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Sad that Indians are corrupt, says Dalai Lama

I was only replying to someone who feels so sorry for us but forgets about his sorry state..
Footprint of the beast... the reply was to those keen to drag Pakistan into an Indian argument.
anyone who is not scared of failing in order to succeed will succeed ..... Yes we have our share of corruption and mis government, but are we embarrassed about it/...Absolutely not!...on the contrary we just find a way to improve ourselves....."KAIZEN"....Look up the term.

All sounds honky dory, until one's own guest becomes an ardent critic......."Hobbesian" is another term that comes to mind.

Scientist-At-Work: Indians are Hobbesian.(culture of self interest)
Footprint of the beast... the reply was to those keen to drag Pakistan into an Indian argument.

All sounds honky dory, until one's own guest becomes an ardent critic......."Hobbesian" is another term that comes to mind.

Scientist-At-Work: Indians are Hobbesian.(culture of self interest)

Come on dude!...you posting from a Blog now. Like I said corruption is there every where..only the degrees vary....KAIZEN...Japanese for "improvement", or "change for the better" refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement.....I was refering to this...I dont know what you are getting at.
Maybe DL should look into Christianity, thesir churches are rigged with corruptions and scandals more than any government.
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