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Saeed again publicly spews anti-India, US venom

1. Are u for real????????????

What hate ur talking about???????

2. As per Govt. of India and USA saeed is a mass murderer and terrorist when pakistan don't take any action against him and gives him freedom to spit venom and hate then Govt. of India should take serious note of it.

And stop all the peace crap.

3. If saeed is innocent then why govt. of India blames him and if guilty then why not act?????

Like I said.. blinded by hate.. you can only see in one spectrum..
only see dead Pakistanis as your final goal.
A chap associated with Al-Queda as per UN, evidence provided by Indian Govt, what more does GOP need to investigate this guy?

Is there definition for Global terrorist?

In others words its a conjecture at this point, but i wasn't the one who made the statement in the first place

Like i said , they do a bit, just as much there is chance a Pakistani will get mistaken for an Indian and be called a slumdog, sameway an Indian can get mistaken and called terrorist.


I could ask the same question to your Govt, since your Govt was with India in it.

Just remember dude, Freedom fighters, Jihadis can't be terrorist ;)
A chap associated with Al-Queda as per UN, evidence provided by Indian Govt, what more does GOP need to investigate this guy?

Is there definition for Global terrorist?

In others words its a conjecture at this point, but i wasn't the one who made the statement in the first place

Like i said , they do a bit, just as much there is chance a Pakistani will get mistaken for an Indian and be called a slumdog, sameway an Indian can get mistaken and called terrorist.


I could ask the same question to your Govt, since your Govt was with India in it.

1. If I am a mail delivery man and I delivered a letter to OBL then that also makes me an associated with him. How about a cook who cooked food, that's an associate as well. Point being, provide evidence that this man is a mastermind or a supplier or something. simply saying that he is associated means nothing.

2. There is a definition of Global and here is a hint, it means the WHOLE world :)

3. No it is not conjecture. We can simply look at this man's statements and motives. IF he was a terrorist he would only be active in South Asia because he only focuses his attention on India. Don't make too much sense to me if he was anti Indian but carried out attacks in Japan.

5. Like I said before, it's touching that you guys care about our image but please, deal with your own problems first.

7. No you cannot ask that question. Pakistani government did everything in it's power to bring it to the front. Indian government kept it in the back channels.

7. I don't think it would have fructified anyways. Until the day Pakistan has a stable administration such serious decisions that can affect a lot of people cannot be taken. With Musharraf the reason it was back channel was Indian authorities weren't sure if the Musharraf regime had a future and it will stay until the agreement goes through.

7. I don't think it would have fructified anyways. Until the day Pakistan has a stable administration such serious decisions that can affect a lot of people cannot be taken. With Musharraf the reason it was back channel was Indian authorities weren't sure if the Musharraf regime had a future and it will stay until the agreement goes through.

sorry bro, but what you are doing is making excuses.

Fact is that Indian government is the obstacle of peace.
The Indian people should do more to pressure it's government to talk to Pakistan on all the major issues and not hide any talks in back rooms.
sorry bro, but what you are doing is making excuses.

Fact is that Indian government is the obstacle of peace.

But whole of the world does not keep the same thinking

The Indian people should do more to pressure it's government to talk to Pakistan on all the major issues and not hide any talks in back rooms.

We should we bother at all? Economy, jobs, living standard, strength, technology is going UP. Good relations with pak would have been a bonus, but its OK! Still pretty happy.
I have 2 questions for you.
first, did you ever finish school?
and second, if you did, was it special needs school?

The reason I ask is because even a child would know the answers to the points you brought up.
but hey, I'm bored so I might as well answer your child like questions.
No country has absolute freedom of speech. You can't yell fire in a train and then say "freedom of speech"
This is simple common sense. Also, no country allows freedom of speech that would cause hatred and violence inside that country. Germany has the holocaust laws, America and Canada have hate crime laws, etc.
Pakistan has Blasphemy laws so no one can insult each others religions.
This is pretty common sense stuff so I honestly think you went to one of those special needs school because you don't seem to understand it.

