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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions



So no "misfit" engines. The color of the petals has changed. But more interestingly, if you look close enough, the engine 'slots' on the fuselage now have serrated edges. So did they work that into the fuselage only now? Could it be that this is a different bird than the one we saw before? Remember that the J-20 had two different prototypes supporting two different types of engines.
Why did Chinese want to develop stealth aircraft? If only to protect themselves, then attack aircraft is absolutely no need to research and development. Asian countries must be highly vigilant, Chinese ambitions in the ever-expanding, must be wary of military aggression. Even if Pakistan and Chinese are friends, but it should also dike Chinese more territorial claims. Chinese army is infiltrated Kashmir, they will be hanging around and not ready to leave. Chinese are a cancer in Asia, the long-term potential threat is your real enemy, absolutely do not believe that your enemy. But you can take full advantage of them in the short term, require more assistance, more money and weapons.

It is needed for safeguarding our own national interests, much like what America are doing, only milder. Having the ability to make stealth enables us to create things to counter stealth. Reserving our rights to perform the secret technique - 'palms of the hidden mists' will make aggressors think twice. There are several countries wantimg to obtain this technique if not, are practicing this peaceful art already.
Stick to the topic please. :coffee:

Of course, how dare we the evil Chinese to defy americain's monopoply in Stealth fighters business, J-20 and now J-31 for the best and the worst, It's an affront and insult to American's inteliigent community.

if China wants to sucess, it should be not afraid to adventure into the uncharted scientific domains. I give :tup: to Chinese teams on J-20 and J-31.
Of course, how dare we the evil Chinese to defy americain's monopoply in Stealth fighters business, J-20 and now J-31 for the best and the worst, It's an affront and insult to American's inteliigent community.

if China wants to sucess, it should be not afraid to adventure into the uncharted scientific domains. I give :tup: to Chinese teams on J-20 and J-31.

That discussion of China defying America should be discussed here if one should open a thread about it
China & Far East

So I would kindly say to all stick to topic the J-31 otherwise I will delete derailing comments.
Please tell me how many technologies that solar bear plans to share with you. India devote how much to the development of T-50 or the you will prefer PAK-FA. A country with advanced military power is never based on buying other countries' goods, like India does. If India develops its own 5th Gen air fighters one day in the future, I will respect you. Otherwise, please admit the rapid progress of China Air Force. Depending on other countries, only makes you become a cripple.

We do not stole and hack in technologies , pentagon and US congress cities many hacking into F-22 manufacturer computer and stole TB's of data . want a link ? and and made a plane with stole data , i think didn't got access of engine thats why plane look same form front only.

what about engines? Super power?
Of course, how dare we the evil Chinese to defy americain's monopoply in Stealth fighters business, J-20 and now J-31 for the best and the worst, It's an affront and insult to American's inteliigent community.

if China wants to sucess, it should be not afraid to adventure into the uncharted scientific domains. I give :tup: to Chinese teams on J-20 and J-31.

Not to mention numerous Chinese origin engineeres help USA to develop hi-tech like 5 gen fighters....USA is a mixed hot pot

We do not stole and hack in technologies , pentagon and US congress cities many hacking into F-22 manufacturer computer and stole TB's of data . want a link ? and and made a plane with stole data , i think didn't got access of engine thats why plane look same form front only.

what about engines? Super power?
We are making huge progress, India is void in this aspect. Kaveri, just forget it.
I have uploaded the video of maiden flight to youtube, but I do not have the authority (less than 15 posts....) to include the video in my post. Could anyone share the video to this thread?

[China J-21/J-31/F-60 5th Generation Stealth Fighter Maiden Flight on Oct 31]just search this on youtube
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