelis. These wahabis are a great tool for Hezbollah and Iranian leaders. Basically the job becomes much easier when these lizard eaters are going around shooting people, blowing up and beheading people.

Keep it up. It's not like anybody but arabs die anyway. You guys are the ones killing each other so it's all fine with the rest of the world.
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