2. Global terrorist? First, provide evidence. And second, even if it was proven that he is some kind of mastermind then at best you can call him a regional terrorist.
He has no ambitions outside South Asia.
I know you guys like to think that the universe revolved around "shining" India, but please keep your egos in check. Otherwise it just gets embarrassing for you.

3. Pakistan's image is non of your concern. Please worry about your own image first. Movies like Slumdog don't really help India in that regards.

4. no Indian PM has ever been serious about peace.
Pakistan pushed really hard for it back when Musharaff was in power and Indian government just ignored him.
You guys talk about peace a lot, so please put up or shut up.

i see you deem it fit to sling personal insult more than you are ready to enagage in a meaning ful dialouge, does not matter who you are responding to..

Syama Ayas put things nicely but I would like to add just one thing, Musharraf has said in some interview, i dont remember which cause he likes to blabber a lot, that we were very close to a solution.. and this considering the mindless kargil sham.. we know who thinks more on the lines of peace..
Someday, when we (public at large) will learn to ignore such morons, hopefully the peace will prevail between our two countrues... They have their hate clowns in Saeeds & Zaid Hamids and we have our Mr. Bal and Raj Thakre... Xenophobia is the biggest trick to spread hate across the world, history has shown it and he is trying the same... the beauty is not to fall for it and rise above hate... The problem is that today we have too much hate and that is not good for two neighbours...
Someday, when we (public at large) will learn to ignore such morons, hopefully the peace will prevail between our two countrues... They have their hate clowns in Saeeds & Zaid Hamids and we have our Mr. Bal and Raj Thakre... Xenophobia is the biggest trick to spread hate across the world, history has shown it and he is trying the same... the beauty is not to fall for it and rise above hate... The problem is that today we have too much hate and that is not good for two neighbours...

Saeed is an international terrorist and responsible for terror attack in other countries where Raj and Bal restricted to Maharashtra only. We call them hooligans not terrorists. Although I hate Raj and Bal equally to Hafiz Saeed!
There is a saying in Sanskrit ; "Vinasha Kaale Vipareetha Buddhi" , which literally means "you thinking gets most twisted just before your downfall".
Saeed is an international terrorist and responsible for terror attack in other countries where Raj and Bal restricted to Maharashtra only. We call them hooligans not terrorists. Although I hate Raj and Bal equally to Hafiz Saeed!

Terrorist is one that terrorizes and then there are classes in them... The question to me is Hate and xenophobia (Saeed's form is too extreme though, in statements Messers Bal & Raj Thakrey are equally vitriolic)... You call the attack on students who had come for railways exams to maharashtra as hooliganism, I address that as xenophobic terrorism as well...

I agree with with you that Saeed is far more barbaric and atrocious person, but my comment was not directed at him or his style of extremism, but on giving undue importance to what a$$hole blutters. My point on the need to look beyond these statements from such morons...

If the law does not take its course (which I do doubt), I am sure that almighty will give justice to the families of the bereaved one day and we as humans (on both sides) should be ashmed for letting it happen... But, hate won't solve nothing!

There is a saying in Sanskrit ; "Vinasha Kaale Vipareetha Buddhi" , which literally means "you thinking gets most twisted just before your downfall".

And history has proven it to be the most true statement ever made, over and over again... Hitler's attack on Russia, Taliban attack on Twin Towers, Saddam's daring of putting bush's father's pic on his doorstep... His time shall also come...
You own Prime Minister accepted the Indian involvement in Balochistan in Egypt Conference.

And as far as evidence is concerned India has also not given any evidence of Hafiz Saeed involvement in Mumbai Attack. Even USA is saying that there are no evidences and we have set the prize money of 10 million for any one to come forward and prove which I am sure will never be happen because Hafiz Saeed was release by the full bench of Lahore high Court of Pakistan and the Pakistani people have complete faith in that decision.

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